Finally get a date

>finally get a date
>chubby 2/10 pajeet with a hairy upper lip, acne scars, glasses, and like to talk about herself
>get fucking rejected

>I'm white, 5'11, blue eyes, 180lb, no recessed jaw, straight nose, NW2, smart casual dress

Give me one fucking reason why I shouldn't end it all

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dont give up

I'm not gonna lie to you, OP. If the lowest of the lowest tier girl rejected you, there may not be hope for you. The truth is, not all of us will make it.

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Dude she has 50 orbiters on TInder. What the hell do you expect, it's a rigged game. You absolutely cannot win competing against the entire male populace of your city, sometimes even the whole country.

If you had pussy on tap the way these girls have dick, you would be jumping from girl to girl too. The only way playing the game is worth the effort is if you're a 9/10 or you're the girl. Maybe that's why so many guys are "becoming" girls now.

How the fuck are you not disgusted by that thing? There must be something seriously wrong with you if you're so desperate.

Bruh, you can do way better than that. Aim higher.

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> blue eyes
> white

This german boy thinking that just because he's aryan he's beautiful in some way. OP kys,

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Whats an "NW2"?

Evidently not. Women even around here say "lower your standards." Well here I am, I'm at the bottom of the barrel and I'm out of options.

Different photos, different bios, I get maybe one convo a week between okc and coffee meets bagel, and pour my effort into well written messages that go nowhere after 3 or 4 replies.

I know people like to say casually that they're "mentally breaking down" but I think that's a fair descriptor.

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Norwood scale for hairlines, thinning temples. Maybe it's actually 2.5 but I think it's covered with bangs.

you're probably ugly as fuck


>and like to talk about herself
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Much prefer this to not talkative or boring.

Posting photos of yourself is against the /soc/ rule

you look halfway between a serial killer and jim morrison

Glasses + nose = jewish mr potato head

stop seeking female validation. Invest in yourself. Modern women are shit. Even fat, ugly fuckers have their head in the fucking clouds. Stop worrying about them.

You're probably chubby and act like a loser

Do you mean it or this just abother way to call people incels?
If not please be tell me how (the eyes perhaps) and what can I do?

It's someone else, there's no time stamp. I just need some perspective because I don't have anyone who can help me that isn't a walking caricature of "be yourself"

Y l K E S

Women can be insecure too. Maybe she thought you were too good for her.

>smart casual

You're doing a lot better than me tbqh.

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>womanly cheekbones but many jaw
what did He mean by this?

you can't do anything lol

The first picture is much better, I think the glasses distort your brow line.
You can get lasik done for less than 2,000 these days. And do it pre-tax with a healthsavings account

I'm not 25 yet, so I'm kinda fucked until then, otherwise I'd get it in a heartbeat.

And I've heard contacts are a pain in the ass.

Tricky ricky you fag

As long as you've stopped growing it's fine. 23 here.
There were people in the office with their parents implying they were in high school (they probably got one of the packages that include follow-up in later years).

I'm 6 feet, 240lbs, fat, a 4/10 tops and I can get dates whenever I want.

Wearing hats all the time is a major sign of insecurity and I've never met someone who wears a hat constantly that wasn't weird. Also I used to wear a hat all the time in Middle School until a sassy Asian girl mocked me into stopping (which I regard as proof that bullying saves lives)

>6 feet
>can get dates
Wow cool bro. Thanks for your insights.

I've stopped wearing it (first pic) but the only pics where I look ok are with me wearing a hat :(

Could you please tell me what sites?
Do you use add-ons or premium services?

Women don't keep tape measures on them. I'm an inch taller than op.

How do you skip your height in your bio.

Sites? No. Real life. Like adults do.

I don't use sites. Nor would I put my height in one. Id get the same amount of dates if I were 5'9" honestly. Most chicks are short.

>goes in tinder thread and says "just go outside bro"

Indian women are an absolute waste of time. Ugly entitled whores.

Find yourself a nice white girl.

Op didn't mention Tinder, bro. I don't think internet dating is for you if you can't read.

thats not what he's saying you massive faggot

>Id get the same amount of dates if I were 5'9" honestly. Most chicks are short.

God I fucking hate lanklets so much.

Could you please elaborate? What venues?
If you need a social circle how did you insert yourself into one?

I'm 240 lbs. I'm not a lanklet. And at 6 feet I'm not even tall.

Your problem is you spend too much time on twitter searching "short guy" so you can justify never going outside. At least you don't need to get laid because you're just fucking yourself.

Take off your glasses when taking pictures

Like, you go outside and meet people. Wherever you go, there are people there.

