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Fucking hate college

I think im too retarded for college. But I dont know what I would do if I wasnt going to college.

Pick an engineering program that isn't "Engineering physics". All you have to do is understand simple math and how the physical world works, and remember concepts/names from lectures. Minimal studying required, since you have little need to do grad school (the only reason to go for grades higher than Bs) anyway.

>he doesn't study as a hobby
get back to watching cartoons and playing video games and leave college for people with a triple digits iq

I do none of those things, why are you being so rude to a fellow robot?

What are you guys studying? I'm a cell biofag

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Used to do just that untill a few years ago.
I'm so glad i can see clearer now.

Lol I pass all my shit without studying. Fucking brainlets.

I'm graduating from medschool this year. It has been pure hell mostly. I've developed chemical addictions and my depression has gotten worse.
Cant wait to see how I fuck up my life as an actual doctor.

got any good stories from medschool hell? my only experience is from Chekhov's "Doctors" and tv shows

aerospace engineering
Studying Japanese on the side

Me too, but with mediocre grades.

yeah, but I'm a bit drunk now. autopsies, tragedies and people breaking down didnt phase me that much. I've seen stillbirth, people dying, a guy vomiting feces then dying, the autopsy of a guy who an herod by a train etc. what would you like to hear?
what got to me was the constant stress, the feelings of never being good enough and social isolation for months. during finals I've spent 12+ hours a day studying while almost going psychotic and having intrusive thoughts about suicide all day. I lived alone and didnt interact much with other people. I watched the year flew by, lost friends and missed opportunities. during this time I developed addictions to various substances. I've spent 6 long years slaving away. the worst thing is I would do it again because I cant imagine doing anything else.

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why didnt you just hire hookers?

I'm actually interested in you methods of studying; Can you give a brief overview if you have time?


because I was a hopeless romantic who believed if I worked hard enough and stayed a good boy, I would get the girl of my dreams. that plus I'm repulsed by whores, afraid of STDs and fucking broke. I did have a gf for 9 months but it didnt work out.
of course. I mainly did cramming. If I knew a big exam was coming up this was my routine:
>arrive at the library at 8 AM with my books
>drink coffee or energy drinks
>study for 1.5-2 hours then have a smoke break andf another coffee
>repeat every 2 hours
>re-read the parts I learned before and test how much I memorized
>constantly try to connect the dots so I have a sort of "web of information" in my head
>lunch break for 1 hour, which mostly consisted of trash food
>stay there for 8-10 PM then go home and eat something
>repeat the stuff I have learned that day and try to connect that with my previous knowledge
>fall asleep around 1-2 AM
>go to the library again the next morning, revise and learn new stuff
>usually consumed around 600-1000mgs of caffeine and half a pack of cigarettes
>sometimes took other stimulants I could get my hands on
On off days when I wasnt cramming I studied maybe 2-3 hours. now that it's almost over I mostly drink and do drugs.

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yeah, forgot to mention I did this 12+ hours routine for the duration of finals which is 2 months here. during the school year I only had exams every 2 weeks or so and those didnt matter much, so I only studied for 2-3 days for them.
I'm in the top 10% of my year grade-wise but I always felt like worthless trash. self-hatred fueled me for 6 years.

Because you sound like a fucking moron and the type of human being that is absolutely intolerable in person.

I didn't mean to bother you, sorry frend

Shit this is me in gradschool right now. Without the cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol. Maybe lay off that shit man, its a slippery slope to ruin

if you need to study then you def arent triple digit iq.

You are sub 115 at most

Quit and join the rat race. At least you'll get paid

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>at least you'll get paid
>just enough to survive
>at the cost of all your freetime

wagies NEVER learn AND its HILARIOUS.

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Yes because 2 hours of sleep and countless deadlines for subjects that the college forces you to do (even though you pay them thousands of dollars to study one specific subject) is so fun and rewarding.

Uninormals are the most pathetic betas there are, they literally pay to get cucked and ruin their health all for a piece of paper.

how is aerospace? I've been debating between majoring in aerospace or electrical engineering

college is fucking easy, you are just a brainlet

oh look, a "new" tripfag

Don't feed them, you fucking newfaggot

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Ive been posting with this trip for over 5 years. seems like you're the new one year friendo

new one here*
... whatever