Older brother was bullied at school

>older brother was bullied at school
>would tak it out on me
>I was also bullied at school too
>would take it all out on my little sister
>would borderline mentaly torture her
>scream at her, crush her dreams etc.
>we would also play together but I was always mean to her in some way
>ran away from home when she was like 13
>cut all contact with family
>she's now 18 and completely fucked up
>wont speak to any of her family members and refuses to come home
Should I really feel so shit about this? I felt like I've taken away her innocence and runied her life and it's been nagging at me for almost 10 years now.
I know it's normal for siblings to fight and such but I don't think this shit is suppsoe to happen.

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Call her and apologize and explain yourself but don't make it sound like an excuse and ask if you can do anything for her

>Should I really feel so shit about this?

Apologize to her for everything it's the least u can do

>"lol just apologize dude!"
already tried and done, it's been over 10 years
Every since she left everyone in our family has tried to reach out to her in some way shape or form but she pushes us away. It doesn't matter if it's me, my sisters, my brothers, my mom, our dad or hell even our aunt and uncle
She doesn't want anything to do with us

>abusing your imouto
Honestly die. I have much compassion for people who make mistakes and sin, but I cannot forgive this.

Kill yourself. I don't care if God forgives you, I will not.

>mfw reading that
I don't have advice, but I do hope one day you all find peace.

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>ran away from home when she was like 13
>she's now 18 and completely fucked up
>it's been over 10 years

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I want to jump in your sibling feels thread man.

I have a brother four years older than me who's autistic. He was always the better behaved child growing up, his grades were good, he didn't get in trouble, he kept his room clean and he was the nice friendly kid while I was the edgy goth asshole kid.

I'm 25 and moving out in a week with a good job and a decent life while I've seen him descend into something not quite at the levels of Chris Chan but still obviously very stunted, lonely, and sad. He has no friends, can't possibly convince a girl to fuck him and his life now is basically being a slave for my mom to do housework. His every day is just waking up and playing on his PC hiding from my mom and that's it. Sometimes I dislike him because I see him still up on his PC while I head out to work at like 5am but still I can't see his life ending any other way than suicide. It has to be so lonely and depressing and sad. He's autistic enough to not ever fit in with anyone but functioning enough to still understand his situation. I never talk to him, nobody does. My parents fucked us all up in different ways, I don't speak to my sister either, but she's 19 and will at least transition to a normal adult life.

I'm not going to do anything about it because I'm very antisocial and awkward myself, and I don't think either of us like each other, but I can still understand his utterly depressing situation and thinking about him now and remembering when he was 9 and I was 5 when he was just a little weird, but still cool in some ways and felt like a brother instead of just some weird creepy autistic hobo looking grown man who I fear may kill my mom in her sleep one day. It's sad.

guess I worded that wrong lol
She hasn't been away for 10 years but the problems started about 10 years ago

>It doesn't matter if it's me, my sisters, my brothers, my mom, our dad or hell even our aunt and uncle
then you're not the problem

>Should I really feel so shit about this?
lol yeah you should, what you did is legitimately worth considering suicide. Just because you were bullied doesn't mean you should have taken that out on some one else. I know if I was ever bullied in school I would do twice as bad as what some one would try to do to me.

>some girls tried to leave my pudding cup on my seat thinking I'd sit down on it
>take the pudding cup turn it upside down and slap it down onto the table so pudding gets on every one around and all over the table
>tell the girl that did it to clean it up
>they actually do it

If any one tried to fight me, I would fight them. If they won unfairly I would go back with a weapon. If any one knocked out a tooth or something majorly disfiguring I would have killed them.

You ruined an innocent girls consciousness, her existence. You're a pussy and pathetic. You should call her, acknowledge the pain you called her beg for her the chance to help her better and that you know you'll never deserve forgiveness.

