Woman are evil

okay so heres what ive been going through
>be me
>going out with girl
>deeply in love
>ffw a year
>near halloween she stops talking to me completely, avoids me in person blocks me on all social media.
>find out she has a new boyfriend from close friend we share
>get in contact with her finally, tells me shes sorry and she didnt know how to tell me
>says shes fallen out of love
>tells me she needs a break from talking
>deal with the intensified suicidal shit for a couple weeks
>get close a couple times
>she talks me down from it everytime even though she doesnt want to talk
>eventually says she wants to start talking as friends but gets upset when i talk about how i miss her
>go through a lot of one sided conversation with her
>she barely responds, when she does its only a few words
>still care about her a lot, constantly having anxious thought about her
>thankgiving day
>feeling really shitty
>post her to story, say how im thankful for her and i miss her
>she texts me telling me how im being obsessive and creeping her out
>have been nothing but supportive of her choices and made it clear several times i just want the best for her
>tells me im very unhealthy
>she knows i have several mental illnesses and have been in and out of treatment but doesnt seem to acknowledge it
>tells me never to contact her, her friends, or her loved ones again
>makes our shared friends stop talking to me

i did nothing but give her love and support the entire time i knew her. i never hurt her and we almost never argued, and now its like im scum. i dont get it, i keep hurting myself and dont know how much longer i have to live

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>obsessive beta ex drives roastie whore away by acting like a literal tard
See that greentext could have been alot shorter

Sounds to me like she's 100% correct and that she dodged a bullet.
It's fair to expect sympathy and attention from a chick you know if you're supportive and then have a bad moment, but you've literally stated that you're obsessed and mentally retarded. Why did you title it "woman are evil" if you only care about one of them to the point of self destruction?

Time and comstamt stressful work (or just stressful situations) heals shit.
I've gone through a similar expirience but in lighter version, it's been a year and I got rid of obsession by now, just random thoughts that fade away easily.

Don't kill yourself. Maybe hurt a little. But for real, if you decide to set your mind on getting over this shit - eventually you will. Please believe me.
Maybe in a year, more likely in two or even three years, but trust me, time heals. Gradually.

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im not mentally retarded. i have mental illness, which does not mean retardation. but idk i just feel an unreal bitterness and cant move on

thank you for the advice, i appreciate it

i meaaan ur not wrong

you're a pathatic loser...
just off yourself faggot

>be mentally ill sperg
>be with girl (somehow)
>girl finds upgrade (surprise!)
>girl ghosts me (surprise x2!)
>I sperg out and go clingy mode
>girl now has the excuse she needs to fuck off completely (eyup)
>girl not content with just that. Has to twist the knife as well (you expected anything else? Kek)
>I'm so depressed and still in cling mode
>pitty me?

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uhhh i mean alright i guess

>Nat Sherman detected
>hipster confirmed

thats a blunt retard

What a pathetic display of a man.

A year is nothing you barely know her. More importantly why are you begging a whore for scraps of pity when she blatantly left you for dead and cucked you with your friend. Speaking of him, you're such a wimp that the thought of confronting this person never crossed your mind huh kek no you're too busy being suicidal for an unrepentant unethical selfish whore. Your feeling if anxiety is your fight or flight response telling you to go kick your friends ass but your beta panties are telling you to kill your self

no it wasnt the friend whos dating them now, its some random nigga ive never met. the reason im anxious is because i have generalized anxiety and a lot of the thoughts come on during panic attacks

but yeah i guess she kinda did just leave me. its been a month and im still trying to figure out what reason she couldve done this outside of selfishness but idk.

real life homer is really frightening looking

what mental illness do have have?

Almost too bad you can't unsee

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GED, PDD, ADHD and ODD. All have been diagnosed by a psychiatrist while i was in a mental hospital.

i should be clear by PDD i mean persistent depressive disorder, not the form of autism

also i meant GAD not GED, sorry im a bit all over the place right now

I know GAD but not GED

Anyways it's best to learn from this mistake. Maybe if you act tardy enough and scare people away enough you'll learn to stop wanting to act like a tard. You'll be like
>nah, I like doing that anymore
and you'll be normal

I don't like doing that anymore**

you're both piece of shits, too bad she didn't get what's to her, but maybe in the future

Unironically kill her and then kill yourself, you're both terrible so you'd be doing the world a favor.

You have to cut contact I have almost the exact experience word for word as you down to the obsessing over her and her ghosting me and telling me I'm doing too much. YOU HAVE TO CUT CONTACT. I don't care if you were the best of friends, it's no more. Maybe in a year if you completely lose interest in her you can resume otherwise she is not a human that exists on this earth anymore.

hmm, describe how we are terrible? not upset, genuinely curious on how others interpret this.

i understand. thank you for the insight

I also started seeing a psychiatrist and therapist after my "breakup". Are you seeing either?

>Being a beta cuckboy
>Being surprised when people ditch you like the trash you are
>Stalking the people who ditch you
>Sucking their dicks, in all ways but literal, but only because they won't let you because you're a creepy fuck
>Having not even a semblance of a backbone
I would leave you too. She's better off.
Honestly she should have cut contact completely.
I enter this board after not looking for years, and the first shit I see is you.
Boy am I glad I left.

