Why was Fallout 3 so much fucking better than New Vegas...

Why was Fallout 3 so much fucking better than New Vegas? In the former we actually got to see the ruins of a former great american city and everything felt real and atmospheric while the latter didn't have any of that, it was just a desert with a fucking casino in the middle. Please tell me you agree, robots.

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>oh look. It's this unoriginal faggot again

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>it was just a desert with a fucking casino in the middle.
>describing what Nevada literally is

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>degenerates like you belong on a cross
absolutely barbaric opinion

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I know this is bait, but I unironically agree that Fallout 3 > New Vegas.

I know this is bait, but I check 'em.

Guys I made a mistake. I'm going back to bye

Okay, now tell me why that is Satan. Your post is also bait.

Now everything makes sense. Why the fuck is Jow Forums always wrong? They could get memos directly from the Kremlin, with the GRU's director on it to save time.

Fuck you. I'm banned from /v/, so I have to post here.

>>describing what Nevada literally is
Then make a different setting, a new place. They should've made something better, and besides, they could have added more even if it wasn't realistic because fun is always better than roaming around an empty desert.

>I unironically agree that Fallout 3 > New Vegas.
Based and redpilled, Satan.

You're wrong.

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>I'm banned from /v/
It takes a Jow Forumstard level retardation to get banned in /v/ of all places. Go back to your echochamber and kys

How about both games are trash. I played the first two and enjoyed them a lot but nu-fallout is shit no matter what

>Then make a different setting, a new place.
Obsidian did want to use a different setting but Bethesda restricted that

>they could have added more even if it wasn't realistic because fun is always better than roaming around an empty desert.
That too was the original plan buy with only a year and other Bethesda imposed restrictions we only got a watered down new vegas which was still better than anything Bethesda shat out

So you're saying that 3 is better than New Vegas, then?

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I agree with the mainstream that NV > 3 but I wanna say one thing

Fallout 3 is fucking underrated and all the shit it gets is undeserved. It was fucking amazing when it came out. Having the ability to switch between real time and VATS is so granted now but when it came out, it was fucking revolutionary. And the scope of the map was huge.

>...which was still better than anything Bethesda shat out

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>ruins of a former great american city
umm think again nigger

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They're unironically both garbage compared to '76.

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>And the scope of the map was huge.
Fallout 3 map is a lot bigger than New Vegas Map and more densely packed with unmarked locations
how can new vegas even compete
made me laugh

I agree, but NV had so many good things that it added which made going back to 3 hard. But 3 made a great foundation for NV so I respect it. I loved it when it came out. There wasn't anything like it (inb4 hurr Oblivion with guns). Great game.

Fallout 3 had insane story-writing.
Well except the main story, for some reason the main one is always fucking dull, probably to appeal to the pea brain normalshits.

>Fallout 3 map is a lot bigger than New Vegas Map and more densely packed with unmarked locations
Based and redpilled. I would know the entire Fallout 3 map and know where everything was and how to get there because it actually mattered and was not just a huge desert with nothing in it. The map on Fallout 3 was awesome.

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Shills crossposting from /v/ belong in a cross.

can someone explain fallout 76
what happened ?
did bethesda just stop giving a damn?
i really want to know why they felt the need to make this game

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They have gone full moneygrab.

Really quite sad to see actually. It will be interesting to see how they react to Fallout 76, but I think that once a company begins to value profit over anything else it's death has been set in motion

Unreasonable deadlines, consistent bugs, unreasonable price, crashes and Todd presenting the game with his split tongue, contradicting himself constantly.

Fallout 4>Fallout 3>New Vegas

After they were able to re-release skyrim a half dozen times and net a significant profit they just assumed they coukd shit anything out and people woukd buy it up in enough numbers to justify what little effort they put in it.
FO76 is no different. By new years it will net them a nice healthy profit because consumers are dense fuckers. Then they'll just hype the shit out of ES6 and have zero issues making more money off of the excited fan boys

Unpopular opinion but I really enjoyed Fallout 3 and NV purists really piss me off, still I think that NV is better.

The thing it's most lacking is contact, other than that it's not actually a bad game, right now it just feels like a mashup of base building and radiant quests.

Just kidding, the game is literally satan.

wait aren't you also the catholic namefag? If so convert to a nondenominational chad and then play fallout nv again as it is clearly superior.

But it's not an empty desert, there's plenty to do. You've obviously never played New Vegas.

>wait aren't you also the catholic namefag?
>If so convert to a nondenominational chad and then play fallout nv again as it is clearly superior.
I think I'll pick New Vegas up sometime then. I haven't played any DLC yet.

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