Does it count as cheating if your gf got blackout drunk and only gave a guy a blowjob? She apologized and cried

Does it count as cheating if your gf got blackout drunk and only gave a guy a blowjob? She apologized and cried

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Fuck off larping newfag

ya. unless she got paid at least $300

Just incase this isn't a Larp, I've been blackout drunk numerous times, and I've never done anything out of character, nor have I ever considered doing anything I normally wouldn't have done. You're gf sounds like an irresponsible skank, and you should ditch her.

yeah it's cheating. dump. can we get a /thread?



My gf went to a bachelorette party in Vegas for her sister. When I picked her up at the airport, she started crying. She admitted she got really drunk and spent the night with another man. I was pissed off but I appreciate her honesty. I seriously would have never of found out if she didn't tell me. I confirmed with her sister that she was absolutely wasted drunk, so it's not like she decided to cheat on me when she had a clear head or anything.

LOL you're a cuck, and you're dating a whore.

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I have a gf and fuck her regularly. Cope harder you fucking incel.

absolute cuckold, i bet she also has a kid (not yours)

>Brags about having gf
>She gets dicked down by Chad

>Because you don't have a gf that cheats on you, that automatically makes you an Incel
Cope harder Cuck, my gf doesn't even drink alcohol let alone sleep with other mem. Yo girls a skank, and you're a beta male that let chad fuck her all he wanted.

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>girl that fucks chad
Pick One

Does it count as murder if the murderer was blackout drunk and she apologized and cried?

>I have a gf
Apparently not, according to Chad's Cock. All she had to do was cry, and the beta male forgave her with open arms in exchange for sex. Absolutely pathetic. No wonder she cheated on you, who could respect someone who's that pathetic?

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If someone is drunk when they kill someone they can use it as a defense in court.

My wife told me a story of when she was younger, drunk, high on molly, cocaine, and weed and was at a party with a friend of her. A dude tried getting her to fuck, and she still forced them off.
Her parents freaked because she didn't show up that night and even got her a rape kit test, I saw it because I was helping her with submitting medical paperwork for some DoD clearance and it showed that she was telling the truth. We weren't even together then, it was before we even met. OP is a faggot cuck.

They'll still be charged guilty of murder

Not necessarily. It can be dropped to homicide or manslaughter. It's called the intoxication defense.

Dump the cunt.

>It can be dropped to homicide or manslaughter
Those are still pretty dire offenses, so you're not really making a point here. In the end whether you were drunk or sober you still killed a man. The court is only responsible for the consequences of your transgressions, not the consequences of your actions. You still killed a man, and you being drunk isn't a good alibi for what you've done, ultimately.

What if a person killed your mom, and then they were like "my bad bro, I was just drunk". That wouldn't really justify anything. That wouldn't bring you comfort, in most cases it would make you more enraged towards their blatant carelessness.

Could never deal with it myself

I admit I wouldn't accept that reasoning if it was my mom but I'd accept it on a jury if it was some stranger lady that died. That's why juries are made of unbiased people. Using my mom as an example would make me biased.

>I'm only willing to accept logic if it doesn't hurt my feelings

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>gf gets "drunk"
>fucks chad
>tells bf while using crocodile tears
>muh drunken mistake
>cuck actually believes it
Buddy, do you know what alcohol does right?
If she fucked someone else and she was actually drunk, then alcohol simply remove her inhibitors to cheat on you.

>comparing cheating to murder
>justice is only justice when it's convenient for me

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>literal cuck accusing others of cope
Do you know what cope means?

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>Got blackout drunk around guys
Alcohol is a shit excuse women love to abuse.
You are not doing anything you do not want to do when drunk, but only act how you would not dare sober.
So imo she WANTS to suck random dicks, and can gtfo.

>when her inhibitions are low she forgets about you and fucks other guys
this just means she wants to fuck other guys constantly and stops from social pressure or because she wants something from you.

That's how juries work retard. They don't pick the biased people for jury duty.

Murder is less severe when you are drunk and so is cheating. If my friend killed someone not in self defense and he was drunk I'd still be friends. If he wasn't drunk I'd stop talking because then he could kill me.

>Do you know what cope means?
Yes. You and a bunch of other retards in this thread are coping hard because you don't like the decision I made. It's my life and my call. Now fuck off

>Does it count if your gf gets raped
Gee, I wonder.

>It's my life and my call. Now fuck off

Now THAT is a good cope

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>implying this doesn't describe every guy and girl ever
Don't throw away your relationship over a single mistake, OP

and handed that 300$ to me

>Bi-degenerate giving relationship advice
Lol, how valuable.

the absolute state of robots. This is why I can't browse this board. At least Jow Forumsacks are angry at the state of things instead of being feminized cucks.

>salty virgin posting random insults while phoneposting
user, plz

>You have to be biased to determine whether or not killing a person while drunk is wrong
>murder is less severe when you are drunk
So basically you're telling me it's ok to be a terrible person as long as i'm drunk right? I can just steal, cheat, lie, and shoot up a school, and It'll be alright because i'm drunk right? Cuz being drunk totally turns people into mindless zombies for iniquity.

T.Brainlet cuck

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>Hey guys my gf fucks other guy, and I'm proud because it's my life
The post

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Not even knows how to id phoneposting.
Okay, degenerate and stupid to boot.

Did I really make you that mad, user?
lol, I'm sorry

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>"My wife's son and I..."

