
i was stretching for around 2 weeks and it started getting looser and i could pull it back when erect but then i stopped and it went back to being tight. i started stretching again and i ripped the skin now it hurts when i pee.
how the fuck do i deal with this shit?

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>stretching for around 2 weeks and it started getting looser
>stopped and it went back to being tight

hmmm what could the solution be?

Circumcision really is the answer for a legit medical problem like this. I had mine done and don't regret it.

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>his mom didn't love him enough to pull his foreskin back while he was a shota
I feel bad for you, son.

Lmao should have got cirmcumsized.

i had phimosis nearly this bad, i just got lube and a fleshlight and used it 1+ times a day
21 years of suffering, gone in 3~ months

>ripped the skin


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mine was so bad i had to keep pulling until the skin broke and bled, it heals up and bit and you just keep repeating until you have a normal dick. thankfully i did this like 14 years ago, now when i pull the skin back it looks like im circumcised.

how does the hole go from being 1.5 cm wide back to 0.5 cm. I forget to stretch every day and it just goes back to being tight

Cope more cutfag

not gonna do that
i remember that i didnt have this problem up until like 14 and it started out of nowhere
not gonna butcher myself

Just get a fucking circumcision, your life will change for the better.

>i remember that i didnt have this problem up until like 14
Your mom was supposed to teach you to pull your foreskin back so you would keep doing it and would never have a problem.

are we going to have our foreskins instact in the afterlife

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I have this but don't do anything I can still piss and wank so no problem

I have a tiny dick with very bad, tight phimosis.

I'm totally fine with it as my boyfriend says it's really cute, and hrt has made it even smaller. It's even a bonus in some ways, as the idea that my dick is in no way able to be used normally adds to the humiliation and emasculation factor more.

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You're sad. Very sad. I feel sad just reading that.

Still, consider yourself lucky. You can walk around without your glans being rubbed to the point of irritation against your underpants. Also, you can do the "feeding the geese" method of masturbation without any lube other than your own pre ejaculate, and it probably feels super. You can also do that thing where you fill your glans with piss and then release for piss bomb.

how i cope with mine too.

getting a surgery to hopefully fix mine regardless tho.

nothing sad about it. I'm just embracing the role I was always meant to take on my dude. I've found companionship and hope in doing so, if anything you should be happy for me.

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oh god do people like you actually exist

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Can I cure it in a month or two of stretching? Can I have sex with a condom even if I have phimosis?

>tfw no phimosis bf to help stretch his foreskin because i want to help him feel better

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Don't read propaganda crap like this. Only US women give a shit because they've never seen an uncut dick before. Go to europe and they would think cut is fucking retarded.

Are birth defects evidence that a loving god doesn't exist? Are successful surgeries a sign of gods existence? Are we gods? Are unsuccessful surgeries reassurance that god doesn't exist?

>think I'm gonna mutilate myself because jewmericans have all been wounded
oh i'm laffin

When does one stop stretching? I can get my foreskin past my head while erect, but it makes my dick look weird.

>user its time to stretch your foreskin
>it wont hurt forever
>this is good for you
>youre such a good sport
>look at how much progress youve made

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get an onahole and decent lube
I had problems with retracting my foreskin too but fucking my ona regularly led to my foreskin being pulled back automatically after a while

>tfw no gf to help you with your phimosis so you can pleasure her better

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