Let's make a thread of things that should not be original but somehow are, I will start

let's make a thread of things that should not be original but somehow are, I will start

Attached: nasimfibbonacci.png (712x493, 361K)

Most women are alright people

big nigger

Niggers are bad for your health.

all women should be genocided

they're called blacks, not niggers

I love niggers and women

reddit is a decent website

juicy j

Yeah, but at least I've has sex.

I guess it wasn't so bad after all

I just got done making this and was surprised to see another Golden Spiral on a human form.

Attached: fibo-theory.jpg (2200x1600, 342K)

bacon-industrial complex

i'm not a robot maybe

Solar system

nasim was really an image of perfection
why do the brightest stars burn the fastest

my dick tastes like raspberries

you all are great guys, anons

steam engine

I like the taste of cheese.

Attached: cheese.jpg (960x960, 76K)

two seconds

suck your mom


2 seconds, because your comment was not

I am a functioning member of society

I am not a functioning member of society

Based nasim is based. This thread now on is a nasim thread. Post rare nasims.

Attached: download (1).jpg (275x183, 5K)

read bukowski

Attached: nasim axe cotton.png (2126x1636, 553K)


Cease thine niggatry, browner.

Based Nasim and my fave author of all time in one post? Nice

Attached: 1A4C2656-1D39-4B4E-BE58-2C1F002453A8.jpg (1024x821, 172K)