This is what you and i and all of us will look like once we're old, imagine actually being this old...

this is what you and i and all of us will look like once we're old, imagine actually being this old, imagine actually continuing to live once you reach this state or age

literally why would anyone want to live past 50? if i ever saw myself coming to this stage or found myself in this situation the first thing i would do is put a shotgun shell through the back of my skull, the only way i can see us not becoming like this is if we exercise and lift weights intensely every single day for like hours a day with athlete-tier routines and eat like olympians, making and eating from our own farms and slaughterhouses running frequent costly in-depth genetic tests on soil quality, grass, water, seeds and even the animals with multiple labs, and having them completely free range and grass fed, getting every possible blood test and physical scan / test in existence every month, and absolutely never touching any steroids, alcohol or putting any substance into our body at all that isn't extensively tested home-grown high quality food or water

but all that focus, time, sweat and effort just so we can reduce the risk of going senile and bed-ridden before dying? and even then none of it is guaranteed? like what the fuck man

self-destructive hedonistic behavior is becoming more and more justified, it's like we're follish and stupid to waste all these things and pleasures we can experience in life just so we can live for a few more years when we can zyzz it out

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Other urls found in this thread:

Now consider that most people who reach this stage of life have kids and grandkids that will support them into their later years. Imagine how much worse it must be to get to that age and have no one to care about you.

it's ample revenge for bringing you into this disgusting world with this disgusting species and excuse of a planet

you don't spend any time care or thought for your children or grandchildren and don't have their futures already made for them before you have them, you don't give them the best that's humanly possible, then you get what you give

parents get to fuck with and control their children in the early stages, but once we grow up and you grow old, you're fucked, and you will suffer much more than we did, we will leave you to be eaten alive in the streets just like you left us to be eaten alive by "human"ity

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He's talking about people who won't have children. Like you, you're the one that's going to be fucked.

no, didn't you see what i said? if i ever get to that point or see my condition significantly deteriorating i'm just going to shoot myself through the back of the head with a 3.5" slug 12 gauge shotgun

you're the one that's going to be cucked and fucked m9, because you value this shitty primitive savage animalistic planet species and existence so much you're in denial about your inevitable end, even if it means rotting away senile and bed-ridden in some nursing home or dark room eating pudding and chewing baby food with your gums

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Cursed image holy fucking shit fuck you man spoiler that shit

I dare you to have a visit to your local retirement home, and see how many of those kids and grandkids "care".

I don't think I would even reach that age seeing as if anything happens to me there won't be anyone to check up on me. Also, I don't really take care of myself and rarely see a doctor for checkups. I'm such in poor health in my late 20's that I can already see myself dying from a stroke or heart attack in my 30's and having them find me because of the smell.

'Why live' is a moot question.

Death imho is

>Going from existing as a biological lifeform to the passive non experienced abyss of time & blackness that could last endless trillions of years before you eventually pop up somewhere as a biological lifeform once again with no memories or links to that previous existence.

>All of this will still happen whether you die as an infant with no life experiences, kys in your 20's, or live to 100 surrounded by a caring family. Nothing you do in life will change anything. It won't change the future of humanity, it won't change the universe. It'll only change the near future of you & your relative's life experiences, perhaps some of your descendants should you procreate, and if you're part of some 0.00001%, the future of humanity for a limited time (it all ends up the same way - universe collapsing into an immense ball of particles 'singularity' & exploding again for a new beginning). Some may escape this if technological singularity gets far enough, & roam the darkness in between universes in little vessels with infinite power sources & by then they're immortal because of scientific advances, maybe visiting other universes. That's the only way you'll escape the cycle, to exist forever in a vessel sailing the cosmos & escaping the pull of collapsing universes.

How you end or how long you stay around

If you smoke weed at a certain age, your mind stops aging. Its called arrested development. I plan to statt smoking weed daily when im retired around 70 so i can remain a 70 year old brain as i age.

Forgot to add the one comforting part about the cycle is that you don't experience the time in between your different lives since you're not alive or conscious, so it'd happen pretty much instantly relative to perceptions of a) your current biological lifeform b) whatever your next consciousness is, probably some weird mammal in some distant universe (aka - death isn't something to be feared, and losing current connections isn't as melancholic as you think because you've probably lives endless trillions of lives)

>t. dudeweedlmaoer who skimmed through some article he found on kookbook
pseudoscience hoo-ha, it's called damaging your brain and becoming retarded

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also, the reason it's so moot is that you're correct, there's no compelling reason to live. But there's also no compelling reason NOT to live.

Complete nihilism is dumb.

Nihilism to the point of 'there's no grand meaning' is enlightened, but there is temporary meaning - experience of you, your family, etc, in the future & near future. Even live for complete hedonism if it pleases you.

If you're a sad lonely failure, go get a dog from a rescue centre & take it walks out into forests every day, or find a hobby, or spend your life watching anime & porn on the internet & playing degenerate MOBAs. Just do something you like. Life aint about self pity, dont be sad sack of shit.

I'll probably commit suicide before I'm fifty. Unless I miraculously get married.

This reminds me that even my parents could kill themselves any day, then I'd be living out in the woods. I think about this myself, like I'm 22 now and I know that I am subhuman shit, why the hell would I want to actually get older, sadder and less able bodied? There's no point, I hope that over time, I lose my fear of an afterlife or reincarnation so I can make a serious attempt to kill myself. Just have to swing as hard as I can so there's veeery little to NO chance of failure being left with severe damage to myself.

