Why can't people be genuinely kind...

Why can't people be genuinely kind? It's insane to me how many people are just seemingly incapable of emotional connections and just being nice. No one seems to want to offer some one else a break even if it doesn't negatively impact the person they're helping what so ever. Every one complains about how miserable airport baggage claim is yet that's what life is to me. Just a long line of miserable people and then you finally get to the desk and get an even nastier person in charge telling you to fuck off and good luck searching through everything. In the mean time there are people stealing bags in the back and people looking through the stuff. And EVERYTHING there is lost. And to top it off the law protects these people more often than hurt them. I want to say I hate this life but I just very easily realize it's the terrible people around me that make it shit.

You literally lose nothing by just being a kind person and no being kind does not mean putting yourself into a position to be taken advantage of.

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Religious people are usually genuinely kind...until they snap

Not everyone had the proper upbringing or positive circumstances that makes them naturally be nice. It's not their fault, something happened to them.

You are a naive faggot
People are nice only when they need something from you.
But if you are a useless piece of shit to them, then why the fuck would they be nice to you?

>People are nice only when they need something from you
It's not even a bad thing if it's not money type of shit.
Maybe they just wanna be your friends

when I find the words I will show people how to love one another, I have nothing else to do in this life but that

I've literally had one of the worst upbringings possible, I tell horror stories of my childhood or even recent stories of my family and people just don't believe them because they are so fucked up and crazy. It was similar to the movie running with scissors but way way worse. And I'm still a genuinely nice person.

Except you're wrong. Most people now aren't even nice when they're trying to get something, they just demand and expect it and then when they're denied freak the fuck out. Even when they get it they still freak the fuck out. And being nice just to get something doesn't mean you're actually genuinely nice/kind person, it just means you're socialized enough to try a different form of manipulation. I could very easily force my will onto other people and make them fall in line more often than not and maybe that's the excuse to be a cunt for most people but it's just so fucking pointless.

I've not really had an experience with religion, but when I was young even the nuns and priests were cunts. Maybe I should try to go to a church or something.

Dude why would people have to be nice to you? Are you their friend are useful to them no? well then get used to it and fuck off faggot

>until they snap
You're all fucking heathens. The lot of you. Some people are drenched in the shadows. Ain't following a proper criterion

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religious people are like any other, we are all egotistical cunts except if you have genuine friends

Because scummy people take advantage of the kindness way too much to be worth the trouble. I don't give money to beggars anymore because of how many of them are druggies. I also won't help women and children either because I don't want to be labeled as a kidnapper or a rapist.

I find that people who complain about other's lack of kindness tend to be parasites themselves.

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>I find that people who complain about other's lack of kindness tend to be parasites themselves.

>You literally lose nothing by just being a kind person and no being kind does not mean putting yourself into a position to be taken advantage of.
>and no being kind does not mean putting yourself into a position to be taken advantage of.
>being kind does not mean putting yourself into a position to be taken advantage of.
Did you not even read my post? It's not hard to just acknowledge some ones shitty situation and offer condolences and just be nice. And you also seem to ignore the fact of "other people are so shitty so i'm shitty" and if people weren't like that as often maybe almost every one wouldn't be so fucking miserable. It's exhausting.

It's hard to find genuine friends... They're amazing when you do though. Most people just want to party and not think about anything negative in their down time and anything that contradicts that notion needs to be expelled immediately.

yee i know i used to struggle but now i am genuinly happy when i am with my friends. Also i suggest you find them at places that are not known for hedonistic tendensies like clubs and such

Yes being kind does in fact put you in a position to be taken advantage of.
>Help a woman
>Be accused of rape
>Give money to a beggar
>He buys drugs, contributing to crime
>Be a woman and give a lonely guy some attention
>He becomes infatuated with you and starts stalking you
Peace is not a product of kindness. Kindness is entirely an after effect of stability. You are naive if you think all we have to do to hold hands and all of our problems will just go away.

You realize those scenarios are some one putting in effort and injecting themselves into a situation which goes above and beyond what kindness is, right? When just simply not actively making a situation worse with shittiness, ego and pettiness is good enough to fall into the category of nice. Maybe it's really just a difficult concept for people to understand or know about, like knowing the left hand lane is used for passing only and not just cruising with traffic.

>Kindness is entirely an after effect of stability. You are naive if you think all we have to do to hold hands and all of our problems will just go away.
It doesn't seem to matter how safe, stable or well off a situation is. There is still plenty of shitty people. And again you're really confusing kindness with agreeable contributions. Maybe I'm wrong though and should reword it to be civil instead of kind? I don't think that I am though

>Giving money to a beggar is "going above and beyond" now.

>But but but there's always shitty people
Yeah but when you're living around a bunch of meth heads and crooks, a little caution can go a long way, ya dig?

>Giving money to a beggar is "going above and beyond" now.
yeah it is actually.

>Yeah but when you're living around a bunch of meth heads and crooks, a little caution can go a long way, ya dig?
Again I said
>It doesn't seem to matter how safe, stable or well off a situation is.
>how safe, stable or well off a situation is.
This implies there are no meth heads around. But definitely can agree about being careful, that's fine! Like I wouldn't blame you if you completely avoided a homeless person because you were afraid of them stabbing you. But you actually go above and beyond going out of your way to give them money.

So what, are you just complaining that people don't smile enough? Color me wowed.

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Just make sure stay in the right lane unless you're passing and it'll make me happy enough user...

Because it's human nature.
Just look what happens in 3rd world shitholes, brazil has the highest murder rate of all countries.
Being kind, honest or whatever are values beaten into us by people who came up with them so civilization could prosper.
As countries become more liberal we regress to tribal behavior, manners are forgotten, respect doesn't exist and everyone is selfish, this is possible because there aren't many consequences for not following the rules or customs, all of this is possible because we are living in the "good" times of abundance and peace, relatively speaking.
People will be nice and play the part only if there's something to gain, or something they don't want to lose.
Do you think that women would be degeneates if they didn't have beef control or welfare daddy government?
Do you think that neets like me would exist if the only choices we had were do or die?
The great memes of las memas are right, when you don't have to struggle, you won't.
Why bother?