Drank three beers

>drank three beers
>become nihilistic

Every fucking time

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That sound very Finnish, except only needing 3 beers.
>12 pack of Koff later
>"Fuck it, I'm going to go sit in the sauna in the dark and contemplate herring."

Based and origubal

>drink 4 beers
>become happy and carefree
if i wasnt worried about beer gut id become an alcoholic

>drink 3 beers
>Vidya isn't fun anymore
Every time

>Drink a pint of Brandy

Suddenly I'm dancing to 60s r&b and vaporwave combo.

>three shots of jager
>start singing Marty Robbins

I've been depressed for 25 years straight and somehow no one around me notices and thinks I'm happy wtf how can they not see? I do nothing but act sad 24/7 it boggles me how they can see me as a normal person.

>read a thousand times how one is not supposed to mix energy drinks and hard liquor
>do it anyway


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Are you an adult loser that has come out to your parents and told them not to have expectations of you and that you're basically waiting to die?

>drink 12 beers
>try to fuck men

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Why would they acknowledge your sadness at your age? What would they tell you? It's not like you're a teenager with potential. You have a realistic idea of your potential, if you've been sad for that long, then all they can do is keep it light around you. Nobody wants to get personal with anyone unless they want to get with them.

Is life in Finland really just eating sausages, drinking beer, and sitting in a sauna?

>been religious and depressed all my life
>never drank
>watch from a distance people getting fucked up and having the time of their lives

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>drink three beers
>can enjoy music again

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watch them drunk retards get in fights. Go to a bar and watch retards punch each other.

>being a religious cuckservative in a liberal society

dumbass, you might as well roleplay as an spanish pirate while you're at it

Feeling you on that one pal.

I don't like drunk people. They are loud and annoying.

> drink 4+ beers
> can carry a conversation better
> can't follow a movie plot
every fucking time

Please don't talk about alcohol... it's early in the morning and I'm already thinking to start sipping back some beers

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I'm pretty quiet when I drink. I just sit at the bar and stare in comfy bliss.

It beeth 4PM here.

this sound great desu, tell me more about it

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I was you, then I realized there is something out there but it ain't exactly what the churches say. Fuck it. This may be the only life you live. As long as you start before 39 you have a head start on me.

>drink 3 beers
>the shakes and constant anxiety stops

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It's 11pm for me too and I've been at it since 9am just join us

>drink 1 beer
>throw up

I don't get it lads

>Drink no beers
>Always nihilistic

Alcohol only lessens the effect of social inhibitors. You would be constantly nihilistic if you saw nothing wrong with it

Yeah why not then, gonna grab beer and a smoke it's only like 6:30 am but might as well get pissed early got nothing better to do today

you missed nothing

same, looks like i might be addicted haha

>don't drink beer
>remain nihilistic

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Earliest I ever started was noon, and I already worry about my habits' long term effect.

I only drank 1 tall can of beer on my 21st and for like 9 months I had small cravings, there is no fucking way I'm touching that shit again if I can help it.

and yelling perkele at bears who try to steal your shit.

Everyone has to know their limits. I probably surpassed mine.

Mine is apparently 1 beer a lifetime.

same. when i started drinking i had a rule that i wouldn't start drinking until i'd been awake for at least 8 hours (so if i got up at 8 in the morning i could start drinking at 4 in the afternoon). fast forward several years and now i have to force myself to wait an hour from waking up until i start drinking.

It's hard to believe, everything in that society revolve around ethanol and it's effects.

same haha
arent we just a couple of zany fellas haha

I usually don't start until 6. I should push this back one hour because happy hour rates are almost as good as buying at a store.

How did you get there? was it a steady pounding of multiple beverages per night, or a couple very light days followed by a binge from hell where you can not be satiated until you wind up on the floor with drink and piss spilled all over the place?

>Drink fifth of whisky
>Depression and anxiety leaves
>Feel like I can go on as long as I have my drink
>Sober for five months now
>Still depressed, just sober now

Why can't I just drink instead of take anti depressants that barely do the trick? I've started to abuse sleeping medicine bow. It's easier to sleep than stay awake with these urges. I just want it to be over.

How much do you weigh? Even as a "beginner" I couldn't get buzzed off 24 oz of standard 4-5% beer.

>drink three beers
>wonder if I meant anything to her

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140 6'0, roughly, sometimes a bit more lbs.

Well that explains it. I'm 240-250

>was it a steady pounding of multiple beverages per night
it was basically this. at 21 i started off drinking 3 beers a night (real beers with >6% abv, not miller light bullshit) and feeling pretty buzzed, eventually i couldn't get drunk off of 3 beers so it became 4-5, that became 6-8, etc. classic domino effect/slippery-slope story

Ok. I binge but aside from temporary affects like shaking and nausea, I can feel fine if I go a couple days off then start back slow with a 4 light to moderate beers, a bottle of wine, or a 40 of malt liquor. I'm beginning to think hard liquor is just for "jump-starting" the night if used at all. All the hard alchies drink that shit out of the bottle. Light Beers should be drinks for "hitting the breaks" and "maintaining a buzz".

when I started drinking I was around your weight and it usually took about 36oz to feel buzzed. 24oz if I chugged them as fast as I could.

>drink half a bottle of gin
>barely feel a buzz
>start being motivated to go out
>none of my acquaintances or friends respond
>drunk shitposting on Jow Forums
>feel lonely
Another Saturday evening.

When I replied to the limit thing I meant that 1 beer was enough to give me alcohol cravings, I don't think I was drunk.

>drank 7 beers
>start vomiting everywhere

I just want to drink and have fun. I am willing to take some time off or slow down to reduce my tolerance. I think 25 is a good number of drinks per week for my size. I'm afraid I drank 15 or more on Thanksgiving but since some was homemade I don't know how much alcohol was in it. All I know is I gained consciousness on the kitchen floor with popcorn homemade wine on the floor and urine on my pants. I even drink like a retard.

Lol this.
I don't even like men in a sexual or social manner, yet I crave validation and I'll admit being told they are horny for me makes me feel something. I don't even want to be pleasured, just to pleasure.
I also tend to use worse language, vulgar words, loud shouting for small things that don't make me angry, I just emulate anger.

At the first few beers, I feel good. Drinking beer by large gulps while making food, to the point where I'm not hungry and just force the food down or even save it for tomorrow instead and drink more. I can play video games, overcome the ladder anxiety (basically queue solo in video games) and have agood time. While drinkning more beer I get a little better due to being more calm, but quickly reaches the point where I become (much) worse, rude and loud. And quickly decend into hell where I'm barely moving in a game and die without realizing.

It doesn't take many beers before I forget everything that happens after. I can't watch a movie after 3-4 beers, I will maybe remember a scene or two and the notion of having watched it. Seeing the familiarity, but not know much about what happens.

And I write long posts on this shitty site (sober now though).

>drink 1 beer
>"Huh I don't really feel anything."
>drink 2 beers
>"I can really concentrate on shit right now, this is nice."
>drink 3 beers
>"Why am I so tense all the time?"
>drink 4 beers
>"God, I just feel fucking sad now."
>drink 5 beers
>"I don't really want to get fucked up like I used to and have a hangover or do something moronic. This isn't really fun anymore. Time to go to bed."
For me at least

>drink 2 bottles of wine
>finally, no anxiety, self confidence, happiness,

is this what it feels to be normal

And punching reindeer in the ass on the highway.

>drink 1 beer
Fucking give me a second chance at life. I rolled a six and threw away the dice.

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