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ive been in and out of therapy/mental healthcare with little to no success

i have been having a sort of internal dilemma about if i should start

You're retarded in your ability to determine you're being a legit obsessive creep

For how long? Why did you stop? I know it can get frustrating but if your life is lonely having someone to tell all your worries and problems too is pretty nice. If I feel like my therapy isn't going anywhere I go just for the conversation and human interaction alone.

She abandoned someone she knew had mental problems, even suicidal thoughts without any explanation and you constantly harass her like she owes you something or you deserve her attention and sympathy.

As you describe it both were out of autism but it's still terrible things to do.

ive been having an internal dilemma about if i should release all my aggression onto others other than myself

This. Neither of you made any healthy choices in this situation so it's safe to assume it's a relationship with no adult. It's unsurprising it was as stable as a teenage relationship.

Listen, grow up. Go out and get beat up and get fired and struggle to make things work. Once you have some self-reliance, that's a good time to become interested in another relationship. As it stands now you're just going to hook up with different flavors of this same girl for the rest of your life.

Why on Earth would you want to do that? It'z better to be stupid than evil.

There's nothing to solve this a timeless story

She's a whore. She ghosted you after a year knowing you hsve mental issues. She's a selfish whore. Her panties got sticky and you no longer mattered and whatever her ghosting caused a mentally ill person to do didn't matter as long as she didn't have to be an adult and own up to her actions.

She's literally garbage she should no longer exist as far as you're concerned

You are a creepy weirdo and I'm sure that played a part but the difference is you can stop being that now that you know and she's going to continue being garbage until she's old and no longer desired by men. Treat her as if she never existed same with the friends that enabled her. When the new guy cheats or pumps and dumps she is going to reach out and you need to tell her to fuck off snd mean it

are you a retard? or just an underage
there are shit tons of chick to fuck while you're crying like a baby for some roasty

Something similar happened to me too, a girl came over, we drank and talked, made out for a while beofre we fucked, then she said she wanted to be my girlfriend, i thought ah what the hell nothing to lose. She went home, said she missed me after like half an hour.

Then the next day i text her, no reply. I wait a few days and try again, nothing. She NEVER replied me back.

What the fuck is wrong with girls like that? If i didnt live up to your standards or whatever, dont tell me you wanna be my girlfriend just to never again say a word to me? Just be fucking honest is it too much to ask? Made me want to kill the bitch

Nah, take it out on yourself.
You can start by jumping off a building.
And if that isn't enough, then you can use what's left and crawl into traffic.
Or maybe, just maybe.
You can stop looking for sympathy on a happy floote playing forum, turn off the computer, grow a fucking spine, and leave your apartment to do something with that worthless pile of trash that you call "me".

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Don't listen to the angry, bitter, virgin incels on here op. They're jealous of your former success and happy to see you fail. I know what you're going through. Mine at least had the courtesy to break it to me up front. It slowly gets better as times passes. What helped me the most during my first month was just drinking. I finally understood why people became alcoholics for the first time. By the second month you'll be able to focus on other things again. And getting attention from other sluts can help your bruised ego. Get on tinder and you'll realize there are other sluts in the whorehouse. They're all the same with a few different accessories

You held her hostage emotionally with attention seeking, pretend, suicide threats.

ik theres fucktons of girls out there but im really over meaningless hookups and shit like that. ive been through plenty of that but it feels so insignificant to how i felt about her

I went through a very similar situation as you. The girl stopped talking to me months ago but I still hang with the mutual friend who introduced us. I'm hoping if I go back to my normal, fun self while I'm with the friend there will eventually be an opportunity for me to see the girl again.

im actually breaching the second month and theres a girl interested in me (very obviously, touchy on me entire time we were together, kissed me before she left) but im very hesitant about opening another relationship because its been a pattern of girls getting attached to me that i just push away out of fear. thank you for the advice though, i appreciate it vey much

i had a mental breakdown and ran into traffic in self destructive rage twice in the past month.

i hope all goes well for you user :)

im not sure exactly, besides for the fact i kind of grew a dislike for mainstream mental health care. i kind of feel like they just cheat you for your money and if they cant help you then they leave u on ur own

im sorry that happened to you, but i hope you find someone who loves and wants u bro.

Thanks, friend. I'll invite you to the wedding.

Here's a story for you OP cause it's similar

> date girl for 2.5 years
> starts avoiding me, saying she's too busy with school to see me
> try to tell her if we don't see each other there's no point in being together
> she says she'll change her ways but never does
> we break up
> she was super clingy for a week then dropped off the map entirely
> few months go by and I'm wondering why she hasn't contacted me at all
> text her and jokingly ask her if she has a new boyfriend
> says yes and that they are in love
> try to ask her what happened and why she abandoned me and how she could possibly be in love after such a short time
> got mad and defensive with me when all I wanted to know was the truth

And since then I can't trust anybody, relationships are a two way street you have to meet each other in the middle. I gave her everything and she betrayed my trust. And so life goes on.

>It's fair to expect sympathy from a chick


A woman will never, ever sympathize with a man.

This seems like it's a normal thing for women. I'll never understand it. Even after the worst breakups most guys will still have feelings for the girl. Women on the other hand just seem to have an off switch and once it's pressed you can never flip it back

i feel the same. its hard to balance when to be greedy and when to be selfless, because its seems like everyone you encounter acts in greed. im sorry for your loss, i wish you the best in your future relationships