Sad images thread

just give me some sad images, anything's good.

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not sure if this what you want but here you go user

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thank you for posting, anons.

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It's not sad through facial expressions but rather through the mood, I am sure you will understand

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>when you die alone and no one even notices until they smell your rotting corpse

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in the sense of 2d being real; or falling into the delusions of having a partner?

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>dicklet gets a gf and she doesn't mind his size

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this picture made me so fucking aroused

And? That's not surprising at all

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two realities, each other consider the other not real despite interacting with each other

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i feel happy that other people have it worse

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stories by anons can always hit hard

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If only ypu knew how bad things really are

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not mine
sad shit g

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Its pretty sad when you know the backstory of the image

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stop shilling your shit here. fuck off.

How is this sad? This makes me feel nothing but happiness for dicklet user and hatred for plebbit.

>haha why are all men so stupid, I wish they'd be more like you! you are so fun to talk to!
Yeah stacey, I don't know either ..

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whats the backstory about, user?

14th may I reckon? Roof jumper user from Romania?

>shilling your shit
are you fucking blind, user? are you so hopelessly retarded you cant even read? do yourself a favor and walk to the nearest library, read a book, then get hit by a fucking ford fiesta, you sorry testicle sack.

sad landscape

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it's fucking fake, dickhead. fuck off.

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I can tell you first hand, because I took the original photo. Not the guy that posted the pic in this thread.There was a guy on a roof and I could see him from my room. So I took a pic and posted it on r9k. Some user made that. Btw I think the guy died.

Thats so fake and gay user

dead inside euro man

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ill dump some sad boyz stuff

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moe moe

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This is my favorite Picture to post on Jow Forums.

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You see as relatable as this is it just isn't "sad" to me anymore. A little dissapointing maybe but c'mon now. Unless you're a kid I don't feel bad for you making yourself into a needy orbiter. If a chick doesn't like you back then move on. Friendzone is bullshit too. A chick that would have liked you wouldn't not like you just because you failed to "make a move". If your only reason for being friends with a girl is fucking her then she's probably unbearable anyway and not worth living rent free in your head or in your life platonically.

this is really fucking tacky

But I want to believe women are people with feelings just like me. I really do.

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That looks like a weird commie block. Where is this?

What is this from? Reverse image search gives nothing

muted for 16 seconds
I want to die

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>vinyl of the first harry potter soundtrack

not too shabby a life my man led

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