Is homeschooling based and redpilled or cringe and bluepilled?

Is homeschooling based and redpilled or cringe and bluepilled?

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Emma are you even fucking tryinf

Based claire.

Homeschooling is better than the public school system but you have to 1). Not be a moron and actually go to great lengths in order to teach your kid and 2) Get them involved in extracurricular activities like sports or something so they don't grow up to be complete autists.

much higher standard of education, at some small cost to socialisation, which can be ameliorated through the home-schooling networks creating a sense of community for the kids

emma is pure and untainted by society, she would be the perfect gf

Its Cringe but redpilled

How to guarantee never having a friend ever

I was homeschooled and it fucked me up. I've tried so hard to integrate into society and got nowhere. It seems impossible.

>im going to ask a network of mostly virgins, teenagers, and anti social autists how to raise a child
nothing about this could possibly go wrong

>christian boomer parents don't vaccinate their kids because it turns them autistic
>puts their kids through homeschooling which turns them autistic


>"small cost"
>unironically thinking this

crystal ball says "it depends", like most fucking things,


Its cringe and redpilled. Homeschooled kids will have trouble adjusting to social life, but will probably have a better education than most kids. The area that I live has some of the best high schools in the country, so I would homeschool them until jr. high and then enroll them in public school. Then just have them do little league sports to make friends. I had a few classmates in high school who did that and they all went to ivy league uni's.

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public school irons out all the curves in your mind

Emma you dumb fucking bitch thats not how you dab

School is just to get kids social and prepare them for the routine of a job. Grade school education does not matter.

Unless you go to a nig infested school in NYC or something shit tier like that I guarantee you'll get a better education going to a public school than having semi-educated religious fundamentalists be your only source of knowledge from years 6 to 18.

your parents should have signed you up for a sports club or something similar

Of the people I know who were home schooled, they have social issues such as not being able to read/display social cues and displaying a general awkwardness. Academically, they were below average to average to the kids in the area (although the public schools here are top notch). They seemed to take a longer time to grow up compared to my other friends. Not saying it's definitive, just what I've observed

We've lost an entire generation to dabs

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Public school is basically a form of torture for introverts

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> They seemed to take a longer time to grow up compared to my other friends.

some might argue that what modern society regards as adult behaviour is actually rather infantile


home school all the way

It's both, but more based that cringe.

>that dead inside fake laugh.