Why aren't you hiring prostitutes, Jow Forums?

Why aren't you hiring prostitutes, Jow Forums?
>b-but muh love
There's always time for love, why not get your dick wet in the meantime
>b-but muh STDs
Its 2018 and you can get girls from reputable escort services who test them weekly

Seriously, there's no excuse

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something just feels weird about buying consent desu

It's illegal here in America and you get busted pretty easy if you don't know what you're doing

Yeah yeah "i thought u lived in a free country what happened?" I hear it all the time yuros don't remind me or else I'll bring up nogunz I swear to god


Because this is better.

I don't care about losing my virginity anymore, I just want a romantic partner.
See ya later virgins

>Its 2018 and you can get girls from reputable escort services who test them weekly

Takes 3 months for HIV to come back positive, 12 months for HEP C. Warts and herpes cant be tested via blood test quantifiably. All hookers carry HPV and at least one strain of the herpes virus, almost always HSV 1.

You really think they make a girl wait 12 months for a job?

Too shy to talk to people.

prostitution isnt illegal across the whole us tho is it? i thought it was more of a state by state thing

This is correct. It is on a state by state basis. Really the only place that allows it to any degree would be Nevada, and mainly the Las Vegas area. Other places will run honeypots to catch people to make more donut money.

Honestly if it were legal in the states I think we would see a lot less bitter incels.

Because I get no validation from it and I refuse to enable some whore who probably posts on a vlog about being a sexually empowered 'slut' and also studies law or engineering with impunity.

Whores need to be shot in the face.

There's nothing some two bit harlot can do to my penis that I can't do myself.

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Because there's a school near where all the prostitutes used to hang out and now I can't find any.

If I could just pay 20$ and have a 10 come to my house everyone would be down. the only option is paying 200$ and going to some sketch hotel to fuck a dirty smelly 3/10 so no its not worth it

used to see random girls on craigslist when they had that section up. once every 2 months. then met cute girl. would later find out she was still in high school. real chill though. would actually see her multiple times a week. after spending a lot on her told her I can't anymore. she would offer real cheap and once got bbbj for free. found her social media. shes mormon. pot head though.

So you gotta consider this. Robots have, for most of their lives, been ostracized and/or bullied for who they are. This means, they have received little to zero care, love, and acceptance from their peers. Once they reach highschool, most of their peers aren't doing that to them anymore, except maybe ostracism. But intimacy and romantic relationships still elude them because of their damaged socializing skills and what not from their childhood. Eventually they start to see sex as the ultimate gesture of acceptance of who THEY are, since in their minds sex is a romantic thing, and is had between people that accept each other, therefore a girl who wants to consensually have sex with them, clearly wants to accept them for who they are. Prostitution on the other hand is not seen as acceptance, rather it's just a business transaction, there is no meaning to it.

So for those people out there who urge robots to fuck hookers, you just don't get it, cause even if we do, loss of virginity alone will not satisfy us.

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>putting your dick into somebody who has taken at least 5 dicks that same day

i've hired 5 girls off shitty list websites, no idea if ive got an std or not, doesnt feel like it. had a weird boil once or some weird thing. hope not. afraid to get tested.

It's just a pathetic experience for everyone.
I am pathetic for not being able to get a gf, she is pathetic for having to prostitute herself, and society is pathetic for letting it happen.

There's one county in Nevada where it's legitimately legal. That's it.

I did for some time. I had 11 girls and two pro-dommes. However and are reasons why I stopped. It also gets old pretty fucking quickly tbqh, especially if you are just into vanilla banging and not some fetish stuff.

1. It's expensive.
2. I don't want herpes.

Going to the massage parlor later today in fact. Not full service but still going to get my dick sucked and play with a nice pair of titties.

I've been to a full service place before. I don't regret it and it was a lot of fun. If it was less expensive/legal here in the US I'd go a lot more.

