There are "Christians" right now who instead of praying for the will of God to be done...

>There are "Christians" right now who instead of praying for the will of God to be done, pray for selfish things such as money

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What has god ever done for me?
All I wanted was a thick assed gf who would love me, yet here I am 28 years later.
Hell Santa Claus,e has give me more wishes then him.

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You are breathing and alive to be able to ask that question. Through faith in his son Jesus Christ you can be saved.

Be grateful.

>You are breathing and alive
With the life I was given, never having been born would have been a better option desu.

>there are christians right now

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Why does God need your prayers to do what he wants? Is God addicted to social media? Because he sounds like he is.

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god isn't real you daft goose

based op

>There are Christians

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daft goose is a new one, I'll add that to my list.

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like wise. Im trying to breathe from laughing so hard

>instead of praying for the will of God to be done, pray for selfish things such as money

well now, OP; Christ himself taught believers to ask the Father for their daily bread, as recorded for us in the Lord's Prayer - and you kinda need money to buy food

but perhaps you're referring to people who practice praying, and visualising and proclaiming health and wealth over their lives - adhering to something called 'Word of Faith' which asserts that just as Jesus spoke the Universe into existence, everyone is a 'small christ' who has the 'power of life and death in their tongue' and so they can speak financial prosperity into existence?

if it's the latter, and if you know anything about historically orthodox Christianity, then you might recognise that 'W.O.F' is an heretical, apostate doctrine which raises men up to have a throne beside God; just as Satan once sought to ascend to the Most High

and they add to this blasphemy the claim that prayer is the means by which God gets permission from man to act in this world, stating that God gave dominion of the earth to man, and so needs man's permission to intervene -- calling themselves 'small gods' who have territorial rights and privileges -- which leads me to the poast at > Why does God need your prayers to do what he wants?

the Scripture states that God has no need of anything of man (Psalm 50 etc), but rather God is gracious and blesses the believer with the privilege to work alongside Him, much as Daniel believed God's promises for the restoration of Israel from out of Captivity after 70 years, and so prayed for that deliverance - the answers to a believer's prayer increasing their faith in God

and since Faith is the only thing that pleases God, making a sinner righteous, God is conforming the believer to what he wants them to be, by gifting them with saving faith
- Heb 11:6, Rom 4:20-22

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>there are

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Sounds a lot like pic related, desu...

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the fault is mine - i either didn't give you a good enough answer to explain the purpose of prayer, or i didn't recognise that you weren't seeking a thoughtful response

in either case, i'm deeply embarrassed and ashamed for taking you seriously


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>taking 4ch*nners seriously
If you want TRUE intelectual discussion you should go to reddit

so what you're saying is i shouldn't take your advice seriously either, right?

cool - duly disregarded

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>There are "Christians" right now

Just end it there. Inb4 "Tips fedora".

Your life and circumstances are given to you for your own good, user.
Your time on Earth is an individual lesson, and a test.

Saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, user.
I hope you see the light too one day!

You are a true child of god. Amen.

This is why I never can get into Christianity.
To be a good Christian is so far removed from what our society allows and calls for that most Christians on the planet are just wrong.

The wide and narrow roads etc.

Gods will be done regardless you fucking idiot

>God, please do the thing you are planning on doing, whatever that is. Amen
Why exactly do you need to pray to an omnipotent guy to do what he wants?