I bet all of you faggots are omega or some shit like that

i bet all of you faggots are omega or some shit like that

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>tfw want to be delta

would love a factory job. means i could live on my own.

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Either Delta or Omega, they're hard to distinguish individually. Omega probably.

Imagine being so retarded that you still believe in a social behaviour theoryfor wolves that was disproved years later by its own creator.

So why isn't gamma it's own thing?

First of all this is nothing but BS, and since you likely already claimed the alpha type with nothing to show for it I'll proclaim myself a Gamma

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>he believes in arbitrary labels
Trully sad

Why is there nothing for psychologically submissive but socially dominant. I'm not a go-getter or into self-improvement or anything, but I have lots of good friends and loving family, and tend to be a leader in my social groups.

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Gamma reporting in. I can accept the alpha as my equal and i see everyone else as below me. I view some alphas as below me as well because of them being just plain stupid and thus making them grug ooga booga cave man which i cant respect.

I think i might be between Delta and Omega

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i live life as a NEET not because im forced to but because i want to, you NPCs can oil the machine that is society all you want i honestly dont care were all the same when were dead

yes, sure you are user...

you have delusions of grandeur which is typical among losers youtube.com/watch?v=EETYBwHpTuM

do you enjoy working hard just so others might think youre worth something? do you like coming home after a long day of meaningless work just so you have enough money to by more meaningless things?

Anyone can have delusions of grandeur not just "losers" whom classification as such is highly subjective.
Now you are going to tell me not only you believe this memeshit to be true but that everyone here has to be an omega

You come off as someone that isn't enjoying his time as a NEET, thats worrisome user

I used to be alpha/beta, not I am beta/gamma. I wish to not fall further.

When you're unsuccessful, it is called "delusions of grandeur". When you achieve success, it's called confidence, charisma, attraction theory, etc.
Arguing with psych/sociology jews is such a chore.

how so? can you please elaborate

Im the beta. Its kinda fucking gay cause I didn't have the chance to be an alpha to start with. I joined the game late so I got fucked.

what have you achieved user? on the internet im just going to assume youre a worthless loser

>there is no rejective/rejective
not the best chart

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Being honest nothing, and im not the guy that you replied to originally.

You sound butthurt despite being able to live without worries and borrowing your time like most people

I am an Omega. You are correct OP

You forgot the most important ranking

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Im the definition of a beta

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the reason i became a NEET is because im disillusioned with modern society from working a 9-5 office job we live boring lives to do boring things just because we want to look good and impress others you can achieve marginal success but it wont even mean anything because when you die you'll be forgotten and replaced with the next generation of faggots, can you answer this simple question for me what do you know about your great grandfather from your mothers side?

Gamma. I don't think anyone is really below or above me, I just don't belong to any group so I do my own thing. Get along decently with most people though.

I flex between Gamma and Beta, could be an Alpha if I had more money and didn't like fucking thicc blond women in their 40's. You tend to not care what someone thinks once you've fucked their mother.

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Find your way of meaningful contribution to society, of course wageslaving on something that you don't care too much about is going to feel boring and shallow.
Can't really help you much other than telling you to read up cause im a brainlet myself

How did you convince a girl to have sex with you

omega-gamma here, more omega lately

The trick is not to convince her but learn what impresses her, then display yourself so she decides your worth the sex. Then avoid convincing her otherwise for as long as you want to have sex with her.

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I tried to be gamma, but ended up omega.
My diagnosis of aspergers a couple of years ago explained everything.

>he thinks of himself as a gamma

nice cope faggots.

anyone claiming to be gamma is definitely an omega, with no exceptions.
actual gammas wouldn't even think about their position in this hierarchy.

You tell me Im not a Gamma

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Delta LARPing as a Gama here.

He managed to get out of WW1 because he had some fingers on his right hand chopped off in an industrial accident, so he couldn't fire a rifle. They put him in the land army and he worked on a farm in Scotland for the duration of the war, then went back to Shrewsbury to start a family.

you just look like a nigger

that honestly sounds like a miserable life

Thank you sir, that made my day.

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Good for you my dude, you shouldn't take this pseudopsych picture taken saved from an hispanic chan forum thats inhabited by people actually far gone too seriously
I dont doubt you either you bitter butthurt excuse

eh, beats getting hosed down by jerry as you walk towards his lines

Pure gamma here.

>coming up with new ideas, while rejecting mass culture
That describes me so perfectly, I think I'll have that engraved on my headstone.

>tfw no idea what a rigger is

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you like tying up women and watching them squirm

>hipster faggot
>edgy teen
definitely a gamma

>Traditionally the scapegoat for any failure

Fuck... this specific part hit pretty close to home...

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nice post-irony

Fuck I'm all over the place

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