Why are foids so predictable?
Why are foids so predictable?
Why does the bear shit in the woods???
Because women are mentally children with no ability to think on a high level.
>he made a meme picture about it
woops guess theyre done for good now :^)
Can you imagine being so mad that you make this image
>t. femoid
You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
can you imagine being so mad that you reply with """>t. femoid"""
>I dont need to explain my position to you
KEK this
can you imagine being so mad you project this hard
Volume isn't the cause of intelligence; women have a higher neuron density
>females feeling personally attacked
lmao it's just a meme relax, maybe go back to your safe space
That's good, because they're very much fucked in every other regard concerning brain structure.
the absolute state of incels
Are you fucking retarded? You're contradicting your own argument here. Women have a greater density of neurons BECAUSE they have lower volume. As in, they have to fit more shit into a smaller space. If anything that DOES suggest that volume is the cause of intelligence, as men have vastly more neurons in comparison but lower density due to the higher volume.
So when did you first find Jow Forums newfag roastie?
Higher cranial capacity is associated with higher visuospatial IQ, but not higher verbal IQ.
Turns out dolphins have more than twice the number of neurons than either gender, would you consider that definitive evidence that they're smarter?
I was saying that neuron count seemed like a more relevant metric than pure volume, and that the increased density might balance it out.
Inuit master race
>mfw japanese people and southerners have small skulls
women are like a liquid, and society is the recipient
they adapt to it and takes its form
where does that map come from? I would be surprised if a large sample size had that much geographic variation
>that nigger patch in the south
I like how they bring dick size and rape culture at the same time
The Southerners you are referring to might actually be the Native Americans who lived in the South.
Southfag here, I may be an exception but when I was young (~3 yo) my skull was so large that my parents had to stretch the head holes in my shirts so I could fit in them
t. brainlet incapable of interpreting what he just posted
Why is their IQ so much lower then?