Anyone else here not racist? And by racist...

Anyone else here not racist? And by racist, I don't mean "I'm not racist but I'm a race realist" or "I'm not racist I just don't think multiculturalism works" memes. I mean genuinely not racist. I sometimes make racist jokes because I think they're funny and edgy but I just don't have it in me to hate whole races of people. It seems exhausting.
>you just haven't been around (insert race) enough
No, I've been around plenty of them. Some are cool, some aren't. I really feel like you have to be pretty stupid to be a racist.

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as a racist i feel exhausted all the time, so youre not wrong

Most race realists dont hate niggers, they just believe they are inferior

Am I right about you also being a little stupid?

Yeah I feel like these types of narcissistic beliefs are also a trait of stupidity.

Racists tend to have pretty fucked up views on policy, I could admit that races are different but they're all still human and should be humanized.

>I sometimes make racist jokes because I think they're funny and edgy

But the entire reason racist jokes are funny is because the stereotypes promulgated in them are true and thus recognizable to the listener.

Nobody makes jokes about black people being really good at math. Nobody makes jokes about the huge penises of Asian people. Nobody makes jokes about the incredible alcohol tolerance of Injuns.

The part of you that's laughing is the part that knows that the races have characteristics that are notably different.

Would you consider a human a narcissistic if he believes hes superior to chimpanzee?

>Being realistic is narcissistic and fucking stupid
Have you ever actually lived around niggers for a substantial period of time?

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Is wanting to sterilize the inferior races but giving them good lives while they are alive fucked up in your opinion?

Not exactly a racist, but I hate people/races that will use race as a weapon. Kinda like some black people and movements.

But I will share a racist joke once in a while, and if some race is being very annoying and playing part of a stereotype I think pretty annoying

*Raises hand*

Come on guys...

Fun fact. Most people who are "genuinely not racist" are so racist in themselves in trying to make sure everything is either equal or so others can get ahead cause of race.

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If it's just a passing thought, then probably no.
If he circlejerks about it, then yes.


what am i looking at here

Please teach me your wise ways white master

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i'm not, i just hate wh*te people. you can't be racist towards wh*te people

>If it's just a passing thought, then probably no.
>If he circlejerks about it, then yes.

>The truth becomes pathological if you think it more than once

The river of shit that pours out of the Psychology charlatans gets deeper every year.

The only reason I think about
niggers being inferior to me is because I interact with them alot, If I lived in a nigger free area It would be a passing thought

So? Noticing differences in race and future isn't racist. The racism comes in when you start to believe that these people are beneath you because of it.

I think there's a big difference between hating all black people and noticing that black people make dysfunctional societies and neighborhoods and commit insane levels of crime.

It's kinda stupid to believe you're superior to an animal.

Using skin color to distinguish race is stupid and only serves a political purpose in a caste society. It lets you instantly distinguish rank. I think we should adjust the way we think about "race" to fit the facts. Everyone's DNA should be required to be catalogued and numbered. The entire population's genetic traits could then be monitored and we can create algorithms that will allow us to selectively propegate, modify, and eliminate genes in the gene pool without bias. Humanity would be improved, and it wouldnt based out of ignorance. You wouldnt even need to genocide people, they could be modified or simply sterilized.

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Yes. Some were cool, some weren't.

Why did you post an image of a light-skinned negress chimping out?

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Jow Forums is racist because most people here were raised by helicopter parents. Conservative mothers give too much attention/love and raise egocentric bigots. The reality is most poltards can't handle the reality check black people give them. Literally 90% of the shit on here is just an Oedipus complex expressing itself.

There would be no reason to be racist if every race just lived in it's own little corner of the world.
There is no reason whatsoever whites should be in Africa, or blacks should be in Europe, and the Arabs can stay in their sandy shitholes.

I don't think so, I believe however that trash people exist in all races.

>Noticing differences in race and future isn't racist. The racism comes in when you start to believe that these people are beneath you because of it.

If the races aren't the same, they are unequal by definition. That is why so much rhetorical effort is put into claiming that race is a false phenotype and that there *are no* race differences.