You don't pay her to have sex, you pay her to leave

Several reasons.
>loveless sex is just glorified masturbation
>paying for it when unlike men of previous gen we have hd porn with top notch stacy, hell even just fapping to female pics is enough
>stds risk, risk of getting robbed or worse
>i heard of several beta men getting shamed and abused by the same whores after paying so they didn't have to put out the way they were supposed to, beta man literally just hands money and doesn't even get laid
>it's illegal to buy in some places
>contribute to female degeneracy, allowing them to fall back on their cunts instead of getting an actual job
>contribute to criminals who legitimately abuse unfortunate roasties
>because of loveless starfish sex, it will not make me feel any better, solve my problems or gain experience and confidence with girls.
Probably a couple more but i guess I've settled why I won't pay ever a whore with straight cash.

I wish anons would stop theorizing about stuff they know nothing about.

New tests for HIV will give you a positive 4 weeks after exposure, Hep-C after 2 weeks.
You can vaccinate against HPV (and should do it!).

Why is there constant support for this degenerate sex industry? Like many people state, there is no satisfaction in meaningless sex, and there are many dangers to even attempting it. Legality issues, stds, ruining yourself for a literal poor whore, and an overall waste of money. It's like you fuckers are pimps advertising for your shitty business.

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Nigger it's literally second oldest job in human society, right after whacking someone in exchange for goods. As long there is a society, there will be prostitutes also. And thank god for these damaged women - with them everything is straightforward and clear at least, you know where you both stand. There is plenty of satisfaction from meaningless sex, stop being such a fake-ass low-t primadonna, jesus. Not saying it is even on same level as sex with someone you love and she loves you back, but to say there is no satisfaction is factually wrong.

Also why the hell would you "ruin yourself". What does that even mean.

I've got my holiday all planned out and I'm going to be going balls deep in some Chinese and Korean whores for 2 weeks. It's going to be glorious.

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Because sex with whores is immoral, it's why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. There is only the satisfaction through sexual means, but nothing long term. No family, no children, and no relationship to be shared.
>calling me a nigger when he supports a nigger supported whore factory

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because the thought of losing my virginity by sticking it into a prostitute is less exciting than just fapping to femdom porn as usual so why even bother

Living the dream user. I'm going to be joining you sometime next year.

Why is sex with whores immoral? Most of the Roman emperors had sex with prostitutes on regular basis, not to mention poets, philosophers, artists, senators and conquerors. People who shaped up history and created things, rules, laws and philosophies we use even today. Jesus supposedly banged jewish prostitute.

>There is only the satisfaction through sexual means, but nothing long term. No family, no children, and no relationship to be shared.
Thanks captain, I wasn't aware of that.

>nigger supported whore factory
There are no niggers in my country, yet we still have prostitutes.

You forget that mixing and too much "relaxation" is one of the reasons monoliths like the Roman empire fell.
>but in MY country!
Not everyone lives where you do bed bug

Based dubs of truth. OP is a degeneracy enabler

>Seriously, there's no excuse
I grown up with some, I enjoy being around them and all that, even did sleep with two.
But I can't bring myself to pay for it, I heard how they feel about paying customers too often.
No dice, free or nothing.

These absolutely epic numbers against over glorified dick pullin

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I don't feel attracted to prostitutes.
I have never seen a good one, they are either too far or too skinny.
They think wearing leather is somehow cute but it's not, they think painting their face with lots of make up is cute, no it's not.
Maybe I'm just a virgin with a too high standard

>You forget that mixing and too much "relaxation" is one of the reasons monoliths like the Roman empire fell.
No. Zero social fallout for using services of prostitutes was present in Roman society before, during and after it's greatest heights. Later widespread true degeneracy was one of the symptoms, not a cause on it's own.

If you got a point, state it, if you want to argue mine, do it, don't just dismiss by ynonuffin.
Fucking faggot.

>implying the profit of degeneracy and sex acts didn't help further the machine to it's collapse

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>It was there before and during highest heights of the Roman glory
>it must have helped machine to collapse!!
Stop being dumb, user. Plenty of sound reasons why Rome fell, banging whores without any social stigma was not one of them. What about Mary Magdalene? Prostitute, yet from all his acolytes closest one to Jesus and his teaching - at least that is said in Gospel of Thomas, presumably the oldest and most authentic source about his life. Not to mention that supposedly yeah, they banged too. Was he immoral?