I've gotten laid too even at 5'6''. You're a piece of shit because you're a total ingrate about the things you were blessed with and callous to people who weren't privileged at birth. You're the rich douche who thinks the homeless need to just work harder.

I've always wanted an Indian girl to sit on my face, I wonder what their cunt and asshole tastes like.

if he's the rich douche
you're the whiny homeless guy

it works both ways

Height literally doesn't matter unless you're a midget. Sorry.

I don't care if some faggot online thinks I'm whiny, so w/e

I wasn't born 6 feet tall, retard.

>it's a "manlets Blane EVERYTHING on their height" episode

Always skip these

>>like to talk about herself
>>I'm white, 5'11, blue eyes, 180lb, no recessed jaw, straight nose, NW2, smart casual dress


Anyone 5'8'' or below is majorly discounted for their height, and it's a logarithmic decrease in attractiveness for how far below that you go.

Anyone 6' and up is majorly aided by their height, and it's a logarithmic increase for how far above that you go.

It's just the reality of the world. I don't blame women for choosing taller men; it's simple instinct. It's no different to choosing mates with more symmetrical faces or something. Still, that doesn't mean we have to deceive ourselves.

Any male height above 6"2 is generally considered too tall, it's better to be too tall than top short but it's still best to be in that 6-6"2 sweetspot

Ok, fembot with low standards here. Lemme break it down for you.

Looks are second to personality everytime. Sure, I admit, i fantasize about tying down hot guys and going to town, but that's just sex. What about conversation? Or raising a family? If you want a long term gf, then work on your personality and get out more and sure enough you'll find someone. Or keep sadposting on Jow Forums. Your choice.

>inb4 this never happens in reality
My dad was a fugly band geek that married a beauty queen. (of course i got the geek genes so go figure)

billy corgan, glad to see you have hair agian

What do you call it when someone talks about their boss, their grad school work, the books they're enjoying, their hobbies in music, their desire to travel to prague with their highschool "bestie," the comedian they're following, and at no point asks anything more about you than what you do at work?

And I'm not obliged to describe myself in a post asking what's wrong with me?

The entire convo was me filling the gaps (never let them go over 2 seconds) with elaboration questions about Family Occupation, Recreation, Dreams.
No job interview bulletpoint inquisition, but rather using What How Why questions to ask for details and continue trains of though. I brought my A game.

I did spill my spaghetti at the end then when she pulled out her phone and remarked about the time (we started early because we both left our offices early). At that point I knew it was over.

Can't be better than they smell.

>What do you call it when someone talks about [random shit] and at no point asks anything more about you than what you do at work?
That's how talking to women works. Especially if you're trying to get with them

If that picture is her, then she's chubbycute. If you don't want her I will gladly take her.

She saw the desperation in your eyes. They react to that negatively

you look good I'd be your ugly gf

agree you're good looking in that first picture, get contacts and stop wearing a hat

>Give me one fucking reason why I shouldn't end it all
did you somehow shit on feminism without knowing it? cause that could have led to the pajeet rejecting you. or it could be your weight because you could be fat at that weight and height.

>implying glasses are bad
get fucked, glasses girls are the best.

Get lasik, keep your moustache shaved, this is important. The moustache seriously tanks you a full point. You have a really hot browline, so get lasik and show it off.

People who are such low tier who like to talk ablout themselves like you said tend to drastically overvalue their own status'.
She likely rejected you because in her deluded eyes, anything less then a 6'8, muscular blonde who's secretly rich, but also a convicted felon who can't be bothered but is also a genius is at a sufficient standard to approach her.
Long story short, she drastically overrates herself as a 9/10 or some shit and decided that she didn't want to date down.

And if that's the case, then feel proud man. If she held herself in such high regard that she would be that selective, she still thought in her deluded mind that you were worth consideration alongside that fantasy.

Look, just be confident and uncaring, chat up anyone you feel like over the most inane reasons and get to know them. Be the influential one, the one they want to have in their life. Stop putting so much effort into messages, just be blunt and, if you know them, almost shameless.
Besides, you look like this ? You look considerably better then I do, just be confident and you'll be fine.

Tastes like fish curry.

Wake up you fucking simp.

She's obviously too autistic to even realize what league she's in and unironically just wants Chad.

Maybe she rejected you because you feel the need to mention you're aryan

I mentioned nothing controversial, political, or negative in any way. The most anti-feminist thing I did was hold open the door to the gelato shop.

I do have a fat feminine ass and thighs. Maybe that and the cheekbones as someone mentioned push me over the edge. Definitely time for a real diet.