Christian brothers, can we get a discussion on Christian Literature and philosophy? What books have you been reading...

Christian brothers, can we get a discussion on Christian Literature and philosophy? What books have you been reading, besides the Bible of course? I bought the "Cathecism of the Catholic Church" recently and it's pretty good, what books have you been interested in?

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The History of Protestantism -- James A. Wylie (1878)

it's a pretty interesting perspective on the centuries leading up to the Reformation and afterwards, making the assertion that the depths to which the Bishops of Rome had sunk demanded that God's people renounce Papal claims over land, finances and spiritual authority; having proven themselves false shepherds

you can find it free online in several places

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The ladder of perfection - Walter Hilton, some user told me to achieve virtue, so i'm giving it a go.

>making the assertion that the depths to which the Bishops of Rome had sunk demanded that God's people renounce Papal claims over land, finances and spiritual authority; having proven themselves false shepherds
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. The Church really was rotten back then

>The ladder of perfection - Walter Hilton
Never heard of it. Is it something like the Ladder of Divine Ascent?

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>The Church really was rotten back then

aye, it was rough -- makes it easy to understand why a devout Augustinian influenced by such thinkers as 's Hilton would seek to open dialogue on certain matters

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> Is it something like the Ladder of Divine Ascent?
idk guy, its about praying and working to get rid of vice and achieve virtue. I don't want to be a a cunt who falls back into justifying my vices with 'sola gratia or fide' anymore. Also must into esotericism and become powahful wizrd (not really).

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I think the lives of the early church fathers and the saints would be a good start. Augustine was an interesting one. He was literally a gambler, a womanizer and an adulterer. He left all of that though for a greater calling and was in service of God.

Is there any good Christian literature on how to prep a bull?

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Holy fucking shit this so fucking cringy. Holy moly. He even does the "cuckface".

>Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
>Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
>When in another's lair, show them respect or else do not go there.
>If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat them cruelly and without mercy.
>Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
>Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and they cry out to be relieved.
>Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
>Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
>Do not harm little children.
>Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
>When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them.

These are far better rules for how to live your live than the Ten C*mmandments. Prove me wrong. (Protip: You can't)

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How's High School going, user?

Virtue signaling faggots like these will burn in Hell. The Bible tells us they have already had their reward in this life.

Christianity has been laid low by trying to become a religion for the many. It was always meant to be a religion for the few who could hold up God's will.

Galaxy brain is trusting a literal propaganda book from over a century ago.

On personal sanctification, it might be worth reading Bishop Ryle's 'Holiness'.

Cathocuck thread #87319813

Stop calling yourself Christian. You're being deceptive at best.

sounds alright to me, if you don't believe in God. Like what the greeks would tell you, live in moderation. But the 10 commandments isn't a rule book on how to live your life, so the comparison is weak. The Law is meant to reveal ones weakness, not define ones strengths.

um who cares? Oh wait there are white nats on this board.

> a religion for the few
perhaps you are right about this though, but 'upholding God's will' sounds gay af. Let Him uphold His own will.

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are you saying that i shouldn't read literature that might come from a perspective different than my own

in that case i should simply disregard your post, right?

fortunately i am not so narrow-minded nor in need of a safe space to hide from scary ideas so here's a (You)

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There are two great pieces of religious literature that every Christian should read, but I doubt you people would appreciate them with your rigid belief systems so I'm not going to bother mentioning them lol.

Whatever you are selling i don't want any.

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pls name them senpai. I promise I will at least look at the wiki page for them.

then why are you here? I think you are interested in it, the same way I am interested in your supposed Satanism. Tell us more about it.

Currently reading Summa Contra Gentiles by St. Thomas Aquinas
I've been having quite a few "epiphanies" as I've been reading. Apparently it's a book to aid missionaries as they encounter those not aligned with the Christian faith as well as an opposition to Jews and Arabs.

No, but you should just read an actual history of the Protestant Reformation instead, you fucking mongoloid.

Conversations with God and the Urantia Book. If you don't at least find them to be amusing reads you are a fag.

Can you find a more homosexual pic than 2 northern European men petting eachother?

Why don't you go to /lit/? it's a whole board dedicated to christian literature.

oh please, it 'is' a history

and same as any other history, it cannot help but be skewed by the perspective of the author

you know this, right?

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Whatever you don't come around here next week spouting off the ontological arguments for the existence of God.

Guys read this book, it is not exactly First Council of Nicaea approved, but it is an interesting perspective at a very metaphorical piece of mythology that is central to the christian view of evil.

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Wasn't planning to, but so far what I've read has helped guide my faith and what I believe.

>books with non-dualistic approaches to God and the universe
sounds interesting, I'll read one of them when I get the chance. Recently I have become interested in neo-platonist, syncretic, and gnostic interpretations, so thanks.

ever heard of philia?

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Anyone else reading the Sayings of the Desert Fathers?
I loved this book. Being someone who is quiet and doesn't like modern society at all, I really understood the weight behind their quotes. I teared up a few times. Really hits you hard, but leaves you really contemplating what they meant.

You can find the PDF on google for free, wonderful read.

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Good on you for finding something to connect with, user.

nope, but I always see it at my local second-hand bookstore lol.

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