Why do Jow Forums guys make the worst potential boyfriends, and treat a girl that likes them like shit?

why do Jow Forums guys make the worst potential boyfriends, and treat a girl that likes them like shit?

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Because they are all off mentally. Everyone on this board is, the men and women. Some make good boyfriends/girlfriends but a vast majority are just too crazy or autistic.
T. Autistic male

I don't treat them like shit though. I treat them really nicely and we get along great but then my insecurities kick in or they'll do something genuinely not nice and I'll break up with them as cleanly as i can. Even when breaking up they start claiming I'm treating them like shit but I'm not harassing them or anything just that i don't want to be with them and limit contact.

I just want some one who is smart and genuinely kind.

I am but at least i can successfully be a nice person.

I don't get it because they whine about how they're lonley and want a fembot gf, and when one comes along they're just cold about it and it seems like all they want is a 10/10 Stacey

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BEcause people who grow up learning all social interaction from internet and movies and video games are socially inept and are doomed to be autistic shells of poorly written screenplays and dialogues and bizzare wannabe video game character autists who pretend they are drake from uncharted or the nigga Ryan gosling from drive
So when they finally meet someone and get in a relationship they go postal ballistic suicidal autism because they dont know how to properly behave

Youre on a fucking robot thread tf?

Hint: There is not one born female posting ITT

>and treat a girl that likes them like shit?
This doesn't happen like 90% of the time, it's the other way around. Your bait had more potential if you said they were all really boring or didn't know how to have a conversation

BORN IN 2003

you mean op's pic? not talking to their image i'm talking to op who should be over 15 or be getting reported and banned from this site.

Did someone hurt you? Maybe think about what you did wrong instead. Not joking most fembots I talk to are boring and/or don't really engage in conversation. I have met good ones but most act like they don't want to be talked to. Probably because they have like 10 other guys talking to them at once though

I don't think I did anything wrong

I'm talking to a robot rn and I mean I love talking to him on calls and stuff, like about video games and anime and whatnot. But I just feel as if he couldn't potentially love someone like me because I'm weird and really into these hobbies.

And I would fuck the shit out of her, and cum in all her holes if she agrees. Wat nao?

I'm 18 nigga, idk who your on about LOL is the chick your referring to some flavour of the week fembot? Or

Every time I'm about to post a reply I feel like my IQ would decrease

>why do Jow Forums guys make the worst potential boyfriends, and treat a girl that likes them like shit?
generalizations EVEYWHERE.

Well Im sorry that you feel that way about my fellow robot. Not all of us are the same though keep that in mind. What exactly do they say to you, user?

>But I just feel as if he couldn't potentially love someone like me because I'm weird and really into these hobbies.
Is this bait? I think most anons would love a girl into video games and anime. What games do you play? What anime do you like?

A lot of is can be nice to others. The problem with robots is how they do not understand women or love usually so they come across as rude and obsessive.
All they do want is a 10/10 stacy
Okay? Most people here are underage

I think you mean why are Chads the worst potential boyfriends

As soon as a "fembot" becomes attainable, they are no longer of value. People will always want more, and "fembots" are mostly insufferable.
Disclaimer: Fembots don't exist.

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>A lot of is can be nice to others. The problem with robots is how they do not understand women or love usually so they come across as rude and obsessive.
I understand women pretty well. as for being rude and obsessive I'm literally the opposite which causes its own problems like being distant and coming off like a wimp(though luckily it's not that severe).

also your other post I literally would prefer to date a smart nerdy 4/10 girl vs a 10/10 stacy. But it's literally far more easy to date an 8/10 stacy, somehow they're actually far more interested in being in a relationship with me than the "other". I just crushed on a nerd girl that had alopecia ffs(SHE HAD NO HAIR) and she literally wouldn't even talk to me. Do you know how depressing it is that my ideal type of girl literally refuses to even talk to me?

I'm kind of confused by this post, but I'll try my best to respond... I've only had success with dating normie girls as stated above. I'm a guy dealing with these issues. It's been nearly impossible to even talk with a fembot even on friendly terms, which makes sense but idk.

I can't specify but I like a lot of niche video games and anime, I don't think I'm a typical robot though i do try and stay healthy ( eating good, showering everyday and so on) and I can socialise with people and whatnot it's just I have self essem issues I think

Apparently to guys I'm good looking and cute, and I want to be in a relationship with a guy that's similar to me ( nerdy, into anime and video games ect) I had a chad looking guy hit on me and I was not interested at all, because he was boring and annoying and flirted with me inappropriately which made me feel like he wasn't interested in my personality.