What about old people with incompetent children? Like my parents, what about when they're of age and I'm not working or mentally competent to take care of them and caress them into death. Do I put them in a home? I murder them and put them out of their misery? Should I seriously consider all of this and finally attempt suicide? Every day, life becomes more questionable and my mind provides more questions for this problem of life. Like I have no clue and no persuading factor for what to do in so many instances, and the more dilemmas that I'm faced with, the less I can realistically believe that a loving God put me here on this earth to be hopelessly sad and die for years and years, dwelling in my own pit of despair, anguish and insanity. I'm about to begin smoking cigarettes really, I have nothing else.

Will someone post the Pepe holding a shotgun to the back of his head for this guy? Really though, don't see how you're gonna do that. I've thought through the side of the head, so it goes through both hemispheres of the brain. Short barrel would be easiest to maneuver.

Imagine if there's no karma system. We're either trapped in a system for eternity, or we're trapped in random entropy for infinity, not sure which is more terrifying. If there's no personal God that we project this longing for love onto, then we are cycling matter through the process of drama, suffering and pain for eternity. And we are left here to conceive and ponder these things through our current limited life times. It's hard not to think about, especially when you've evaluated your personal potential and realize that you're fucked overall. Hopefully someone read this, because I'm losing my mind every day panicking my way through many moments of the day.

What if she cheats on you? You're just another mouth and asshole with a prick like billions of others.

Karma is bs just like ghosts & souls & gods & heaven, reincarnation on the other hand makes sense to me logically (infinite time, infinite universes coming & going, its crazy to me to think you just die & never again exist as a biological lifeform)

If she divorces and takes the kids yeah I'll probably end it

At least if things didn't work out, then you'd have developed a personality, or ego, and you would have motivation to kys. Perhaps I should get out and try so I have enough will to kill myself if things fuck up. Never having kids though.

imagine being this brainwashed, people like this actually need psychiatric help
>karma system
>"the system"
>god again
>reincarnation makes sense logically

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Approximately 90% of what you just listed will have absolutely no impact on your outcomes at all.

Exercises to maintain flexibility, and intense intellectual activity, are pretty much all you can do. And even then you can still lose the dementia lottery. Just be sure to kill yourself as soon as you feel any signs of incipient mental degradation.

>Perhaps I should get out and try so I have enough will to kill myself if things fuck up.
Always been glad that as a khv I've evaded being cheated on and such, but maybe I could have escaped being alive through that.

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>if i ever get to that point or see my condition significantly deteriorating i'm just going to shoot myself through the back of the head
No You won't. You will find some way to rationalize how it's not THAT bad and back out. Until you eventually die by a third party.

Why the fuck would you exist again, what part of your brain is magically flying into a fetus? There is no "you" to go on, a scalpel in your brain can take away your emotions, your memories, your sense of self.
What difference does it make if something just like you comes around, or countless trillions of other lifeforms get to exist? Your stream of consciousness has been annihilated.

I know, there is no 'you'. It's weird. There's absolutely no link between your present biological existence, and some random mammal you might be the conscious perceiver/ 'life' of in 2000000 trillion years in some other place. Yet it is, for all intents and purposes, 'reincarnation'.

I can't prove it, but I'm pretty sure we become (I use 'we' cautiously because like I said above there's no link between the two existences) conscious biological lifeforms again at some point in the future. This isn't spiritual or metaphysical in any way, I just have a belief that universes come & go and time sort of never ends, and eventually you and I will be some conscious being again, and people take the wrong meaning from 'you' and 'I' because there's no link whatsoever.

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>I just have a belief that universes come & go and time sort of never ends, and eventually you and I will be some conscious being again

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Never had it in my to be in a relationship, only to fool around. I've been too shallow for a relationship in my teen years and I still am.

Hey, here's a more straight forward question for you, it's why these theories were created. Here it goes; Why are we all here?

It's very much in layman's terms but yes.

Event Z where x (x>=0
>tfw some lucky fucks will one day save themselves from their programmed deaths, looking back in horror at our existential crises and crippled end
Sure they'll die to accidents, murders, suicides, but at least they won't have a fucking clock ticking roughly down to their demise

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matter is neither created nor destroyed, meaning what me are made of must somehow be reincorporated into the universe once your consciousness ends. according to the idea that there is an infinite existence of the universe, you will somehow make up another conscious biological lifeform at some point. at least thats what i believe

Bruh I wouldn't even get in the star trek teleporter, that's a clone
I don't give the slightest fuck if my atoms make another me, I'm not atoms I'm my consciousness

It's scary man. As i get older im starting to think about this shit more and more. When I was younger I didnt think about what it would be like to be that odd 40-something dude who lives alone and only leaves his house to go to work. I start thinking about those pictures you might see here of some dead guy rotting in a recliner who wasn't found until his neighbors complained about the smell. That's were I'm headed.

Im already like that at 36.

I hope I have kids so that they can visit me once a month when I'm 86 and getting the shit beat out of me daily by the 78 IQ haitian retards who tuck me in at night in the retirement home I'm made prisoner of.

if you were you wouldn't even be able to type that message, let alone go on Jow Forums, let alone access the internet, let alone even open or operate a computer, let alone operate anything

being senile and having dementia and alzheimers means you're a complete fucking vegetable, the "you" that you actually think exists is wiped clean, and all it takes is just a few neurons in your skull's meat sack to deteriorate, and what you're left with is a shivering shaking drooling slobbering soiling mess like OP pic related

so you're not even close...yet