Hello frens just wanted to say life fucking sucks

Hello frens just wanted to say life fucking sucks.

When I was young I dreamt of being an ace computer engineer who gets to develop computer chips, with the added by-the-books background of a loving family, both my own and the one I created.

Here's out it all turned out: whatever friends I had, I lost. If I were ever intelligent, I'm definitely not now. Thinking with my brain is like trying to run ankle-deep through mud. Being an ace computer engineer is off the tables, I'm barely scraping mediocre grades in CompSci in a shitty community college while wasting my whole day inefficiently studying.

Girlfriend? Sex? Given up on both. Seriously, no girl has ever shown attraction to me. Not even affection, I never had a female friend. For that matter, I lost all the male friends I considered true back in elementary school, I've been alone for years now.

The pet cat I grew up with died painfully in front of my eyes. I was powerless to help him, because I don't have any abilities that aren't below average.

My parents divorced. They're both disappointed in me anyway. Can't blame them.

So what do I do? My days are meaningless. The best outcome for my maximum effort is mediocrity, financially speaking, and socially speaking I'm beyond hopeless. I will probably kill myself when my mom's gone, so I don't even know why I bother.

There is truly nothing I enjoy. I've become disilusioned with the usual: video games, anime, manga, whatever. Obviously, creative or atheltic hobbies were never an option, as both my mind and body are completely lacking. When I'm not hopelessly studying, I just waste my time watching youtube videos with no attention at all and skimming over shitposts on here. Every time I go to sleep I wish I won't wake up.

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You have to make them pay Peter!

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Best thing to do is either get a shotgun and have some fun like elliot rogers, or ditch uni and work in trade, which will fluctuate in life quality depending on where youre from.

Stop worrying about "being somebody." Nobody ever does, and it's a lie fed to us by jews and normalfags. You need to learn to live for yourself. Drop out of college. If you're still willing to work, go into something like welding. There are still complexities, but it's more hands on. You don't need to be the best, just do what you need to in order to live life.

If you like cats, then maybe consider adopting some strays. They won't care if you're developing computer chips, just as long as you give them pets and foods. Don't let your pet's death bother you. The reality is that sometimes we are powerless to do things for our pets, especially when they are suffering. You should never look at their passing as "I could have done more" but instead be proud you did what you could. Especially since there is a point where you are keeping them going for yourself, not for them. You shouldn't let it bother you.

overall, I'd start by getting out of college before you go into debt like me haha fug and stop trying to live bigly.

>Here's out it all turned out: whatever friends I had, I lost. If I were ever intelligent, I'm definitely not now
are you me? Fuck this shitty life

Stop being this relatable its scaring me

have you really tried to lift weights or do anything creative? sounds like you never even tried and if you did, you gave up immediately because putting in effort scared you and hedonism was easier. ultimately life is as meaningless and empty as you make it; you have to actally try for it not to be boring.

For 6 months I've spent 14-15 hours a day studying. Afterwards I lowered it to 10 hours and spent the remaining time exercising, meditating and brain training. Not trying is the one thing that's not applicable to me. I have to actually try to make it not boring? No, it's really quite the opposite. All I get out of trying is frustration, which does not at all negate boredom. All those people out there having the time of their life? They never had to try. Those geniuses getting prestigious positions based on intelligence alone, those handsome guys who never wanted for affection, no, they never had to try.

So, let's think about this. Why would you insist on such a clear lie? Have you ever tried as hard as I have, and what did you get out of it?

How old are you guys? I'm in an even worse situation

>wanted to be an engineer
>father (a doctor) told me "you're too dumb for that"

I was doomed from the start

Honestly, I have actual respect for you. You are not like the other delusional "robots" that believe that the outside world is the problem. You know your flaws and yeah, if you're flawed the life might suck.

I recommend that you stop expecting things and start to just enjoy things that are there. Find passion somewhere, just expect nothing to yourself, maybe try to aim your energy towards helping others in anyway you can.

I respect normies like you who understand that it's not that life is good, you had the means to make your own life good and that's that.

You sound similar to me. I wanted to do web development and be a code monkey but I know I'm not smart enough for it(IQ of 93). What jobs can you do as a brainlet who's bad at math?

I started to go on Grindr and fuck robot twink sissies, its fun and something to do maybe you should give it a shot?

