original edition

Attached: bingo.png (594x729, 73K)

>just about none of those apply to me at all

" Visits Jow Forums"

white male
hates traps
doesnt do sports
inactive on social media
knows the feel
right wing
avoids talking politics with strangers
no drugs

what the fucking shit is
>muh linkies

Attached: gfdnbcxn.png (594x729, 118K)

>just about
Are you illiterate as well as a retard who can't come up with a good Bingo?

it's a Jow Forums meme

STEM AND NEET Nazi who fell for the Jow Forums meme. I don't know what some of those are.

Attached: 1543058400925.png (594x729, 118K)

What is linkies?

Attached: i once fucked a moose and his name was richard.png (594x729, 91K)

no idea what muh linkies means

Attached: Untitled.png (594x729, 70K)


Attached: nog.jpg (1080x1704, 119K)

I guess im fine, origano

Attached: 1543058400925.png (594x729, 116K)

go back to 4channel

>Fell for at least one meme
It really depends on how broad your definition of meme is

Attached: b.png (594x729, 126K)

>newfags not knowing about /mu/, Jow Forums and Jow Forums memes

Attached: IMG_20181124_140653.png (594x729, 137K)

basically every educated person in my country was supposed to start with the Greeks, but ok

Attached: 1543058400925.jpg (594x729, 125K)

>virgin or no drugs is wasting your youth
What kind of fucking degenerate made this?

no bingo for me today

Attached: IMG_20181124_131726.png (594x729, 96K)

forgot one


Attached: IMG_20181124_131842.png (594x729, 97K)

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 x x x 0
x x x x x
0 x 0 0 0
this is mine plus a funny pic

Attached: 1535364055416.png (202x250, 6K)

That's a shitty bingo. I've wasted my youth on Jow Forums, but I couldn't get a bingo.

Attached: 1543058400995.png (594x729, 111K)