Hello dear friends, it is raining outside and i have decided to make homemade almond milk while i watch animal planet...

Hello dear friends, it is raining outside and i have decided to make homemade almond milk while i watch animal planet. What are you doing at the moment? Are you comfy?

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go through the steps with pics plz

Sure thing, fren. Before this almonds were soaking for around 12 hours. I changed the water once. The most time consuming part is peeling them. Once that isover the fun begins (:

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Wow, comedy thread already with just 3 posts.

Show us the process fren.

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Meant comfy. No bully.

You can MAKE almond milk? What sorcery is this?

Thanks, fren. All the almonds are peeled. Now i will set up the blender.

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Yes! i highly recommend you give it a try if you drink almond milk regularly. It is super tasty compared to store bought stuff.

How do you think they make it in factories, user?

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I set up the work station. Had to wait for my water to filter. Now I can begin blending. In the past I have used my old big blender to get it done fast. This is my first time making small batches with my nutribullet blender. I hope it improves my finished product.
Funny + nice digits. Have a you (:

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Really great thread. I have to go to bed now. Please continue. I will read when I wake up fren.

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i don't know why but you seems to be a nice person

Good thread. Have you ever made hazelnut milk? It's my favourite.

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Hope you enjoy your milk :)

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can't you buy peeled almonds lol? that sounds terrible to peel them all

Thank you, fren. That is very sweet of you. Life is not always kind but I try to spend my free time doing things I enjoy. I think it makes me a content person.

I think if they're soaked they usually just pop right out of the skin

I have not 0: The only milks i have tried are coconut, onions & almond milk. Almond milk is the only one I have made. I would like to taste rice milk but I dont know if i would ever make it. Do you make your hazelnut milk, fren?

I'm sitting alone in the dark on the edge of my bed with only the sound of a fan browsing this pile of shit while wondering if this pain in my left arm is the heart attack I have been waiting for

thank you. have a good night. keep warm.

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Yeah, they come off very easily. I choose to peel them myself because it is more cost effective and I enjoy watching television while I do it haha. Buying them pre peeled is definietly an option though.


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No, but I hope to get a blender soon and then perhaps.

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Additional notes:
>2 cups of water for every 1/2 cup of almonds
>blend for 1 min
>use spoon to aid straining

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Does it taste good? When i try to make basedmilk it doesn't taste nearly as good as the storebought kind, idk what i'm doing wrong

thick ass cum bro

And now you have almond milk! I will add this to a big jug and repeat the previous steps. Then I will add some honey, vanilla extract & nutmeg for flavouring.

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When you try to make almond milk? Probably because youre drinking it plain. I dont like the taste of plain homemade almond milk very much either. Try adding some honey or cinnamon, whatever tastes you like (:

the consistency is comparable to skimmed cows milk :v

Please seek medical attention if you have access to it, fren. If not take an advil and go to sleep. Rest well.

user, i told you not to bother me while i am in the kitchen >:(

it looks amazing fren, you inspired me, gonna do this too

FUCKING NICCCEEEEEEEEE. ever think of selling it?

That makes me so happy, user. With some simple additions you wont be dissapointed. Good luck my dear friend I hope you enjoy your milk.

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Not really. It is a very easy process so I would encourage others to try it themselves. If people did not have the time or equiptment and there was a market for all natural almond milk I would love to have a small bussiness. Now that you have put the idea in my head I will have dreams about being a natual almond milk vendor haha..

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Dont forget to flavour your milk, frens! It is the difference between a super refreshing and tasty beverage or a beverage that tastes like dirt!

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