Let's write a book Jow Forums

let's write a book Jow Forums,
rules are simple.
You can't write that the characters died
every reply will continue the story so you need to balance it somehow, I'll start:
user woke up in his pajamas and was headed to Stacies crib. user came inside Stacy raw

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stacy had a baby, both of them got flattened with a steamroller

the steamroller died. the end

they then lived on happily as flat people, and found many flat friends, who were also flattened by various means

but then an alien from Andromeda uses his advanced tech to heal them into 3D people again. user came in Stacy's ass with no lube

Stacy proceeds to get ass-pregnate with a shit-baby.

shit baby dies from being shit baby. Alien gives them device that makes Stacy pussy like virgin
user cums insde her pussy raw again

user then suffered an aneurysm that left him alive but a vegetable

Then Pepe appears

user died after his Stacy wife decided to pull the plug (it was in his will). a wild Wojak then appears

pepe and wojack fuck stacy over user's corpse

suddenly apu appears. He guns down pepe and wojak like the mad men that they are!
apu fucks Stacy and cums inside her raw with no lube

Stacy has octuplets of retarded half-frog monster babies

The alien form Andromeda uses one of his machines to turn them into proper frog/human hybrids
Alien revives pepe and wojak

Pepe and wojack kill apu in vengeance. Stacy is sad, but oddly aroused.

Stacy dies out of being so horny. Becky arrives and starts slobbering over wojak and pepes cocks

Becky's acidic saliva melts their dicks and they run away screaming in agony.

Alien rapes Becky with his long extraterrestrial penis. His body is resistant to the saliva
Becky screams in agony as the alien rapes her with his sharp penis that shapped like a 36inch dagger
He shoves it in and out and she screams with each push. then Hijak appears

user takes a step back, witnessing the horrible events that had taken place in front of his own, tear filling eyes. He reaches a nearby wall, and slides down. user just sits there for a while,
ever so slightly shivering while his heart sinks absorbing all the info that he's been forced to process. His beautiful whore wife being murdered by her own carnal desires, and three dick weeds doing some retard shit. His sorrow instead is replaced by what seems like never ending anger.
This. fellas, is when user starts the r9k brawlout.

Hijack manipulates the alien into giving him all it's technology. Becky bleeds out from the knife-rape.

And then the alien awoke in his stasis pod and realized it was all a bad dream.

user wake ups from a dream where he was an alien that experienced all of the above
Suddenly the events start to repeat themselves
user woke up in his pajamas and was headed to Stacies crib. user came inside Stacy raw

dont ignore me bullies :

But it turned out that Stacy was a reptilian, shapeshifting alien in disguise!

she told user that he needed to cum in all her holes to give her enough energy to go back home
user than has a hot freaky sex with space Stacy while she stays in her human form
"don't leave me anonkun" she said. Stacylien got attached to user because Aliens orgasm is a million times better than uman ones

user goes with stacy to reptile planet and helps them enslave all mankind

But along the way the alien tells user that her eggs thst user helped fertalize are ready to be deposited in her mate. Stacy readies her ovipositor over user's butt.

user worries that this makes him gay, so he prays to Jesus for an answer.

That's enough internet for me. It was all fun until you guys made it gay

user listens closely for a reply and his prayers are answered! Jesus whispers in his ear, "Lol just do it bro idgaf". The alien, now flushed with desire inserts her ovipositor with little care for the state of user's butt. user yelps in response to the slimy intruder! Stacy's egg tube is longer and thicker than user realized at first.

Is this a comfirmation from jesus that it is in fact gay?

user cums as she deposits several hundred eggs in him.

Whats this? seems like it was. Anyway, user was just dreaming this whole ordeal and died in his sleep

user goes to hell for having gay dreams.
Satan shoves a spear into his dickhole.

The eggs inside user are heavy and shift with user's every move. Stacy informs user that they will hatch within an earth month. The alien injects user with a torrent on fluid before retracting her ovipositor.

user finds a way to escape from hell
turns out hell was actually a fiery planet
He gets powers from escaping hell and the aliens are so pleased with him they give him a busty qt with a thicc ass

she looks like this and
this timeline isn't canon

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user goes back to earth and does superhero stuff in between fucking his qt.