Porn Addiction Thread

Porn Addiction Thread

How was Porn ruined your life?
>be me
>jerk off all night and all morning
>flirting with hot CD on Grindr
>they want to meet up
>dick literally can't get erect
>they lose interest

Despite this I still plan to watch Porn for the rest of the day

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Getting into a relationship with a woman has only become less attractive than staying alone over time

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>Hasn't changed my views on women
>Still find plain girls attractive
>Don't have any superficial views on women's body's
>One thing has changed though
>I feel like my dick is the tiniest thing even though its a good size
>too scared to show girls my peepee makes them think I have a small peepee


Daily anti-porn is just advocated by women because it deletes their pussy privilege.
It's just butthurt princesses that they don't have countless orbiters anymore and you can get sort-of-sex on demand. Same with prostitution, most vocal advocates against it are women.

t. modern women aka princesses

A study came out that girls think dicks smaller than 6 inches are small, its over for us

Isn't being objective a better trait than being subjective? To the analogy that I hate all niggers (subjectively) but objectively not all niggers are rapist criminals?

>be me
>jerk off all night and all morning
>flirting with hot girl on Tinder
>She reject me
>continue to jerk off all night and all morning

The person who wrote that article must weigh 300 lb and be 'body positive'

Here's sauce on penis preference:

after 8 years of rotting my brain with porn I now lust after submissive feminine buttboys way more than I lust after women

ideal situation:

>woman for breeding and relationship
>cute little femboy on the side to dump my loads in whenever i want

I thought it was killing my attraction to real firls and desensitizing me but it turns out I have massive levels of prolactin in my brain which kills off sexual arousal and desire, hope to be fixed soon

Women are insecure as fuck about their bodies, a robots selfhatred does not even hold a candle. They presume we judge them the same way they are judging males. And females think if something isn't 100% the best its shit, that is why we have those 80-20 troubles

So they are deadly afraid of being judged by any neutral standard. They would discard you for some small flaw and search for better, so they can't imagine not being your absolute 10/10 ideal and still being loved.

It's from the Jerusalem post, hard to read
Still there's some truth to it

This, just fucking lol when they come in here saying we just want stacy because they just want chad and then immediately rejecting orbiters

Is porn why I'm not attracted to real females? I never have been and it's caused me to become sexually confused. I entertained the possibility, but there are plenty of males who consume porn and masturbate far more than I do that still have crushes and lust after real women.

Love when (((they))) single out men, acting like women aren't the real porn and aren't affected by porn too. Women now think the average dick is 8x6 and men are supposed to be able to last hours. (((They))) have ruined everyone, porn is just another way of doing it.

What's CD?
No, not the compact disc you little fuckrrs

Patrician taste, user. There's nothing wrong with that, even famous Greek philosophers fucked femboys on the side.

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>What's CD?

I think it's meant in the sense that men exposed to porn are more likely to write off some women because their body doesn't reach a certain objective standard. Whether that's true or not is up for debate.

8 years here too, fembois are optimal for fucking

Well might as well get back to beating my dick.

Women still benefit regardless, they won't have to deal with ugly guys hitting on them, and they'll still have beta males giving them gifts

>implying I stopped
Not letting my black Friday Porn subs go to waste

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>Gay porn
Ok user, you've descended far into degeneracy.

>he thinks that's degeneracy
I've hit the rabbit hole as far as you can go. I quit porn simply because I was so disgusted with myself, I was afraid how much further there was left to go.

Porn rot has been rough lately. Is this more your speed?

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> Jacking off to straight porn relentlessly and seeing hot females in all kinds of compromising situations and getting devoured by huge cocks.
> Don't even find men sexually attractive
> Keep glancing at cute girls at the gym and their bodies, and their sexual values
> Go on grindr just to be subjected to the business end of a large penis.
> find it isn't as good as I though, maybe because I'm NOT ACTUALLY A FAGGOT BUT A DEGENERATE STRAIGHT PERSON WITH NO SELF RESPECT.

I feel like a mental case. Am I too far gone anons?

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I'm working on getting better. Need to stop fucking my throat with a cock to ASMR tier shit. Ate my cum and honestly didn't find myself AS repulsed by it as usual so that's a problem

This brings an interesting point, where am I in the spiral downwards. I currently only masturbate to married couples.

Other guys cum usually tastes better for me, honestly. I don't eat my own vim anymore

Idk the downward spiral looks different to everyone honestly, though if you have to ask, you're probably screwed
You're too far gone m8

the average emacs user

It hasn't. It's the only way I can cope with dying alone.