It's funny you should say that considering I was a web developer. Working at it is partly what made me so depressed because I realized that this mindless drone work is the peak of my achievement. Trust me, you don't need intelligence or mathematical aptitude, whatever the correlation may be, to be web developer. You just need to understand syntax, and everything else is just copy and pasting code, using libraries, doing grunt work and navigating office politics governed by talentless yet ambitious pajeets with even less self-awareness of their own limitations than me, probably thanks to their narcissism.

you're gay, obviously

>Tfw co-founding a company in software with potential to be worth millions
>tfw I'm just now going back to college
>he doesn't have connections in the software industry
>I make it not by effort but by luck, and he fails by the same forces


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why would you need to spend more than 5 hours any day for studying? unless you're taking 8 classes or something that seems like far too much. you poured a bunch of effort into things you clearly don't like instead of trying to do something new.

Have i tried as hard as that at things? Yes, I spent many hours a day juggling when I was a teenager, because I enjoyed it. I also spent all my time making a stupid game a few years ago, because I enjoyed it. Life is a game about finding something to do that's not soul-sucking. I feel somewhat similar about computer science, except I have good grades and I enjoy some of the coursework. Does that mean I'm more talented than you are with regards to that? possibly. I'm certainly lucky in some ways. I have felt the way you did in the past but to some extent it's a choice to feel that way; that everything is hopeless. If you wanna think I'm a normalfag just because i don't want to be miserable all the time, be my guest.

Wha the hell are you talking about? Of course you're not miserable when you good at things so you enjoy them. I'm not good at anything, obviously I don't enjoy anything. It's a choice? You wouldn't say that in my position.

Hi fren, are you me in another dimension?

I only got good at those things because I wanted to try to get good at them. Obviously I was not born being able to juggle. I would say I'm fairly close to your position seeing that my father died and i don't really interact with people. I just enjoy lifting and hiking (both of which require near 0 skill or knowledge to start) and making music.

Why do you have this idea that people are automatically good at things right away? of course some people are more talented than others at some things, but if I thought about that all the time then I would be as miserable as you. You don't have to be good at things to enjoy them.

>I only got good at those things because I wanted to try to get good at them
Read OP again you condescending normalfag

>Of course you're not miserable when you good at things
Not obvious. Being miserable as little to do with being good.
>I'm not good at anything
Lower your definition of good.

all the op says is you complaining that you're not good at things. why care about that? Why care about whether some roastie clings to you to suck away your money and time? What is one reason why you are physically incapable of lifting or running or hiking?

you're way more of a normalfag than me because you bought into the depression meme that kikes use to sell pills, and you insist on comparing yourself to other people.

This is the important part
>When I was young I dreamt of being an ace computer engineer who gets to develop computer chips, with the added by-the-books background of a loving family, both my own and the one I created
>Here's out it all turned out: whatever friends I had, I lost. If I were ever intelligent, I'm definitely not now. Thinking with my brain is like trying to run ankle-deep through mud

The following part you shamelessly ignore
>Thinking with my brain is like trying to run ankle-deep through mud. Being an ace computer engineer is off the tables, I'm barely scraping mediocre grades in CompSci in a shitty community college while wasting my whole day inefficiently studying

It's always "just try" with you normies, assuming none of us have ever tried, or maybe the tautology "try harder". I already have a pretty good idea, but let me ask you directly: what do you get out of perpetuating the same old false platitudes time and time again?

Try miniature painting

If you can't get a gf you should try to find a BF on Grindr or Tinder it would be better then being alone

What kind of faggot shit is this? You might as well tell him to put on a dress and let Chad pound his boiholes lol fucking homo

Yes because painting miniatures will change his life

At least you had aspirations as a teen. As a teen, I was a compulsive fit fag with borderline eating disorders that only wanted to fuck. Too insecure to be personal with anyone, I just wanted straight to the point and fuck. I wanted to put on an act that satisfied me enough to make me think everyone took me as a mysterious, distant guy and not some sad, loner creep. Whenever I was around friends, I'd either put on an act, or be a complete shithead as not to embarrass myself because I couldn't seriously laugh at myself. My mother knows that I hate my life, but I want to make it clear to my mother's husband not to have any expectations for me. The guy already kicked my brother out for not working, and he's younger than me. But he'd be obnoxious with loud music and yell when the rents knocked on his door.

Ironic, considering after all I've been through and experienced I've come to the conclusion that the only pursuit that I could really enjoy now is sex. Me having once had aspirations is nothing to be admired, it was just stupidity.

just wait till u get a job, it gets even worse