Am I the only one that thinks this whole film is about male oppression?

Am I the only one that thinks this whole film is about male oppression?
I mean think about it, he's treated like a second class dog, basically a disposable soldier.
His boss sexually harasses him and who the fuck is going to care?
he's a lonely beta cuck who can only get love from a fantasy.
He does all the work and suffers the pain and burden of the story and in the end it's the fucking girl that is special and not him, simply because tits.
While she was living a completely cushy pamper perfect life happy in her bubble.
I assume he just dies in the cold alone as well, unimportant just a tool like so many of us.

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Jesus,I really gotta rewatch it now,never thought about it like this.Pretty risky theme for a movie in our times.

I don't know if it was intentionally made that way but you unironically make a really good argument for it. This movie just gets more and more based

Marriete or Joi?

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Joi is cuter and more loyal. The choice is obvious

Your perfect loyal waifu or a literal whore?

Joi is the most painfully lovable movie character, shes breathtaking and wonderful. I love joi. Shes also a genious of a well written character, the subversion of the manic pixie dream girl is made with such grace and melancholy you simply cant think it as any less than a masterpiece, blade runner 2049 is really one of the greats

Interesting view point, but I think you are projecting your thoughts too much, Well, but the author is dead, so we can do whatever the fuck we want

>His boss sexually harasses him and who the fuck is going to care?
His boss was the blonde chick, right?
When did he sexually harass him?
Also, I was h-a-f when I watched the movie but I remember a scene when that blonde chick (his supposed boss) was at his place and in the end asking him like something "what happens when x turns off? and he replied something like "not much, gonna go home" or something...
Was she making a move on him expecting them to fuck?

>inb4 khv
[i know gimme a break]

Yeah but one of them is more real. You can't feel Joi's warmth, or kiss her lips, or smell her.

Loyalty is pretty important I'll give you that, but it's still a hard choice for me.

yeah i think thats the scene op is talking about. I wouldnt really call it sexual harassment because she was just making a subtle move, but i guess if the man were the boss it would be considered sexual harassment today. really activates the almonds

How do you explain luv? She was treated like shit by her boss as well. The only difference between her and k is that she became psychopathic and hateful of the world as a result of her abuse. Wallace also killed a newborn female replicant in front of her for a laugh. If you focused only on her perspective you could conclude the film is about female oppression

Attached: luv.jpg (1280x532, 51K)

You do have a point, forgot joi is not real and you can't feel her. You can do what K did but honestly it didn't look convincing using the whores body...

>female endures hardship
>becomes a bitch
>male endures hardship
>sacrifices himself for the greater good

because luv was created to serve wallace and lived in that environment her whole life. she was like a child in an adult body who was easily influenced by him and indoctrinated into his ideology. this is why during the water fight scene she slices k across the stomach and then kisses him, its the same thing wallace did to the newborn replicant

>sample size for male replicants: 2?
>sample size for female replicants: 1?
I guess statistics aren't your strong suit. The contrast between them isn't meant to be based on gender; its just shows how two different individuals deal with stuff. Plus irl this is actually reversed since males commit more crimes
So... whats your point? My post refutes op's assertion that the film's theme is purely about male oppression. Your post doesn't disprove mine and back up op's claim

Ok it's not purely about male oppression, but K is the main character

>it's the fucking girl that is special and not him, simply because tits
thats not the reason though...

what was the readson then

Joi's character plot was one of the worst parts of the film. The setup for her being destroyed was so PAINFULLY obvious that it made me almost facepalm. I really wish they would have gone a different route for it, or at least not been so obvious with the setup for it. Now, K's revelation that she never really loved him or was anything more than a program to make him feel good (the product's purpose), was done well.

>she never really loved him or was anything more than a program
You didn't get it.

I legitimately think there's something to this idea, and I think it's why Villeneuve is kind of a genius. He made a high budget well publicized movie about a subject that would have been poison if people understood it. And it'll take critics 10 or 20 years to figure it out.

What's the name of this particular movie? Seems interesting, I gotta watch it

But in 10 to 20 years, will it be praised for being about male oppression or shat on it for representation it? Like from "mass media" or will the SJWs rule at that point?

Blade Runner 2049. You don't have to watch the original to like or understand it but you should watch the original anyways since it has good callbacks

But hes a replicant, not a man. the main oppressor in the movie is another male character too. The slave owner was male too.

There are a lot of themes. Gender wars wasnt one of them. You could say women in the movie are shown as fake or as sex objects, with no control over their lives. But thats not what the movie is about either. Diagnosis: virginity

Joi, obviously.