I'm a race realist, but I really like black people

Black people don't make dysfunctional societies and neighborhoods, criminals do. Is it the fault of Nigerians that their country is shit or is it the fault of their corrupt government that will sell out their own people for a Rolls Royce and a trip to Paris?

No, what is actually stupid is to believe you are equal to an animal

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She is absolutely white my guy

So you basically want to turn everyone white through gene modification - specifically CRISPR gene sequencing?

It's not a bad idea to cuck out the less intelligent, non whites in this regard. Give brown girls white features and colored eyes and hair colors instead of the usual dark iris dark pupil shitshow.

>Is wanting to sterilize the inferior races but giving them good lives while they are alive fucked up in your opinion?
Yeah, state mandated artificial selection/eugenics is blatantly evil. No policy maker should have that much control over the individual, they already have that much control in other areas, no need to tack on new shit.

Just because two things aren't the same doesn't make them unequal. A Toyota and a Ford are two different cars made for two different kinds of people but both are equally good at getting me from point a to point b

>If your IQ is under 70 you are medically considered mentally retarded and need special care in order to function in society
>The average IQ in Somalia is 68

I don't hate them, I have no reason to.
But I guess knowing these facts and taking them into account when I meet a Somalian that came to my country one year ago and not wanting a bunch of mentally retarded people pouring into my country makes me racist.

Yet, I don't hate them. Neither do I hate Afghans despite a large amount of them are inbreed and commit over half of all the rapes in my country. Still, no hate. It's just nature I guess.

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Trash people exist in all races but some races have more trash people

About as white as your swarthy Khazarian ass, Shekelberg. Nogs never chimp out in coffee houses.

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Most people who are genuinely not racist don't think about race much.

Dysgenic social policy - like welfare, is inherently evil, as it ensures those least qualified to breed do so in surplus. How about Eugenic social policy that punishes the dumb and useless and disincentivizes their breeding?

literally almost every one is a borderline sociopath and narcissistic to some degree.

shut up, you're a dumb spic hoe living in a hypocritical paradox doomed to fail.

I can like individuals and look past their stereotypes if they're a genuinely good person but other than that if I'm judging on a group basis it aint looking good for a lot of people.
>I really feel like you have to be pretty stupid to be a racist.
funny, I feel the opposite. Go take a long walk through a ghetto and see how you. Oh I'm sorry, are you going to say it's poverty that causes violence?? HAHA oh okay, well why don't you take a walk through a really fancy subsidized housing neighborhood and see if it's any different. You might have a better chance because there is less of them walking around.

T. white aryan

The point I was trying to get across is that it isn't about what a person is but what a person claims to be and acting/thinking otherwise.

>The reality is most poltards can't handle the reality check black people give them.

What reality check would that be? Specifically describe it.

I would say I'm not racist even though I don't like white people, which itself just seems like a reactionary response to how many white people don't like hispanics.

Practically no one is genuinely non-racist. Even non-racists are racist. It is impossible to not be racist. Liberal "non-racists" move into overwhelmingly white communities to raise families, because they are racist. People are naturally inclined to favor their own race and have less trust of those outside their race.
It's as natural as breathing to have ingroup preference.

I don't even know if that's true. If youre a white guy living in NYC and you see black people shooting each other all the time on the news, you might think black people are awful. But if you're a Vietnamese shrimp catcher in Houston just trying to make a living but the Klan won't leave you alone and they start lynching people, you might think whites are terrible. If you live in a Mexican neighborhood in LA and Mexicans are firebombing apartments, you may think Mexicans are evil. If you live in Chinatown in San Francisco and the Chinese people are chopping people up, you might think Chinese people are psychopaths. It just depends on where you are.

Letting inferior breed is evil because they have children who wont be sucessful and suffer because of that.
Im not a hypocrite, I dont plan on having children

I'm not and I don't make racist jokes because only white people think that's funny or clever

We already have the powerball to mitigate the effects of welfare.

On a serious note, I already answered this, no policy maker should have that much control over the individual. Welfare's flaws can be fixed another way, you don't commit suicide or cut your balls off over a sprained ankle, you fix the ankle.

A highly militant, exclusionary, technocratic meritocracy; built around the ideas of radical traditionalism.
A society hell bent on expansion, and the preservation of ones own kind and culture. At the detriment of ALL others.

