All women are evil because they CAN give us the affection we desperately desire but CHOOSE not to...

All women are evil because they CAN give us the affection we desperately desire but CHOOSE not to, despite knowing it keeps us miserable.

This is not even debatable. It's fundamental ethics.

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Should you give your money and resources to those who need it cause they're miserable? Why haven't you sold your PC and send the money to Ethiopia?

You don't lose anything to give affection to another human being user.

Keeping my money benefits me.

What do women gain by not smiling at or holding hands with an incel?

Her affection isn't a limited resource that gets used up nor she has any use for herself for it.
Shit comparison, at least put some effort in.

You do tho. Your time, your self-esteem, your emotional well being and also the important resource of social standing. Also, you can't simply have affection towards someone that represents everything you hate in men, you can't force it.

You can lose everything socially if you are perceived as a whore. You don't even have to be sexual for it to happen just by being nice enough to every guy you will naturally end up talking to many guys all the time and people will not think you are cool.

They lose the precious time they have to find a suitable partner. On top of that, they don't really gain anything from it so they could be doing literally anything else in that time.

not OP but I give money to homeless people whenever I can, even if they use it for drugs/booze or whatever. in an ideal world where people look after and care for each other, no one would even be addicted to drugs. (look up the rat park experiment to see what I'm talking about)

women actively choose to make the world an even more horrible place by withholding love and intimacy (basic psychological needs) from men who 'don't deserve it', and end up being surprised when they hear about incels going on shooting sprees because they're socially isolated, shunned, and thus have no way of obtaining what they need

You can't just love any man just like you can't just anything. Some things and people are too disgusting for you to like. Dating a mysognistic, crazy robot would be like eating poop.

I agree that some people are pretty disgusting, but incels largely fall under the umbrella of being bitter because of a lack of intimacy. To their core, they're not bad people, they just need to vent so they don't go crazy.

Sure you can't love any man, but you can hold his hand, or give him a hug, or take him out and show him to your friends, where there's a greater chance he can find someone who likes him. In real life however, women reject these men, but they also make sure they're socially isolated and can't get friends or otherwise meet people too, making it even harder for incel and robot types to find love.

It's torture and relinquishing in the misery of less fortunate, downtrodden, completely heartbroken men. Plain and simple.

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women dont care about others and fundamentally lack emotion and empathy. dont ever expect a good doing from a woman.

women sold us out to satan, its time they pay for their crime.

I think robots confuse simply not giving a fuck with malice. I agree, no person is a villain, I'm not saying it's their fault either. But they are simply not competitive enough in a world where most people have at least a semblance of a life and no one really has to care. OP is talking making the argument that everyone who isn't incredibly charitable is evil, and I believe that's not the true.

Just wait for waifu robots. Sluts will be sluts. 2d>3d and ii even 2d does not work lower standards to 1d just one beutiful fucking point that is perfect and fibbonaci would pe proud of it, fuck that point and satisfy yourself with it.

>incredibly charitable
what's so 'incredibly charitable' about not treating the average man like a complete piece of shit? that's not charitable, that's called being a decent person. men need love just as much as women do, so denying them of their god given right to intimacy is downright blasphemous

I guess it's not a surprise though because most women worship Satan and want nothing more than to destroy everything good and holy, especially gentle and warm-hearted men.

>not worshipping the Lovecraftian gods


Haha got it right, just embrace the 2d way, the only way, too sad the 2d women are not real yet, but they will be one day. Pray for the way of the anime ladies which most of them are pure inoccent maidens that can truly save a man from his bitterness.

we just need to focus our collective energies and ask some otherworldly entity like cthulu to usher in the new age of 2D waifus already

that or we #cancelallwomen

in other words, why aren't women walking sex toys for the pleasure of all men equally?

If all you want is affection, you can always cozy up to a fat chick or whatever.
Me? I don't even seek affection. I feel very at ease being alone. It doesn't feel like much of a need to me. Maybe I'm not really human, then?

>If all you want is affection, you can always cozy up to a fat chick or whatever.

This is bullshit and you know it. Fat girls think we are trash too.