>tfw no esentric funny nerdy and caring bf to whisper in my ear

Probably have self esteem issues. You might not think your video games or anime are as niche as you think, especially on Jow Forums. List some of them

Jow Forums guys make the worst boyfriends, but make the best girlfriends

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I can't really tell because I don't want a fellow robot friend finding out I posted this, maybe it is self confidence issues idk, I mean I want to be the best person I can be and I wanna have a job and have a good life and whatnot. I met up with a fellow robot irl, and I helped pay for the arcade fee, and he payed for the second one because you have a arcade card you put money on and he offered to give it to me and I declined because that's his money and I don't like taking people's money.
I think I'm a ncie person?

Sounds nice. What are examples of anons treating you like shit then?

Its just I have this fear that when I start liking a guy and he shows that he's interested too that it's just friendly and doesn't mean anything, that I can't be seen as a woman because I sorta act like a dude. A user told me that I'm the kind of girl that'd be friends with guys and it just made me feel devalued as a woman, I don't wanna change myself and I do femmine things like wear dresses and stuff but I guess I feel like the guys I'm into ( nerdy types on Jow Forums) want girls that aren't similar to them I guess. My types of femmine is different from other girls I think, when someone knows me closely I'm really caring and helpful and I can cook and stuff like that and I have a appreciation for gentle things like flowers and whatnot. But yeah, I'm still a virgin but I guess idk I don't think I'm worthy enough to be a partner

>tfw no esentric funny nerdy and caring bf to whisper in my ear

My feels. I want that so badly. To stay in with some one I've developed feelings for and watch our nerd stuff while we eat some food I made and cuddle, obviously there's way more to it than just that but that's a good start! Why would you do this to me user?

Damn I would love that, I love asmr a lot so it'd be great if I had a bf help me fall asleep by like whispering in my ear and stroking my hair and stuff. And like going out for dinner and walking on the beach, cuddling up to anime while it's raining and cold and having slow and inimate sex.

>I will never have this

> user told me that I'm the kind of girl that'd be friends with guys and it just made me feel devalued as a woman
Kind of a weird thing to feel when you say you aren't into more fem things. I think it's more of a compliment though I guess you can't exactly change how you feel about it.
>nerdy types on Jow Forums) want girls that aren't similar to them I guess
In a way it's true, a lot of anons to fantasize about the perfect 10/10 stacy but I think it's more of a romanticized idea, most stacys are boring as fuck and don't have much common shit with guys. I can't speak for most anons and robots but I think having a girl that has common interests is more appealing,

Would you mind adding me on discord? I'll drop mine if you're up for it

that sounds great, why wouldn't anyone want to do that.

I mean you can drop it and I can add you if that's alright, I guess I feel disheartened but I think I'm making peace with not having a bf that'd I'd like. But I think there's probably different types of anons out there, I mean I'm not experienced with relationships but I've been in 2 of them and I know what I want and don't want and I know that

>just looks

Isn't enough for a sustainable and happy relationship, obviously I want a guy that I'm attracted too but I'm not like >I want a 10/10 chad

Ya feel?

>making peace with not having a bf that'd I'd like
I kind of think this is the reality for most robots unless they get into a nice LDR or just get REALLY lucky irl. There aren't many people like us irl and even among us it's harder to find people that have the same kind of interests that make us want to actually be with them.

If it makes you feel better I think most "normal" people have relationships where they don't really like or love the other person and it's just more "you're a girl, i'm a guy, we find each other cute and we tolerate each other. let's date". That's also why divorce rates are so high, normies don't really try hard to find good sustainable relationships.A healthy relationship needs communication and understanding between both parties, being interested in each other and the things they do even if it's not something they 100% like or do themselves, etc.

Jorge #1205

I mean I've found a guy idr ( I don't mind), and I really love his personality and whatnot and I get along with him really well it's just I don't know on what to do and stuff and how relationships form.

How much have you talked to him?

now I know you're definitely trolling. Still would be my dream though.

Idk it's strange but honestly but you'd be surprised. I think people have a lot of intimacy issues. I feel like I'm living in bizarro world and not the cool kind.

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I mean I don't love him lol, but I enjoy his personality and sense of humour. ( I'm still getting to know him) and not long desu, a week. So yeah I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket but I'm just stumted on how do relationships even form

you just keep talking and if you guys truly get alone feelings will develop over time.

a """fembot""" thought I was pulling her leg with robot shit and asked if I was some kind of robot that emulated emotions to the point he wasn't sure if he was real anymore. I paused and said no. She asked if I was lying to smooth things out and I said yes because lying was starting to get bothersome.
Then she said I was a fucking asshole. I can't fix myself when my system is fine without the thing she needed, and if my emulation is not enough for her, obviously I can't ever do anything about it.
I'd love to be able to treat her like a man but I'm not a human, let alone a male.

>implying any girl would ever like me
lol OP

I'm also the type to easily offend others without knowing it, and then they treat it as if I should have known what I did and refuse to tell me what the fuck I did wrong.

cuz nice guys finish last

I treat myself like shit too. This is why I'm partially happy to be a lonely incel. At least nobody else is suffering from me being a cunt.

ok liberal, gonna fuck her anyways