Interviewing Jow Forums Pt. III

>have been purchasing audio hardware and learning how to use audio software for about a year
>will have everything I need by the first week of December
Would you be interested in listening to a biweekly podcast in which I interview the users here? Probably just two guests per episode.
This is probably the last thread I'll make for a bit, since I've made two the past two days and I'm still waiting on some gear to show up.
Hope your weekend is going good so far.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hell yeah I would be interested

Could be great if you manage to get some decent users to agree to an interview and have interesting questions. Nice idea, Jow Forums needs some creative content like that.

As the leader of the incels and robots of R9K, I have to respectfully decline your offer.

I know I personally would love to be on the show, I think it's a great idea to hear first hand from actual users here.

I might be interested but what kind of questions would you ask??

Sounds great, have you decided on a name yet?

Thanks! I basically do nothing but ask questions to everyone in my life anyway, I have no real shortage of things to talk about as an interviewer. I've been watching a ton of Peter Robinson's work and I really feel as though his work us unmatched, I deeply admire him.
I'd really just love to capture the stories of people here and help preserve some people in the time capsule that is an interview.
Depends on the individual. If they're a robot, obviously a lot of people would love to know what that sort of lifestyle does to their self esteem, what their family relationship is like, ect. People who are trying to get their lives back on track could offer advice, people who've fallen off the wagon could provide free wisdom to the younger people here, there's really no shortage of how to take this.
A name for the show? It'll come to me eventually, I've got a few ideas but I really want this to exist as a standalone entity, not a sort of show I can ride into anything more, if that makes sense. I'm only going to go by "the Host" during the interview, it's probably going to be a subtle name along those lines.

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Now by podcast, do you plan on streaming it?
Or is it something you'll record with the person you're interviewing, and then upload later?

Record and upload later. Obviously this is a new experience for everyone, and as unrealistic as this sounds I'd like for the person being interviewed to have a chance to hear everything back before posting.

Less stressful that way, yeah. Streaming is where it's at currently though, so that's why I asked.

I don't really have the schedule that would allow for consistent streaming, although I'm assuming most of the userbase does.

I think i have an unique robot story that i would like to share just so i could get a load of my chest

you should probably use a trip for the purposes of these threads.

id be very interested in this, and wouldnt mind participating. for reference im a 2005 oldfag now with a career and a wife and shit

I'll probably listen, i'd like to be on myself but I'm currently not in a position to do so.

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Yeah? Do you want my email or discord?
ehhh maybe just in the threads, not really much for that sort of thing.
How do you mean?

pump bcuz im interested

Great Idea.
How would you decide who to interview?

I'd be super down

I'm out of country and the internet where I'm staying is atrocious.

Good idea op, id be down

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Not him but I'm interested in the idea. Been a NEET for a long ass time and also have a lot of things to share/talk about. I have a Blue Yeti so you could at least have some quality to the audio from my end. Add me on Discord Wizard#6720

Ngl this sounds sick would definitely listen

Either email orr discord is fine,though probably discord since its 2018

I was actually thinking awhile back of creating a podcast with a co-host about threads on r9k. Kinda boring but oh well, good luck user

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Thanks for the interest!
My contacts are:
kiloroy#6988 for discord
And kiloroyal@gmail for regular email.
Everyone is welcome except for people who self identify as important or noteworthy here. While obviously this isn't for people to get to know me at all, I take a firm stance against using this sort of setting and transforming it into a popularity contest, and bringing the same divisionism and bullshit from reality to here is gross. So everyone but "celebrities"
This isn't until late December, I don't really think I'll reach out to anyone just yet. Add me to be top of the line if you'd like.
Awesome! I've got some pretty snazzy stuff but won't release anything until I'm happy with the sound.
I'll definitely ask people their take on threads but this is about the people of the board, not necessarily the board itself.

>Would you be interested in listening to a biweekly podcast in which I interview the users here?
Yep, sure would.

Yeah I still haven't fielded anyone writing in to just say no, so this is the last thread I'll make asking that.
The next thread I do is just going to focus on "Episode 0" or an episode where I just lay my cards on the table. The show is about others, not me.

