As a dicklet (4.5 inches), how do I live knowing that having a penis 7.5 inches and up is objectively better...

As a dicklet (4.5 inches), how do I live knowing that having a penis 7.5 inches and up is objectively better, and even if I get a gf, she'll just keep lusting for a bigger dick until she actually finds one and leaves me.
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I'd rather fuck a guy who is 4.5 than one who is over 7.5, any day.

Just get your gf and I'll be your hung bull that pleases her sexually while you please her in other ways my friend

Sorry I'm not gay. Not surprised this isn't original.

Its over bro sorry
Life is hard when you have a small dick

I'm not gay either, I'm a girl. The only dick I tried is 7" and it hurts sometimes, I wouldn't fuck anything bigger.

Women don't care that much about dicks, my friend. Those who do to the point of acting this way wouldn't be gf material anyway.
Just make sure you can pet them and you're set. If you're worried about sex, you only have to have some control over when to cum or be able to go again after cumming.

As a dicklet, it's your role to spread your genes as much as possible so you reduce the human penile lenght average, btfo the jewish porn industry, its bluepilled consumers and the roasties who buy the propaganda.
Make the penis average be 4 inches. Deny the evil hordes what they want, build a supreme world of small cocks.

Ew no wtf what are you Asian?

>girl unzips pants
>8 inch cock flops out
>she rolls her eyes with a smirk
>gets it over with as fast as possible

>girl unzips pants
>fully erect, rock hard 5 inch cock protrudes out like a piece of finely sculpted marble
>she smiles in glee
>finally, some real sex

Horse cocks know this is true, dicklet master race rise up.

it's possible to have a longer dick, but only if you use a traction device. The results are similar to surgery.

Heres how you will leave your life:
- meet girl
- fuck girl
- girls finds out im dicklet

- repeat

Some women have a fetish for small dick they still like normal dicks but also like small dicks it makes them feel dirty.

whore original content is overrated

>fully erect, rock hard 8 inch cock protrudes out like a piece of finely sculpted marble
Ruined your beta little fantasy

You are fucking stupid OP my Dick is 7.7 inches and girls just sry out super fast and i always get complaints that it hurts. I believe in you, you can get a GF.

>stop feeding Africans
>only breed Asians

>an 8 inch dick and get fully erect
Wow, imagine having to cope this hard.

>7.5 inches and up is objectively better
What fucking species has a dick like that?
And no, not individuals, what country has this as a standard size, this makes no sense. Why would one feel envious over something that is an extreme?

>whore for fucking your husband

Wait, can big dicks not get hard?

You are truly retarded. Not even originally.

of course they can, but not quite as hard as that guy is coping i'm afraid

whore for posting on r9k you lying cunt

The problem with dicklets isn't their dick, it's the insecurity that reeks off them. If it wasn't the dick, then it would be something else like their height, looks, weight, fitness, wealth, status, race, etc etc etc.

Also a 4.5" dicklet with barely an girth, OP. It is a constant point of insecurity and I'm not sure even the most loving gf will ever be able to make be believe she genuinely loves my cock and would prefer it over something larger.

>>whore for fucking your husband
Fucking impure slut. Jesus christ will judge you.

Tits or gtfo tranny piece of shit

Man if you really want to fuck something, just buy a fleshlight in all honesty. There's more to life than sex and there's more to sex than actual penetration. Porn fucked your brain up.

>i wouldnt fuck anything bigger
>youve thought about this
>you are being unloyal to your husband
>you are a whore
Simple flow of logic, whore

If you know how to kiss, eat pussy or finger her, I honestly don't see why it would be a problem. People think bigger dicks = better sex. If anything it could be worse sex in a majority of cases.

I am disloyal to my husband for being satisfied with his cock?

Let me break this down for those who can't.
>There is such thing as too big for some women
>Regardless, 7" is perfect for this particular girl
>Ultimately, 4.5" is too small although it might be preferable over a giant dick
>If you're not above average at least, you'll still disappoint
Here are some ranges:

6.5"-7.5" (most preferred) > 5"-6.5" (somewhat acceptable) > 4"-5" (desperation tier) > 7.5"+ (ONLY if it's too big to fit or hurts too much, otherwise it's preferred/most preferred) > 4" or less micropenis (oblivion tier)

I mean you can get dick extensions...but that's weird. I dunno m8. We're about 20-25ish years from achieving the pique of medical science/computer science (singularity) so if your young, you can pray to enhance your dick in the next few years. Nothing is out of reach at this point in history
>on a side note, I saw (months ago) a couple of guys talking online about how to get a bigger pp. one of the guys said he paid a few thousand dollars for a few inches. I forget what the process was or who the doctor that did the surgeries was, but if you can get past all the internet scams and gimmicks I'm pretty sure there's a real medical procedure that can add inches at a time
>>>P.s. You can have your dick pulled out and add a few inches- you know how when your really hard you can feel in your groin/pubic area that the penis continues inside you? - apparently that can be pulled out by doctors(another surgery)

>he has a 7 inch cock and thinks it's special

8 inches just ask your mom's dicklet

I'd gladly pay a few thousand dollars for an extra couple inches if it were risk-free, and I'm a poorfag virgin

Unfortunately those are not risk free surgeries and are usually only advised for the most extreme cases

Sorry for being a brainlet

How hard? Because I am a dicklet (5.2inches) and if I am not fully aroused then I am not rock hard like diamonds, there is still some weakness to my cock so to speak

This. Girl on Jow Forums = whore

wich is worse: small peen or boomerang peen? i got both

>he thinks 8 inches is special

>If you're worried about sex, you only have to have some control over when to cum or be able to go again after cumming.

