If your gf said she was going to a party with the girls, how would you respond?

If your gf said she was going to a party with the girls, how would you respond?

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Please let me come so I can suck your friends nipples in the boiler room haha, I mean love you have a good time

Which girls? My woman has one friend, a lovely girl she met in school many years ago who's also my friend. She also doesn't party because she's not a retarded teenager or an irresponsible young adult and neither do I. Instead, we do shrooms and fuck with nature sounds in the background.

I've been to more than one party and never had sex because of it. Most people who go don't end up having sex with somebody there, it's just a meme. It's especially different going to hang out with a handful of your coworkers vs going to some college house party.

I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to let her go to a party without you, but this guy's wording is signalling that he obviously doesn't want her to go but is trying to make out like he has control over the situation.
>This is hard for me
>I don't know why I allow this

Dump her. Dating a girl who "parties" is a fool's errand.

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nothing wrong with what he said considering women are absolutely unfaithful classless whores and she was probably tempted to get fucked by every chad and brad at that party

yeah but if he's really upset by it and she won't concede at all to make him satisfied, he should dump her

instead he's just like
>I don't know why I allowed you to do this, muffin. Please don't get spitroasted.

He's an idiot if he thinks she's not going to be gangbanged at the party

You're mentally deficient.

If she's a cheater, she's gonna do it whether you send her that message or not.
If she's not, she's gonna be annoyed at you being so autistic and distrusting and gonna stop respecting you for being such an insecure pussy.

You would know this if you weren't a teenager who most likely will fuck a guy before he touches his first boob.

Lol ok degenerate

>not having fun in your commited decade long relationship


That would be the same thing a couple that parties would say no? Also your life must really suck if you constantly have to escape it

>being so controlling you won't even let your gf drink at a party
Wew I mean it's understandable not wanting her to get totally shitfaced when you're not around, but not even letting her have a drink? How little do you have to trust someone to not even trust them to have one drink? If he's gonna be that controlling he might as well have not let her go to the party either.

Escape it or enhance it? That's like thinking I escape the reality of salads by having a muffin. And sure, as a couple, I'd get it. But when you grow older you stop liking clubbing and stuff like that because why pay for overpriced drinks in a crowded place when you can have your own private party? Trust me, you'll get there. I'm just a Boomer.

yeah, no shit bro, women take advantage of desperate doormat men that have affection for them
more news at 11

That has to be the most insecure text I've ever seen

Why dont you wanna party with me instead, am I not good enough for you? Do you wanna cheat on me? Fuck you. I'm breaking up with you. No I was just kidding please stay. Please I'm so lost without you, please come back. Please. Stop hurting me. You're abusing me. Please I'll do anything to win you back please. PLEASE SARAH PLEASE STAY I DONT WANNA SEE YOU LEAVE PLEASE NOOOO

I agree that private parties are better. Also that example sucks, someone who eats muffins is clearly in the same reality as someone who doesn't. Someone on shrooms is clearly disconnected from our reality.

A text like that won't stop a girl from cheating. No one trips while drunk and accidentally falls on a dick. I've been pretty tipsy, and never did anything I'd regret because I care about my boyfriend.
If she wants to cheat, she will. If she doesn't want to cheat, she'll think much less of you and probably dump you for being such a fucking stupid asshole.
Feeling like you aren't trusted by the man you're with is horrible.

For a bit, not unlike with alcohol, it's simply an altered state. Exploring is fun, although it shouldn't be a crutch. I mean it's a shroom here or there or simply red wine for us, it's not like we're meth heads, haha.

I wouldn't date a girl that attends "parties" and any gala event she may participate to won't be a "party" which is just a drug abusing orgy, and I would probably be with her.

Mine is the most loyal, sweetest latina on the planet so I wouldn't worry whatsoever lol (yes I realize all women are whores)

"Sure, you're single, do whatever you want"
"What? I'm not single, aren't we dating?"
"Not anymore, good bye"

>loyal, sweetest Latina
Hahahahah yup this is a cuck

Ask her what time we're leaving, if Aria needs a ride, and whether or not we're coordinating outfits again.

quite a reply. how would she react?