I want to get ravished by porn too, sounds hot af.

Most men are constantly rejected by women. Not just that, they're actively humiliated and put down for trying.

Porn is an easy sexual release, and also a release for pent up male aggression built up from years of rejection and isolation, which is the direct fault of women.

>a robots selfhatred does not even hold a candle
You must not know many robots then my friend

regular porn is so boring once you go down the trap porn road

I can only watch specific normie Porn now, otherwise its trap/shemale/CDs/etc.

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ITT: pornsick sadsacks defending their vice by any means necessary

Kek, I'm fucking dead

they never try because they don't need to. in the past you could experience rejection from dozens or hundreds of women before you found someone with mutual interest, and nobody thought rejection was anything special. modern men can just sit at home and do everything there, so they think a few rejections is already a lot and go back to comfort zone.

lifestyle of the past guaranteed sex and often marriage. you literally cannot be around a lot of people and stay single unless you have a learning disability and make the same social mistakes.

>in the past you could experience rejection from dozens or hundreds of women before you found someone with mutual interest, and nobody thought rejection was anything special
source: your ass

Almost all immigrants to the west come from cultures where they are having too much sex and too many kids. Porn addiction only wipes out losers from the gene pool, and good riddance. China, India, Nigeria, everywhere in the Middle East, they don't have this "problem"

source is many biographies my closet gay incel friend

>China, India, Nigeria, everywhere in the Middle East, they don't have this "problem"
Top-shelf bait m'faggot.

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>"not only are women too good for you in real life, you must never look at women anywhere ever"

Or you do not know many girls and just how much of their "Look here how perfect I am uwu" spiel is cope and a gathering of validation.

Which one is more likely?

Is your point that you think eastern and african countries have a porn problem or that pajeets are gross? That gross pajeet still has kids at the end of the day, m'weirdo.

No, you need to understand that anti-porn means becoming a monk, the very first step to have absolute self-control and freedom from all primal urges.
Being anti-porn is the frist step to stop lusting after women and being lonely. Being able to find happiness alone, and not being dependent of any form of materialism or consumerism, in other words, free.
Everyone with a brain knows its a lost cause and that it doesnt justify the means to pursue women, unless one already has interest in you to begin with. With today's tecnology, entertainment has surpassed most things that make us want relationships and lust for sex. Its a fact that videogames, food and other hobbies can get you close amounts of dopamine that reach near the amount you release while having sex. And those things are far more easy to reach and obtain today, compared to finding a partner(like in previous times). In other words, it doesnt justify the cost for the extra bit amounts of dopamine.

Human warmth and intimacy with another person is just something we have to learn to not strive for. Fapping, makes you crave more for this, it makes you think about women, relationships and gives you depression.

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>you can't look at porn, it's objectifying!
>but you can't approach me in real life too, that's creepy
>guess you'll just have to be alone forever, sorry sweaty
Women really want all non-Chad males massacred and enslaved.

kek, sure, let's not discuss how porn has also ruined women and given them unrealistic standards for the dicks they want.

Not nearly as much a problem as Jow Forums would have you believe

>for men it is them objectifying
>but for women it is completely different
Yeah, the porn is totally causing this. It means they want more orbiters to pay undying loyalty to their flabby asses than to even think of spanking it to a collection of pixels on a computer/phone/other screen.

>b-b-but men are pigs!
>women are sexually liberated!

Maybe if more women didn't only have eyes for Chad and started noticing the countless lonely average guys, then average guys wouldn't feel the need to resort to porn.

Almost all of my faps are to the same sex now. What should I do? I don't even fantasize about sex with the opposite sex anymore unless a member of the same sex is there. How do I stop it? I have homosexual OCD a mental illness.

How many women have you talked to today?

>t. whiteknight
>t. girl who sees a 7"+ dick and thinks it's average

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>That gross pajeet still has kids at the end of the day, m'weirdo.
They're still disgusting, genetically inferior mutant trash lol. You can't make the "porn is cleansing muh jean poole" argument on one hand while at the same time pedestalizing Pooinlooistan as some beacon of mass genetic success, you fucking retard lmao.

Why didn't they talk to me instead, mh?

t. average and never had a problem due to size

Does my mom count? If not, then zero.

I also haven't left my apartment today.

