What I want for Christmas can't be bought

What I want for Christmas can't be bought.

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She likes you. She's waiting for you to make a move.

No, she doesn't. They never do.

prove it sempai

but she can be stolen user

No, if I had enough monies, I could buy all of Estonia.

user you wanna know what i want for Christmas?

I don't want to do that. Nice trips though.

was just an idea op

I don't know, a harem of traps?

what i want for christmas is a swift death

i want you to wake up and thinking about how much you love yourself and stop being harsh on yourself, you are loved and have your whole life to find a gf, but you know who is gonna be there for you until you have a gf? You, so love yourself!

user, there is nobody in this world I hate more than myself.

then why would you want to date? you think thats going to fix you? what do you dislike about yourself, lets setup a little better yourself guide!

I wish I could be content without killing myself using drugs, mainly alcohol.
I wish I could feel motivated to do something, anything. To have a passion.
I wish I could go back in time and talk to my 12-year-old-self for like 5 minutes or start over.

How do I love myself?
(Why is this not original?)

I'm not in the mood for this. Go fuck yourself.

its hard af to get into the mindset of loving yourself, what are a few things you dislike about yourself, it helps to fix the things that effect you now,

well im sorry, i hope you find what your looking for in life user, keep your chin up

i know that feel user
test tp see if im banned

Go fuck yourself sperglord, this is the last time I help you manchildren I'll say that much

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I imagine I'll find it at the end of a shotgun barrel.

i hope it never comes to that user but if i does dont try to date, if you get a gf with that mindset you might hurt someone that gave a shit...

dont blame one person for the many, keep it up we need more people willing to help others in this world!

I'm always sick and feel bad.
I'm scared by a lot. If I leave my home town I feel intimidated. If I'm surrounded by strangers I feel intimidated, etc.
I don't know how to deal with humans.

>you might hurt someone that gave a shit
What do you mean by this?

>I'm always sick and feel bad.
what do you eat, and how much sunlight you getting?
>I don't know how to deal with humans.
thats the hard part, i cant really tell you how because everyone is different.. the hard part about getting better is at the end of the day its up to you if you want to get better

>get gf
>she sad now
i was more or less just trying to make ya think about the down side of suicide because its not ever painless for anyone

If I got a gf I wouldn't want to kill myself anymore.

I'm poor, so I eat mostly oatmeal.
I don't get out much, because I feel so tired.
But I can try to get a job, to eat better and go for regular walks.

You can buy anything with the right amount of money I could buy boipucci for christmas but why? I use Grindr and fuck sissy robot bottoms every week its pretty fun and the amount they let me abuse them is almost assault and rape

y-youre fucking disgusting wtf

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Don't knock it till you try it its easy to get laid I would never suck a dick or get topped but abusing them is fun as hell

It is pretty gay but at least he is getting laid I guess.. I'm at that point where I might try Grindr have nothing to lose anyway.

What exactly do you do to them?

Anything I want basicly, I choke them till they pass out slap them, spit on their face fuck their ass rough and hard till they actually cry, I slap their testicles till they cant get hard and start to cry punch them in the ribs a d use them as a human toilet piss on their face and mouth etc thats some of the stuff I do they say they want it rough and to be dominated but they end up not enjoying at all

>I eat mostly oatmeal.
try to get some greens and meats in that
getting a job will help you feel better no matter how useless the job is(i.e) cashier

Man you have some issues I mean slapping their testicles?

Thank you user, I'll try that.
I don't have anyone else to help so I appreciate that.
I'm going to sleep now.

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would you want my discord? before you go

>What I want for Christmas can't be bought.

Everything can be bought, you just don't have enough money.

how much does it cost to bring my dead dog back?

A 9mm is few buck, remember to put it under your mouth and aim straight up.
You should see your dog soon after the flash.

>A 9mm is few buck
im from ny boss

Then locate nearest black gentleman and call him nigger and he will gift you full mag free of charge.

not that part of ny, the other about 99% of the state ^_^

what if I made the move already?
asked her out and she said no

then you know how she feels about you, get back on your feet and find the right one!

easier said than done brother

no shit, but you fell in love before you even dated her, no you can mope and say poor me, or you can say damn thats shit and move on