>hot stud muffin
>picture taken of her screen with another device
What did she mean by this

>male hands

Second line is her. If you mean what comes after, depend on the type of roastie she is, if she's actually in love she would freak out begging me to change my mind and saying she's coming over to talk, but in this situation she would most likely be the party thot, which would react by going ballistic and calling all kind of names like "pathetic loser sexist", write a feminist wall of text about how she's being opressed and whatever, then she would do anything in her power to make me miserable in the weeks to come, like calling rape, trying to fuck all my friends and enemies, and maybe even trying to get me killed if she's not white or white BPD.

Trust me, Chad here. Party thots are pump and dump.

it's a trap. i'd never do it, unless i'm invited.

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Those rules are alright, and relatively gender neutral.

Let them go and not think twice about it?

Romantic infatuation is fake and when you've felt it hard a couple times it goes away.

Dump her because going to parties without your bf is a massive redflag, even just going to parties in the first place is

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>saying all that
>not rolling your dice and going "lol, okay I'll be in the club with the bros"

i love this image so fucking much honestly

>This is really hard for me because I've always been a tremendously good person and have never gone to a party.

i fucking love this part so much it literally makes me laugh every single time i see it

everything is a test. you let her off the leash once and its over.

Why would a girl need to go to a party alone if she has a boyfriend anyways? If you're in a relationship you should do everything together

Unbelievably based and death squad pilled.

"okay bye"
when she leaves I'll invite a girl round from tinder and fuck her

Let her go.
If she cheats, she cheats and is not the girl for you.
Granted I'll never marry because degeneracy is everywhere, any good girl with slut friends will eventually turn like them.
That's why i never invest myself emotionally and financially until i get proof that the girl and her friends are degenerates.
No luck so far.
Remember a girls night out is a no boyfriends night, not a no boy only girls night.
Don't get too many feels you become like op text, the worry and jealousy will eat at you.

The guys wording suggests to me that he has reason to be worried. He's probably not even her bf just her cuck who is catching on.

I would wonder why a complete stranger texted me out of blue and send her "I'm sorry, ma'am, you've got the wrong number"
> r9k
> gf

In my experience, don't ever say no to these things, she will start doing it without telling you, she was very nice about it, let her go, trust her and let her call you after, and ask her about the evening, it's the smarter thing, and it will allow you to do the same sometimes.

What the fuck is up with that text? Do people actually do that? It comes across as really fucking creepy. I am a khv but it seems like if you have a good relationship with someone you would trust them to be adult enough to go to a fucking party.

Really depends on what they mean by party, could be a pretty tame get together which would be fine. Probably worth it to say "No" to see if she listens, if not then stop wasting your time

Believe me there is a lot of autistic and creepy shit chads get away with bc the proper frame was used. Literally catching up with a chad from high school told me that he kept dating a girl that was banging his friend on the side because she was close by and could not stand being lonely.

Dude that's a lot of unnecessary pressure to be putting on someone just for going outside to a social gathering for a few hours. Her not responding immediately to a text from you does not 100% equal being out drunk getting fucked by 5 dicks simultaneously lmao. Being super uncomfortably clingy/overprotective like this all the time will probably only put strain on to your relationship.

Kek that's all good user I like you ur ok

isn't this from that post where she purposefully cheated on him at the party

dump her. ez. the only alternatives would be
>have a cringey meltdown like that guy, basically daring her to cheat because look how pathetic I am, you can clearly do better
>act indifferent

the latter does NOT prevent you from being cucked. you're just refusing to address the problem and hoping it solves itself. women are perfectly happy to cheat on a "boyfriend" for years before moving on. the "serial monogamist" type of women don't break up unless they have a replacement already lined up. as long as they're just fucking on the side the "relationship" is still valid in their eyes.