I'd give t a listen

If you want an idea for an intro I recommend using a cut from this song.

Up to you though.

Here's a good talk about interviews:

Thanks! Yeah I wouldn't expect anything out until January or February.
I'm honestly not too fond of the music introduction thing, or even over elaborate intros in general. The first thing I'll do (episode 0) will just be a cold open, maybe I'll borrow a bit for background music somewhere.

I like this idea! My only concern is that it might draw too much attention to this board. There are already too many newfags and such coming in, how would you handle that bit? Or do you not really care?

In all honesty I wish I would have had the resources to do this sooner, I think it's important to preserve the people from this board in these recordings. I can't imagine this garnering more than a few hundred views.

Sounds interesting. What exactly would be the format? Are you looking to just do interviews, maybe commentary? Are you looking to have it be light-hearted? Or is nothing really set in stone?

About 45 minutes to a 60 minutes per episode.
First 10 minutes just some time to set the stage for the daily talking points. I'll usually have a general theme to the questions I'll be asking, but I specifically want to be able to get a flavor of the person I'm talking to. Most like I'm going to get the topics from talking to the people for an extended period of time over text for each person, getting questions from there.
20/30 minutes per person, then however long it takes to close.
I'd love to treat this seriously, playing the part of a straight-laced host, but obviously the subject matter is absurd, so we can't treat this like dry political commentary or something.

I doubt this would spread to the outside world, he could put it in some kind of private Playlist and only share the link here
and as for who he's going to interview, he could just ask a brief questions about imageboards history so he can screen out people who just learned about this place

A really cool idea, it has potential

It's going on Soundcloud, Vidme, and YouTube

i like this a lot OP. don't know why it hasn't been done before desu. i would definitely listen.

I added you, definitely interested in listening/maybe being on it. No idea what makes a radio guest interesting, I'm sure I'm not.

Yeah I'd be up for an interview whenever
My discord: Dormin#2302
I also run of the largest r9k/incels server, so who knows you might learn some interesting stuff

Thanks guys!
With the right set of questions I can generate a conversation with anyone.
If you would've read the thread you would know I don't do people who identify as self important. You and your ilk have no business in project.

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You could interview me too. I have a channel so it'd be cool to do a collaboration.

i like it dude

There's a link to my contacts up above if you wanted to talk, though I'm not looking to build a channel out of this, just house content.
You like what?

sure, I'll do it. I don't have much to talk about, and I'm not all that interesting of a person, but I guess you could use me as filler if you're ever low on volunteers.

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your idea, i will be following this

>rejects dormin
you are the hero r9k needs

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I'm getting a lot of responses through Discord, I'm probably going to put a cap on people now and figure out what to do now. Anyone who adds me before December 12th is in on "season 1".
Nah, this is just the sort of validation these people crave. I have a lot of experience working with children and the similarities in behavior are plain to see.

>I'm getting a lot of responses through Discord
I sent you an email. Should I make a Discord? That might be more convenient.

Would love to listen to a podcast like that, and would be more than willing to participate (if you accept an understanding somewhat cyborg/failed normie conversation killer [as in I shut it down, not do it really well], but rest assured that I will try my best to contribute to the podcast as well as I can.
Please do it and let me know if you have a spot left for me. Cheers and good luck.

Last thing I listened to that was anything similar was Moot's final live youtube that went for 8 hours or what ever it was.

Its an interesting concept. I miss seagull bro too. That was interesting being live and interactive. For newfags seagull bro went like this:
>Gas station worker
>Lays out out of date food on counter and posts picture of it
>Preceded to feed it all the seagulls out front in the yard first thing in the morning and post pics of them eating it
>Takes requests from anons as to which birds get what
>Regular birds get named

One other thing I miss is ama threads.

Oh and I miss Pops and "Old" threads.

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you should have a special segment to take random callers
I'd do that.

this too. don't wanna get ahead of yourself so early on of course, gotta make sure you tweak your formula as you go on. but having a segment for callers would be cool.

I love your attitude, OP, reminds me of this project British radio used to have where they'd collect audio from just random people. Please make sure it stays down to earth