This is the only natural, sane response, to a world filled with sub-human filth and degenerate untermensch, who's only goal in life is the extermination of everything just and pure and European.

We tried to give the Others - the non-whites, their chance. We bend over backwards accomodating them, we share our technology, our art, our literature, our accomplishments. We educate them, feed them, we allow
entire broods of them to settle in our ancestral lands.

We humble ourselves, apologizing for imaginary slights and groveling at their feet, for the perceived transgression of taming this planet and bringing the torch of civlization to the world.
And for what?

All our efforts are rewarded with scorn, hatred, jealously, and outright malevolence

We need a new system
Something more noble than the petty mercantile aspirations of semites
Something greater than the slave-like morality imposed upon us by alien religions

A society built on unshakeable, indelible foundations
woven from our own racial stock
and governed by the light of Apotheosis - that driving, all consuming framework of beliefs
that the White Man is his own god.
That he IS god.
The keeper of his own destiny.

Noble by birth
Master by choice
Tyrant by need
and Ruler by right!

We tamed this world once, and we can do it again
But first we must burn the heretic, kill the mutant, and purge the unclean.

And then, when we've freed ourselves of weakness, empathy, remorse and guilt; when the last subhuman has been cleansed from Terra, and the last trace of their existence purged from this planet
Then we'll ascend to the stars and make them our own.
And the Galaxy will tremble.

This... this is our destiny

not like you can have children

Even if she was black (she isn't) there are dozens of headlines showing whites being braindead

>Go take a long walk through a ghetto and see how you.
I've taken long walks through the ghetto and I was fine. I was actually in the projects last night, hanging out with some friends of mine. We were drinking and listening to some music until the cops came and told us to quiet down.

Poverty doesn't cause violence, poverty creates cultures in which violence and crime are the most realistic ways to get ahead in life. You can see this same behavior among any "oppressed" group in any country. In japan, they're the burakumin.

>Just because two things aren't the same doesn't make them unequal. A Toyota and a Ford are two different cars made for two different kinds of people but both are equally good at getting me from point a to point b

If two things aren't the same, they are inherently unequal. If you think that a Toyota and a Ford are equal, you simply haven't done enough analysis yet. Even in manufacturing, where any number of regulatory, market and engineering limits would tend to make products cluster around a mean, it's a relatively trivial matter to identify quality and value differences. The differences between men are much greater, and their impacts are correspondingly easier to identify.

>no policy maker should have that much control over the individual
Self ownership is a spook tho

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Yeah hrt would make me infertile but if I wasnt a tranny I wouldnt have kids either

>Im not a hypocrite, I dont plan on having children
that's not what makes you a hypocrite living in a paradox

>is a spic
>wants a white racist to love you

>is a hoe
>claims to be wholesome

>is a tranny
>acknowledges you're fucking crazy
>still think a legitimate white racist that is worth something will go for that and not just dominate a white girl

I'm sure there is more, but do you see how you're setting yourself up for failure with your autism?

They would probably not be truely white, but more of a new/mix of races. It all depends on the goals of the people making the algorithms. Asians have the highest intelligence, lowest rate of suicide, longest life expectancy of any race, so if the goal is an intelligent, happy, long-lived society, they would be closer ro asian than anything else. Just picture tall asians with big penises.

Everyone's offspring suffers or could suffer. It's best if no one reproduced but policy makers who would force this should be torn down at the first utterance of such a decree.

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I don't hate niggers, I understand niggers and hate the wiggers who don't understand.

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I love how you retards always think you're putting together some epic and moving poem or speech but all it really does is make you look autistic.

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Wrongo friendo, Jow Forums is racist because racists are censored. Just another reminder that censorship just puts the "bad guys" behind your back which allows them to accumulate and stab you in the back. Jow Forums racism is the manifestation of why silencing people's speech is ALWAYS wrong.

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Wow, you managed to post a picture of the person in history least likely to ever say such a thing.

Asians also have the bugman mentality, and most of them have either light or dark brown eyes. Hair color and eye color, and creativity is a unique feature to whites

I am honestly racist when it comes to education and social classes, but despite that I have good friends from each ethnicity.
SJWs would call a conservative like me a racist when I have more Black and Latino friends than they have family members

Not all races are equal. So that makes me a racist, by default.

