Meanwhile, on a gender-reversed Jow Forums...
Meanwhile, on a gender-reversed Jow Forums
>he thinks this is any different from the Jow Forums he posts on now
The closest to gender reversed would need to be all of us ACTUALLY being boys
>tfw no minimum wage bf
it fuckin sucks fembots
>he basicly rapes me
>i do the cooking and laundry
>tfw still he has the house
>tfw no manlet dicklet brainlet moneylet bf
>ywn dom a small boy
Why even live sisbots?
this, the more I read the more I'm convinced that there really are girls here and they just keep it quiet to avoid bothersome attention. They're probably the ones keeping the gay threads alive, I don't think there enough gays in the robot population to sustain it (gay people cannot really be robots because they are by nature attention-seeking)
as someone with a fujo robot gf i can confirm this
there are way more girls here than some of the people on Jow Forums think lmao. like... WAY more. they just filter out and ignore the REEEE BLAM BLAM posts because they're super easy to pay no mind to
My nigga there's a shitton of girl here. I'm on a disc server with most autistic robots and half of the place is female. R9k itself is super feminine, all you guys do is whine and feel and shit.
>random interest threads
>see someone with the same interest as me, say, zoology
>ask person for contact
>three months go by
>find out this person is a girl
Every. Single. Time. Girls have to be the majority.
Something similar happened to me.
>ask for league friends, ages ago before disc was a thing
>two EU robots say they wouldn't mind playing together
>play for months, no VC or anything, both are support mains (should've noticed it here ngl)
>disc becomes a thing so I propose that we get on it so we can communicate easily
>fight me at first but whatever, they agree
>both end up being underage girls
I was and still am taken so I just found it curious but damn.
Jesus fucking Christ. I thought you niggers learned already.
Maybe you just have feminine interests
It's the same with blackbots
mention you're black even once and the whole thread devolves into racial statistics. It's just not worth it
Kill yourself you worthless fucking nigger
kek that image isnt the reverse of me at all
this tbqfh lasses
M-my interests are manly and m-masculine!
Gonna bully you anally so hard user
Okay but only if you say no homo after
Sure thing, I'll make sure the balls don't touch either.