There are femanons lurking right now and they are sitting on their vagina

>there are femanons lurking right now and they are sitting on their vagina

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I imagine they're in their PJs still, days from their last shower, sitting on their chair with their knees to their tits, occasionally reaching into their underwear to itch their unkempt bush and then sniffing their fingers right after.

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I hope the get off to NEETS and dirty bois

would you like to touch it, user kun ;}

Please refrain from spying on my life any longer, thank you.

please place your unshowered greasy bush on my face

But you probably live hours and hours away from me

Roasties shouldn't even exist

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>thinking females are real

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Never. Would you move that empty Pringles can? It's blocking my view.

I-it still has some in it

Could you go ahead and eat them, I love watching you eat chips. It's cute when you pick the crumbs off your tits and inspect them before you put them in your mouth. Especially when your nail polish is as chipped as it is today.

I'm sitting on my vagina and I'm naked

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Yeah, I'm going to need some proofs.

>tfw 'dont post pictures od yourself on r9k'
/soc/ is right there for you, user

make a voice recording then, if you're so great

Jokes on you, I just showered

It's soap
Will I get banned for this lmao

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Unless you used terva or koivu shampoo, get stinky, femanaon. Stinky grills are the 2nd best.

I always feel sympathetic when I see some one self harm scars. If you weren't a whore I'd give you a hug and try to help life feel less painful, but you are, so I won't. Good luck hoeanon

Fembots are for cuddling, not for spying on, user.

How is anonymously posting a picture of my thigh making me a hoe?

post cock sissy

2nd best to what?
I also used to use terva body wash. Shit runs out too quickly.

2nd best to smelling like pine tar (terva) or koivu (birch).

oh I wouldn't say that alone would do it. It's the combination of all the subtle implications that add up to that being the case. Am I wrong, are you not a hoe? When i say whore I mean loose, hedonistic, "sexually liberated", has put out for drugs, slight chance you had an abortion. not that you actually regularly have sex for money as a living.

If I'm completely wrong I'll definitely apologize.

Ruined the thought. I was having a good wank at this thread, too.

Well you only made it one post in then lad, not a good wank it sounds like

Sometimes when i see a woman i think hmm shes got a sleeve in between her legs thats made for me

You are completely wrong. I am a khhv, I believe you should only have sex with one man ( the one you marry ), I dont believe in abortions, I don't drink smoke or do any kind of drug. No tats, no hair dye, I'm conservative as fuck. Try again

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*sigh* fellow (cis) femanons I need comfort. I have a sexual dysfunction due to childhood abuse and trap porn is the only thing I can get off to because I can't relate to/insert as the real women in porn. I feel pretty close to suicidal afterwards because I'm so fucked up. I know this affects men most of the time and Ive read about similar issues but.. Im going crazy. again, Im a cis fembot. Any other girls been through this?

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Trap boys getting fucked by big dominant men is my fetish too

>my oneitis can touch her tits and vagina whenever she wants
>and so can chad

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thats ok im a guy and self insert as the trap. no homo

if i didn't have crippling self esteem issues, i'd post pics of my coochie

is your coochie hairy

>there are femanons lurking right now that have no redeeming qualities other than having a vagina
Can you imagine living the life of an emotionless, uninteresting and humorless baby dispenser? They are the true robots.

Are you a gorl (female)?

Reminder that 3D woman are just a myth made up by the government to try and make us disloyal to our anime brides

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Yeah. But I dont self insert I just like to watch
>tfw no manly bf to fuck traps while I watch

Are you sitting on your dick?

our dick is not where your vagina is you stupid vagina face

You all share one dick?

no only women do that

Yes, Chad's

What about when boys complain about siting on their balls

yes we can sit on our balls

Kek idk why but this made me feel slightly better, though I can't really relate. My bf has to be all mine

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would you peg a trap?

No.. I don't think it's a kink I'm dealing with. Just trauma and sexual disassociation (sp?)

Why are you showing off your cuts? Lol. I'm not a dude so don't think im hating just because you're a chick.