What eras of boards do you miss? I miss 2011 /a/, /jp/ and /sp/ personally

What eras of boards do you miss? I miss 2011 /a/, /jp/ and /sp/ personally

Attached: niwaka.png (651x1201, 398K)

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Surely some of us remember the good old days

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I'm disappointed how much 3d took over /jp/

>lol wtf is dis, guro dumps, Jow Forums classy enough that artfags drew for it but edgy enough that they could draw porn
>traps were fun and not a battleground, niggers didn't ruin my threads

Holy crap that meme has aids OP. I guess times really weren't better if that's the quantity of memes being churned out. I remember it not being nearly as fucking gay.

need to find alternative to Jow Forums, suggestions?

>Nigger reporting in to ruin your thread.
We've always been here cumskin, you were just less of a cuck back then and didn't let it bother you.
>never getting laid will do that to ya.

mid-to-late 2015 Jow Forums was comfy
>insecam threads
>underviewed.com threads

Also 2011-Gamergate /v/ was pretty good

I don't mean black people, I mean assholes who ruin threads. I was gonna say faggots but it sounded too ironic

Golden age /sp/ and Jow Forums. Both are purged into boring generals by ass blasted janitors. Once they were a bastions of magnificent banter and shit posting

Also 2014-15 r9k talked to a lot of people on comfy Skype threads.

Golden age /v/.

t. assblasted newfag

I miss the era of Jow Forums from just before this one. Before the Era of Trump. It's nonstop racebait and Jow Forums reaction threads on non -Jow Forums boards. There wasn't so much during the obama era. Hopefully it will change once Trump is out of office.

I miss 2015-2016 /b/ and r9k

Yes im a newfag. But those were the only places ever where i felt like i fit in

if /v/ used to be less political that sounds nice

/b/ was the same old trash then

Jow Forums had a hint more creativity in 2015, I liked it more. But looked what that got us

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Maybe im talking about 2014 /b/ then? I remember /b/ having an era where it was kind of a more mellow board in the sense that not much was going on but there was a steady and diverse amount of interesting threads being made about all kinds of different subjects. I particularly enjoyed the feels threads.

Definitely 2011-2012 on this board when Pepe became the biggest meme of all time. It was fun until normies and redditors ruined it

>That almost invisible red little squiggle

Explains a lot.

2010-2014 /a/ was kino.


Unironicallly Reddit

Been here since 2010, 2015-era /x/, Jow Forums and /mu/ was my favorite era.

What happened during those insane spikes in activity? Everyone suddenly left the board and then came back

Probably website outages

I think it maybe holidays since its around easter and christmas
>tfw you learn everyone here is actually just a normie with an active social life and does fun things on holidays with family and friends and they only come here for the epic memes
robots are a dying breed

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>2014 Jow Forums
>pre-Wicca/Gnostic/Christian/New Age/Satanic /x/

>>pre-Wicca/Gnostic/Christian/New Age/Satanic /x/

/x/ has too many kids coming straight from those "top 10 true creepy DEEPWEB stories" videos to look for "creepy videos" or other stuff like that

What does iit matter? I never understood why people get so asshurt at kids. I'd rather have kids here than shitty shill spammers and other cancer

Because they never contribute. They just shit up /x/ with request threads.

2011-2012 Jow Forums