Reality is a hard concept for people to truly grasp

>Poverty doesn't cause violence, poverty creates cultures in which violence and crime are the most realistic ways to get ahead in life.

It's almost certainly the reverse: that the type of mind that believes that violence and crime are sound plans is so disorganized, so pride-driven, and so short-sighted that its owner sinks into poverty as its just deserts.

It can't be the *material condition* of poverty, because the material condition of blacks in the US today is orders of magnitude better than that achieved by the ruling classes of any ancient civilization. If your material condition produced your destiny, your average black-dominated housing project should be greater than Periclean Athens or the golden age of Kyoto.

cringe pic. Must have been teleporting behind everyone who read his post

And that's the funny part. I can ask my black friend and ask "Yo niganon how many cars you jack today?" and he can laugh.
I can ask my Asian friend "Yo chinkanon you studying for the ACT on Valentine's day?" and he won't care.
I can ask my Latino friend "Yo spicanon did your mom beat your ass again?"
And I can ask my white friend "yo crackeranon, how was Golding last night?"

i dont know if this even makes sense but i think the world could operate perfectly and probably be better if races were segregated equally.

>It's almost certainly the reverse: that the type of mind that believes that violence and crime are sound plans is so disorganized, so pride-driven, and so short-sighted that its owner sinks into poverty as its just deserts.
People who live in poverty tend to be disorganized and short sighted, yeah. You don't really plan for your retirement or something like that when the most pressing dilemma at the moment is if you can keep yourself from getting kicked out of your house.

Stirner didnt believe in natural rights thats what I meant
I want to pay niggers not to breed I wouldnt force it on them
>>is a spic
>>wants a white racist to love you

I think someone can love me even if inferior to them

>>is a hoe
>>claims to be wholesome

Ive never claimed to be wholesome

>>is a tranny
>>acknowledges you're fucking crazy
Im just a little bit mentally ill
>>still think a legitimate white racist that is worth something will go for that and not just dominate a white girl

I dont demand loyalty from him, he can have a white girl too


You have to be of Low IQ to actually be a "racist". Their arguments waters down to "statistics" from the Meme Curve, and arguments such as "LOOK AT AFRICA AND LOOK AT EUROPE. BTFO". and they completely ignore counter arguments to what they believe in. However, Of course you're going to encounter xenophobic like emotions if you see someone "different" than you uncommonly. Its tribalism.

>Wrongo friendo, Jow Forums is racist because racists are censored.
t. zoomer who hasn't experienced life long enough.

Racist people only get shunned in corporate jobs in big cities. Blue collar jobs won't fire you for racism and neither will jobs in middle america. Only in leftist coastal cities do racists get shunned.

>even if she was black
>backpedaling when you're found out
good try shlomo

Honestly don't believe this because there are "progressive laws" on the books for employment, and government gibs all over the country, not just liberal areas.

>Im just a little bit mentally ill
>continues to ignore the full weight of how serious those issues alone are

Are you upset? Bugmen or not, asians are statistically superior to whites in every aspect. You can already see many white men, even white supremacists, have developed "yellow fever" and become asian worshippers.

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The next fucking words in the sentence are "she isn't" you smooth brained imbecile

You just admitted some races are cool and some are not.
OP you racist

>humans are animals
You unoriginal fuck

Are you training for the Olympics? Because those mental gymnastics are gold standard.

>Honestly don't believe this because there are "progressive laws" on the books for employment
Laws that are rarely enforced. Racial segregation in housing and education is easily achieved with plausibly deniability. The laws are on the books but nobody cares about. The same goes for sexual harassment.

I guess I'm still racist, although I have no problem with blacks or latinos.

I've been in academia for all my adult life. I hate first-generation immigrants from India and China.
Anyone else is okay.

>I sometimes make racist jokes but...
So, you're racist? Great. Thanks bro.

I see blacks for the primitive africans they are, but its not like i hate them for it

Many racists are okay with mentally ill trannies like me, I dont get how thats an issue

>Anyone else here not racist?