No one wants to be lectured about approaching people by someone whose gender literally never has to approach anyone

>genetically inferior
>but they reproduce better
Cool you don't know how this works huh. They're also better educated. I get the robocalls too and think pajeets smell like shit, but if their culture is better then it's better.

Yeah, and this is completely different from women swiping men on tinder based solely on looks.

nobody has to do anything. if you're comfortable alone at home having no conversations with women, it's nobody's business.

why don't you fuck boys instead?

Um, excuse me sweaty, but pornhub told me that people who don't fap to porn are incel nazis losers who hate women, so I will continue to fap to porn to respect womyn.

What does CD mean user I am seeing this word a lot and have no idea what it means


Because I hate gays and want a XX female.

Okay thank you for the reply user

Does Porn make men view women more as sex objects or do men see women sex objects watch a lot of Porn?

I've went no-porn since last week and plan on continuing. I've tried to fap twice in that period using just my imagination but couldn't close the deal. I would get a semi then go soft again then back to semi, etc. I don't mind the lack of release, I've read that one of the first symptoms of dropping porn is the inability to get an erection so I guess I'm in the right path.

This will either help me change my attitude towards everyone and slowly begin to actively seek girls or help me get my wizard powers sooner. Win-win situation.

Sorry im sensible enough to not polute the world with my offspring

no, porn doesn't influence that at all.

That's a good thing.
If you spend more time around or talking to guys, I highly doubt that.

You missed my point, which is that you have no idea what the experience of being a man is like, and don't have to work to initiate anything, so maybe your advice isn't all that useful.

Congratulations, if you're average (and actually truly average at the mid 5" range) you're at the minimum of what's acceptable to women. They won't tell you that, but it's the reality. You qualify but barely, and they'd still prefer a bigger porn cock.

I like to tell myself that my dick feels like its bigger than it is when its inside to help cope with the fact all my favorite Porn Stars openly admit to preferring BBC

I really could care less. I'm overweight, unattractive, no social skills, insane, have no warmth to offer anyone, and no desire to improve any of it. Just let me have my porn and leave me to rot.

You have no point. If this is how you "talk" to women it's already a good indicator of what's going on in your head, and I'm not a woman.

I can fap using imagination but my problem is now I'm always imagining the same gender. WTF should I do?

There is a simple way to fix this! Just always undersaid your dick. Any time you mention your pee pee always make it seem small. When you make innuendos about pee pees make them seem like you have a small one. So that when they do see it, they are either pleasantly surprised because they thought you had a micro pee pee, or don't care because they knew what they were getting into

unless you're fat girls can tell how big your dick is by the bulge in your pants.

You definitely seem like a person who knows a lot about the female mind

Maybe, who knows
My grandparents and great grandparents where hard working and high IQ, im a loser myself but yeah loser genes are being ruled out natural selection in full effect boys!
pic semiunrelated is you

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>You have no point
Yeah I do, it's that your advice is not good. And it's obvious you're a woman

>>woman for breeding and relationship
>>cute little femboy on the side to dump my loads in whenever i want
Just the way the romans had it to be

I try to look more like a trap because I find my body to be more attractive that way. I do not look manly in the slightest way.

desu I'd rather fuck that than the modern day disgusting woman.

he would't let you fuck him anyways loser

dumb meme. women view men as objects, too. that's how a subject views other subjects - as objects. the only nuance would be "what kind of object". if men view women as sex objects then women view men as resource and protection objects. okay, now what? what do we gain from this perspective?

>self deprecation and sarcasm
>meme image

There was no advice. One delusional gay boy said women don't give him a chance, I asked how many women he talks to. You're sad as fuck.

That is just a meme. Unless you are fully rock hard in sweatpants/skinny jeans.

t.a gay man

>If this is how you "talk" to women it's already a good indicator of what's going on in your head
So to be successful with women you have to be bluepilled and deny the truth. This is why I fucking hate women. You have to say and do exactly what they like and suspend reality, or else you're just some fat neckbeard misogynist loser trying to take their rights away. Fucking die, roastie.

I tried that but I'm too tall and my face is too masculine to be a trap and it was disappointing

>If you spend more time around or talking to guys, I highly doubt that.
every man spends more time with men than with women. and ironically the opposite is a sign of faggotry. we all knew that gay kid who always had a bunch of female friends. I knew two!

What I mean't is you have as much of a distorted view of the world as the r/incels refugees have here

I don't spend time with men or women just alone. What's this mean?

you never hang out with just guy friends?

No. I spend most of the time gaming or on a computer or watching TV in my room.