Everyone thought Hiro was gonna kill nsfw boards

>everyone thought Hiro was gonna kill nsfw boards
>he actually just killed all the sfw boards
RIP 70% of the website, I refuse to use vanilla Jow Forums.

Attached: Shepard Wat.gif (450x252, 1.02M)

>use 4chanx
>literally can't tell the difference when switching between Jow Forums and 4channel without looking at the url
>my custom board list at the top stays the same on both websites and i still just click whatever board i want to use
What's even the big deal?


ultimate zoomer

>enter thread
>just comes in to throw reddit terminology around instead of adding to the conversation
Can you head back to redchanit? People are trying to complain about meaningless websites.

>says the boomer enjoying the perks of Jow Forums's new native extension
Browsing here fucking sucked before that was integrated and 4chanx was necessary. Even now it has some nice perks.

My 4chanx breaks when I go to the safe boards now. Did an update come out or something?

It doesn't break, dumb dumb. That'd be like saying it breaks when you go to Google. The script you've got is only made to work on Jow Forums.org. You gotta update that shit, because they added 4channel.org to the domains it works on.

Actually the newfag "zoomers" use mobile

They didn't update the chrome extension yet

i liked these posts on new 4chanx(tm) app for android and iphone! get yours today! and be sure to sign up for the new catalog extension browser with dynamic filters, only from 4chanx(tm)!

Are you sure? My script wasn't autoupdating and I had to do it manually. I dunno if you can do that with Chrome extensions, though.
There is no 4chanX for mobile. Mobilefags use apps like clover or whatever the fuck else they're using now.

Oh, they did add it. Not sure why I didn't check it. Thanks user.

>i liked these posts on new 4chanx(tm) app for android and iphone!
Jow Forums X is a userscript for desktop browsers
>be sure to sign up for the new catalog extension browser with dynamic filters
What "dynamic filters"? You mean being able to use Regular Expressions as filters? You don't need Jow Forums X for that.

Attached: shitpost king.png (706x674, 65K)

Shhh, let the retard be retarded.

fucking off yourself you actual nigger

BASED 4chanx zoomers

Do you have anything to back your claim up?

>Jow Forums pass doesn't work on 4channel.org
>have to enter captchas
>its a "select the crosswalks until there are none left" episode

Attached: daredevil dex and gosling scream.jpg (1140x641, 279K)

>not using the noscript captcha option on 4chanx


Attached: daredevil dex scream 2.png (1600x900, 1.12M)

serves you right. now you know how us at Jow Forums-main feel like

I don't need Jow Forums X to use Jow Forums pass at Jow Forums.org though

Read the fucking thread, nigger.

>all my shit gets wiped and now I have to redo all my settings

Attached: Unhappy Polnereff.png (518x659, 66K)

Same. Had some initial problems but got it sorted thanks to Jow Forums. Only minor problem is with OneeChan where if you change the settings while on a Jow Forums/4channel board you have to make the same changes on the other board.