Imagine unironically using the word "imouto" and then telling someone else that they should kill themselves

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baka desu kouhaii

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>ruining your life because of sibling banter
your sister is a faggot

>If any one tried to fight me, I would fight them. If they won unfairly I would go back with a weapon. If any one knocked out a tooth or something majorly disfiguring I would have killed them

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>cutting out toxic people from your life is "ruining" your life
lmao get fucked abuser.

you sure showed those mean girls, user

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Whoever she found to take her in at 13 is not very likely to be less "toxic" than her own family, even if her family's shit.

>hasn't even read OP's posts

I was a loser and autistic, I've had my teeth chipped in fights. Eventually no one fucked with me at all and actually got decent friends after switching schools. Again I was autistic, didn't have much to live and grew up in an extremely abusive home life. So if you think some one like that is beyond getting a knife and stabbing some one after they get disfigured by them you're retarded.

It's a sad situation to be in and it's not about being a "tough guy". It's just about sticking up for yourself. I've heard far worse bullying stories than mine that I know if I was in I would have lost it. I'm fortunate for how things worked out in my life and I feel as though if I hadn't stuck up for myself that would have turned out even worse.

Do you have a single fact to back up this statement?
Did you not read OP? His family is fucked and living on the street is better than living with abusers.

>I was a loser and autistic, I've had my teeth chipped in fights. Eventually no one fucked with me at all and actually got decent friends after switching schools. Again I was autistic, didn't have much to live and grew up in an extremely abusive home life. So if you think some one like that is beyond getting a knife and stabbing some one after they get disfigured by them you're retarded.

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Have you? He admits to torturing her. OP is a piece of shit and I hope he dies in a violent car crash, but only slowly bleeds out in pain knowing his end is at hand.

well you obviously should feel bad about it senpai
if your behaviour was the main reason for her to leave than, yes
you're pice of shit and you should just off yourself

alright talk about yourselves then, have you ever had to go through something negative? Did any one ever try to hurt you? Maybe some one broke your heart at one point?

>Do you have a single fact to back up this statement?
OP implied that she's way more fucked up now than she was then. In the homeless young girl-pack, you can expect
>abusive relationships

>>b-but toxic family and stronk womyn

>OP (((implies))) she is worse off than with him!
You're a fucking retard. The fantasies of your mind are not an argument. We know for a fact that OP and his family abused her to the point that she fled, he has admitted this much.

Kill yourself alongside OP, only a fellow abuser would defend this piece of shit with these mental gymnastics.

She was taken in by the parents of one our former family friends.

The reason she went to them is because they're rich and they've been pretty close to our family but in a weird way, they've always seemed to get close to my sister who ran away, buying her everything she wants, wanted her to come visit them all the time etc. She used to call them grandma and grandpa . They dont have any grandchildren themselves because their only children are spoiled manbabies in their 40's who do nothing but play videogames. Maybe they want grandchildren so they tok her.
We have been suspicious that they might have taken her in to groom her but there is no way of proving it or anything and as of now she doesn't live with them anymore but is still dependant on them for money and such.

Her rejective and behaviour started after she moved in with them which is why I constantly ask myself if it's my fault. She isn't just rejective towards me but everyone else in our family, like she's been brainwashed or something. The day she left she was completly normal

at least try to read my posts and the information given before you try to bait

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>gives no information
>durr read my posts!
Kill yourself, immediately. This is not an ironic post: I sincerely implore you to cease biological functions on this planet by way of violent self termination.

I honestly don't know. On the one hand it's hard to blame you since it all seems like a reaction to terrible circumstances that were out of your control, and on the other it's still a thing that you did which was itself terrible. This is the kind of situation in which ascribing blame seems unproductive, but that doesn't change how you or she feels.

>made your sister DEFOO at 13
Damn, Molyneux would be proud

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>You ruined an innocent girls consciousness
>innocent girl

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Yeah you fucked her life up. Just give it up, I doubt she'll find it in her to forgive you.

That's shitty but it's up to her now. You don't deserve to be forgiven if she isn't ready to forgive you

if it was you she wouldn't have cut ties with her entire family like that. sure you might have caused some of the damage but there is something more to this