I'm not sure.

On the one hand, I tend to think of racism as just the natural act of pattern recognition. If someone sees statistical correlations between race and behavior, it can be very difficult to resist the natural human impulse to apply that correlation to other members of that race. For that reason, I tend to see racism not as a "moral failing", but rather as an inevitability of the human condition.

But on the other hand, I'm also extremely self-aware about making sure that I don't confuse correlation with causation -- and so in general I tend to be rather cautious about making conclusions based on patterns I see. So even if I'm aware of race/behavior patterns, I try hard not to assume those patterns will always continue, because I'm keenly aware that's not a logical assumption to make.

So from my perspective, I tend to think I'm not racist -- but, still, it's possible I am racist to some extent because it's such a natural human impulse.

im a race realist but i don't hate people of other races or think my race is the best

I feel as if people who genuinely believe races are equal to be low IQ and therefore relate to blacks.

Wow, you're so brave calling racists stupid or narcissistic. You're so unique and different. It's not like all of mainstream society supports this same belief... At least in public.

I'm an honours student at my uni. I'm the guy you see in uni promotional material and newsletters about "excellence" and whatever trash next to a picture of some nigger who barely passed. Obviously I can't express these opinions openly if I want to succeed in decent society. Low IQ people like yourself don't realise the actual true beliefs of people like me because I can't express them. You consume media that champions itself as portraying reality as far from the truth as possible and it has shaped your worldview to be an anti-racist.

>Laws that are rarely enforced.
This is just straight up wrong. The only main one i can think of that is difficult to enforce is racial and gender bias hiring practices, and this is actually enforced way too much. And it's causing a ton of issues.

>Racial segregation in housing and education is easily achieved with plausibly deniability.
You're also wrong about this. Only wealthy neighborhoods are able to take action in stopping affordable housing to be built in their area. Sometimes they'll make sure the housing is filled with only nice old people to make sure it doesn't ruin their neighborhood.

>The laws are on the books but nobody cares about. The same goes for sexual harassment.
You're actually so wrong. Maybe it's because you live in a swamp where the only jobs you have access to are logging. But even when I was in texas this was the case.

You also didn't even address the government gibs programs. Which literally implement oppression points, where the more female and ethnic minority you are the closer to the front of the line you get placed. Not if you're in an actually worse off situation.

>Many racists are okay with mentally ill trannies like me, I dont get how thats an issue
Alright well if you don't see any issues tell me how it's working out for you in 5 years, spichoe.

It depends on what we're talking about. When it comes to racial crime stats it should be noted that crime in America peaked in the early 90s and has gotten for diverse since as crime fell along side it. Blacks may be overrepresented per capita but most blacks aren't criminals, the stats are blown out of proportion due to the crime decrease over the last couple decades and those figures are due to a troublesome faction within the black population that has high recidivism rates that inflate the statistics.
Racial profiling is arguably justified as initial crime stats on race are largely accurrate as shown by crime victime survey data; blacks really do commit a relatively disproportionate amount of crime.

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Y do u hate me?

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You can't be racist where I live. There really is no room for prejudice where the growing seasons are short and infrastructure linking us to the outside world is minimal, so we have to rely on one another more than elsewhere. Granted, we give preferential treatment to those who actually live here, over seasonal transplants, but we mainly have a mix of whites, natives, and Asians, and overall we tend to have a good time.

>The only main one i can think of that is difficult to enforce is racial and gender bias hiring practices
You can hire your employees as independent contractors. They can't sue for racial/gender discrimination because they don't count as true employees.
>Only wealthy neighborhoods are able to take action in stopping affordable housing to be built in their area.
Some states let you split counties like Georgia.
>Maybe it's because you live in a swamp where the only jobs you have access to are logging.
Laws don't get enforced when it takes too much time/energy to fight.
>You also didn't even address the government gibs programs
affirmative action still exists but only applies to government jobs/contracts.

I don't hate you. I just hate how stupid and oblivious you are.

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White people are always so butthurt when black people or culture is shown in an even slightly positive way which leads me to believe they hate us a lot more than we hate them, i don't hate white people but i legit feel like they're mentally wired to be evil pieces of shit to the core. Just look at European history.