>You only


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But I am bro. And on top of that my height is hyper manlet tier at 5 foot 4, so people automatically know that I am a dicklet. Sorry for your three inches bro but you can still probably get girls in bed

height is only correlated with flaccid length mate
the guys with the biggest monster cocks in highschool were two manlets and one a little over average tall guy

It is just the thought that she will always prefer a bigger dick or lust after one just because of some sexual fantasy or something. Even if she is content with the dick size. You obviously are not a dicklet else you would know the deep pain and insecurity.

I too am a hyper manlet a 5'4
but ive got that fat 6.5" x 6"cock

are you retards aware penis pumps exist?

This. My five foot five friend has a 5 inch flaccid dick that grows to about 8 inches, he has like 4" girth too; but he's a tiny guy, he's upset with it and says it makes him look gangly. He's been jealous of dicklets and if he could shrink his dick he would (don't ask me, I don't get it either)

Are you aware they ruin your dick?

sounds like an excuse to mention it, hoping the news will spread and curious girls will want to see it.

i think trans and gays are more into size though than women

I have about a 5 inch penis and. when I banged y last gf I hit her cerivx sometimes. def made her cum, and she loved sucking it. bleev in urself

You think the people who take dick from a hole meant to have things come out (not come in) have a size issue? It's 100 times more likely that the people who care about size are the creatures made to have dicks stuffed in them

no they don't unless you go full retard trying to get a king kong cock

Only if you have no patience. You have to start with low pressure and increase it over time, and take break days. Even then they're better for girth than for length. Fast penis enlargement is a meme.
t. does penis enlargement exercises

Avg vagina is 3.5-4 inches deep. Keep looking for one til you find one you bottom out. Shell feel like a princess.

Just date midgets you baboons, their pussies are naturally smaller so they won't mind. If you can't be best of the best be best of the worst. The other alternative is loli bit it's illegal and temporary.

only when not aroused
when they are aroused they can get up to 8+ inches deep

Vagenes are fucking disgusting

I'm 7.5 (doing the whole to the bone, pressing down thing, which feels like cheating) and get rock hard fine.
I don't see how half an inch would make a difference.

If it feels like cheating then I would not count it personally. Gotta ask yourself, will the ladies count it?

Are you aware that they have been proven to be a scam?

there are dozens of videos of guys using penis pumps in porn sites
although the gains are temporary at first, they could make you feel like you actually have a big dick for a couple of hours

>Will the ladies count it
There's so many liars they think it's bigger

Accurate dick measurement is really only understood by men

21 spurt salute to all the dicklets and Asians who have lied to women and fooled them into thinking my 6 inch cock is something special. Cumming this destroy your dick December to a bathroom near you

It's not gonna be impressive anymore when everyone has a big dick.

Women say they want over 7 inches. But in reality they have horrible size comparison, They would see a legit 6.5 inches and would think its the biggest dick ever.

ok serious question anons, am I a dicklet? I am a khv
> 5.5 x 5.25
Would I be able to satisfy a girl anons?

>Would I be able to satisfy a girl anons?
stick your willy in a roll of toilet paper. If it fits in you cant please a woman

I've tried that before and it doesn't fit, but doesn't length matter?

you're average size user.

there is a book out there, you can buy on kindle, called the hardness factor, and if you have proper technique and able to control your point of no return with tantric like technique, think you can still have good sex. On average sized women, you can't hit the deep spots, but most women don't even know about these spots, or are too nervous to have anything around their cervix, you're still long enough to hit the g-spot.

Comparing yourself with something that is "objectively" better, well anyone can do this for anything in their lives, and fall short. At some point, your imperfections actually allow you to enjoy something that is real. If you can a perfect dick, how would you ever know if she loved you and not your just your dick.

At some point you get old, your dick stops working, and you die. If you're not prepared to lose anything, or 'fall short', then you are not fully prepared for the business of full and real living: because negotiating compromise is another way to know maturity and sincerity.

let me also add:

the whole big dick craze, is often tied into the cultural craziness that is going on:

also, you might wanna research Neutony on an ear for men, because there is a lot of stuff cultural acceptance of neutony that feeds into this undersized women, and oversized men, its kinda like pedophilia, but on an emotional level with women who are essentially just narcissistic and get away with it cause of muh feminism.

Could you make that into a chart for wizards? Which level corresponds to your dick size and whatnot.

Why does my 7.5 feel so small? If I could trade my useless dick inches for height I would instantly.

I'm 7"x6.5" and I can get hard as diamonds...

>long skinny penis
>girls online always mention that length doesn't matter, but girth is preferred
>have no fucking girth
>dick was specifically designed to hurt girls by poking their cervix while not giving them any pleasure

What a splendid life.

>your dick only looks small, in a girls hand it will look big
>Have a little over 7 inches (middle finger to bottom of palm

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Not desu at all

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>Why does my 7.5 feel so small?

I feel the same about my 6.5 even though that's technically above average.

>tfw girthlet at 2.8 inches