Assuming you had a girlfriend, would you even be surprised if she ditched you for a better/more attractive guy?

Assuming you had a girlfriend, would you even be surprised if she ditched you for a better/more attractive guy?

Attached: chad steals stacy from virgin.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

it would feel like an enormous waste of time

Gfs bring more problems than they do solve
i'm gonna be single forever

Somewhat, if they actually got to the point of dating me, they ought to have gotten over my looks, and everything else isn't so easy to find.

Surprised? No.
But I would want to destroy her life if she did this behind my back.
I wouldn't leave someone I love even for someone far more attractive.

>what is monkey branching

Naaah IF I ever got a gf I would get as much of that relationship as possible(sex and everything else)before she realizes her mistake and dumps me,at which point I feel nothing

Broke up with my girlfriend and she had another bf in 2 days it is what it is. Gotta move on.

I currently have a gf and she's pretty shy and hadn't dated anyone for a year before she started dating me.

I'd be too busy slaying the traitorous whore to be surprised

>she's pretty shy and hadn't dated anyone for a year before she started dating me.
She's acting because she realized the whore game wasn't going to last lmao

Except my best friend who introduced us has known her for years since she was 14 and knows she's a virgin so stay mad.

>"my" friend (((knows))) she is a virgin

Attached: 1542564244890.png (500x560, 326K)

Yes, she could have made up her mind beforehand.

Doesn't change much.
I was a virgin who never gave a kiss before I met my ex, I still knew
>sex with him was bad
>I liked other guys more physically
>we weren't a good match personality wise, I had more fun with other people than him
So even if she's a pure virgin waifu, if you suck, you suck.

Yes and no. Because whoever would love me would have to be looking for a very specific kind of love, the only kind I can express. It's unlikely a person like that exists in the first place. However, it's even more unlikely that this person would settle for me.

In other words, I don't expect to ever have a girlfriend, BUT if I do ever get one I don't expect her to stick around for long because there are better options than me out there. I'm above the fat fedora Jow Forums retard and very rarely even pass as a normie, but I'm a robot through and through. I walk manually, I feel rationally and I make decisions with my gut feeling.

Ok Huxley, calm down.
I doubt your better than anyone else here.

depends if I love her or not,
If did love her, I would be more than surprised I would be heart broken, but If I did not love her I would probably be jealous at first, but after a few days I just wouldn't give a fuck about her or her life anymore.

>would you even be surprised if she ditched you for a better/more attractive guy?
years of r9k and pol made me expect this actually, I'd be sad for sure, but not surprised
>Assuming you had a girlfriend
heh, this seems so out of reach

>would you be surprised if a woman acted like a woman?

It wouldn't surprise me.but I would still be very butthurt

I'll behead her. Nobody ditches me around like a rag doll.