>Don't throw away your relationship over a single mistake, OP
I thought the whole point of having a relationship was to not fuck with other people. It seems more like she threw the relationship away before OP.
>over a single mistake
It wasn't a single mistake, getting drunk was the first mistake, sucking his dick was another, and every stroke was another mistake. Even when you're drunk you're still conscious. She consciously knew what she was doing, she only uses alcohol as an alibi for her many conscious mistakes. Because saying I consciously sucked a man off while drunk sounds a lot better than just saying I consciously sucked a man off.

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yes, it is cheating, now the true question is: do you care? monogamy is a religious construct

You aren't a Christ-cuck are you?

>monogamy is a religious construct
Yes user, this is why practically every civilization across the world ever, practiced monogamy. Even in the primitive hunter gathering groups.

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they practiced monogamy plus having affairs with mistresses and neighbors and prostitutes and....

So Serial Monogamy? Wow user are you an anthropologist or something?

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>sarcasm is funny
monogamy was never a real thing.

>that real thing was never a real thing cuz I said so. Take that religious people!
You see how silly you sound?

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Okay whatever virgin lmao

Even if you're drop dead drunk you're still conscious of what you're doing
I've gone way over the limit to the point of needing a doctor and even then I still had enough control over myself that I knew not to sit in a car
She cheated knowingly and will do it again if you forgive her

Yeah I hate when this happens
what a fucking bluepilled cuck

the absolute cuck

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>Ad Hominims
Right on Que

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your gf cheated on you, you dumb fucking retard lmfao

>you guys are just mad that Chad fucks my gf
You lucky stud you

I only use as much force as I need to when slaying my enemies.

wrong, natives here in brazil( the natives that were here before the colonizaton) all shared the woman, in an interview they were asked "how do you know which kid is who's child" and the answare was, they are all -our- kids. also some mormons and middle-est people also practice poligamy

>A dude tried getting her to fuck, and she still forced them off.
Yeah because he was a creep and not Chad. A woman will never turn down Chad. It's like a man turning down a really hot chick. Men and women truly are the same in that regard. The dude just wasn't hot enough. Women are only loyal when there is some severe consequence otherwise, like stoning to death or beatings and even then some still do it.

Oh I see. You were merely giving me a demonstration on how not to slay your enemies.

Omae wa mou shindeiru

>I found a few civilizations out of hundreds if not thousands that didn't practice conventional monogamy.
Well like I said, the majority did. Don't believe me? Look it up in an anthropology book.

Nah, tell her to fuck off. Seriously, she went out without you go get drunk. She shouldn't of did that but she still did, such a betrayal.

>When you lose so many braincells you forget to speak English

>when you're an eternal virgin

lmao my man, this is not how you do it.

Basically, you cheat. If you find out she cheats, get another girl.

Considering you have forgiven her, you are not a cheater, and don't know what goes through the mind of a cheater. I know, because I am, although only alcohol triggers it. But get ready for the worst in the future.

>like stoning to death or beatings

Based muslimpill user

This belongs here.
OP is a cuckold.

m8, sex is a primal feeling. it isn't cucked

I'm not even muslim but I know what's up.

Yes. Cheating is cheating. Dump her ass

Blowjobs are a harsher / more brutal form of cheating than vaginal intercourse. Change my mind.

Why start the thread if you don't want the opinions retard? You're just mad there are fewer cucks here than you thought

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You have a point. It wasn't even for personal gratification. It was to pleasure someone else. So not even just giving in to base instincts. Simply a brutal wanton betrayal

idk, some girl REALLY get off from giving blowjobs.
this one girl i used to talk to told me how she doesn't even like being eaten out but still loves to give head, sounds weird if you ask me but I guess there's some truth to it.

People don't change the way they think when they're drunk. They just don't care about the consequences as much. If she's willing to fuck someone while drunk then she's definitely thought about doing it sober. Drop the cheating whore.

do her tears enable time travel?

>so it's not like she decided to cheat on me when she had a clear head or anything.
and THAT's where you're wrong. she decided to get hella wasted so it would be okay for her to cheat. and she actually got away with it, the genius.

Classic cuck. Your woman after you accepted has no respect for you btw.

Getting drunk doesn't magically change you into another person. It just lowers your inhibitions. Basically your gf wanted to suck that cock. And she did. And you're a cuck faggot.

You got cheated on plain and simple. It doesn't matter if she was drunk, unless she was too drunk to consent it's cheating. If she admits to it chances are she's done it before or will again and is testing the waters. You are a cuck and will continue to be until you dump her

this. girls do this all the time. tricking cucks is too easy my man

Haha you silly cuck. My gf doesn't drink, doesn't hang out with boys,
doesn't party without me, doesn't stay out past late. You are a cuck, plain and simple.

>you don't like the decision I made
>It's my life and my call

Holy shit he even talks like a reddit beta.

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lmao this is bait right?

either way, if your girl is out kissing/fucking/sucking other dudes, she shouldn't be your gf anymore.
the only thing I might even consider working out, is the kissing bit, and that is If I loved her, otherwise she can fuck right off.

I'm a woman and your story sounds like complete bullshit. You're probably young and haven't had much experience with people. But.. When a girl gets "drunk" we don't suddenly change into a different person and want to suck some cock in the room. You have to already be like that. The alcohol lowers your inhibitions to do it. Being honest about sucking the cock first thing in the morning is a defense mechanism to cover yourself. Girls are usually really good at figuring out if their boyfriend's is weak enough to accept it. Sorry man, you may need to rethink this one and decide that you regret your naive decision.

Source for ops pic? I need to investigate it some more. For science.