Negro feels

Where can a fellow negroid find a wholesome dorky asian girl to love?

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You need physical fitness to attract asian women. Contrary to popular belief muscle growth and fat loss are due to diet more than exercise. Eat a diet with a steady supply of celery, parsley, onions, and seafood. Ginseng can also help you develop muscle but that's more of a supplement.

I wasn't expecting an actually answer, I have been working on my diet and I can see the progress. Thank you user that is helpful

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Get your black dirty hand of those absolute qts

Well I have to find them first user didn't you read

Asian girls dont like negroids

>race mixing
pick one

>mind infested with Jow Forums memes
You pick one.

we never will. ASIAN GIRLS HATE US STOP PURSUING. Find yourself a nice black girl to settle with like the rest of us

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>not understanding that more race mixing = less genetic diversity

Actually it doesn't though, you tards have it in your mind that genetic diversity is limited to racial appearance

youre fucking retarded like holy kek

Why are you idiots arguing about this? I wouldnt be surprised if one of you was a girl trying to larp

are you attempting to steal my races women, negronian?

Yes, I am move aside

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the only thing you niggers should feel is the pavement when a cop puts his foot on your head

oof edgy


>oof edgy
Except it isn't edgy, it's actually pretty mainstream.

You reek of mayonnaise

I'd like to go to South America for vacation and fuck a qt Latina chick or 2. They've been on my mind lately...

Too bad Im a social autist with not a lot of friends and cant speak Spanish

>Find yourself a nice black girl to settle with like the rest of us

Black women do not like black dweebs.

Eh I speak spanish but asians have been on my mind for a bit desu for about a month now so might as well try

We wouldnt be in this situation is we could get black girls honestly


>tfw only get hit on by 5/10 white girls
>just want a 5/10 asian gf

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Dorky asians are the best

>We wouldnt be in this situation is we could get black girls honestly

Then why think Asian women will like black dudes? At most, you could try Filipino women or Vietnamese, but that's it for us.

Your nearest Chinatown. And make sure you find a thick one

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I'm sad that she's probably never going to make new videos

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Well I don't know what a white"bot" can feel but he definitely can't do it here

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>mixing with homo ergaster is good

If you're not a Chad ape nigger, no honorary 2d gf for you.

Wait, why isn't she?
>Derp face

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hasn't released anything in months, so I'm just assuming. She makes money off of other girls now

Are you rich?

Asians Are SUPER RACIST my dude. You could get a asian gf in PI or Thailand or one of the real shit holes. most of them are not good looking. And they will only go with you for money, and will curse you under their breath , way more racist than here.

I'd look for an asia here with a black guy fetish, than go over there.

Never given a crap about white whores (redundant) getting BLACKED but the sight of Yurika getting niggerfied legit fills me with disgust and rage.

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I don't know. I've been studying Japanese in school since 9th grade, and I'm a senior in high school now. So far it hasn't helped, but who knows what the future will hold? Either way, learning japanese has been fun and interesting.

In an asian country if you are willing to endure 10x racism to find one who isnt racist.

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Just got to LA dumbass

This chart is shit. Whoever made it deserves lyme disease.

>tfw had a vietnamese qt date but turned out crazy
>tfw now have a half chinese half white hapa and another viet chick into me
Need to step up your game user also dont listen to the niggas saying they dont like us, they bought into the dumb pol meme

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you mean a poor one who will go for a black dude with a lot of money. And that only happens in poor countries. Forget the beautiful korean, japanese or chinese women

this; you might find a asian chic on the west coast who thinks she s black. Again though the most expensive area in the US

>dont listen to the niggas saying they dont like us

here or over seas. Here its different, over seas they hate blacks

Well im not talking over seas asians also the asian chicks that were into me never tried to act black but were your typical nerdy stereotype so theres chance for these niggas here. I am rated 7/10 irl though so that may be why because I am a massive sperg

>be depressed nig
>frustrated that I can't connect with anyone
>sink deeper and deeper
>new girl at college cafe
>chocolate black girl. average in looks but don't mind because I'm no treat
>flirt with her
>get her number
>we text
>find out she likes pokemon
>go on date to movies
>find out she likes garbage korean music
Koreaboo black gf might be a facsimile but I'd rather not have to work my ass off to keep an actual Asian.

>you mean a poor one who will go for a black dude with a lot of money. And that only happens in poor countries. Forget the beautiful korean, japanese or chinese women
you're wrong. despite what you incels might think, there are good women out there who will look past superficial things like that. But they pobably wont be much of a looker themselves.

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fuck you dude fuuck

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Breaking the language barrier is actually a really good step! I learned Mandarin for a few years, tried that shit in the local Asian stores in my city, drives people nuts!

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i wish i liked black girls but they literally can't get my dick hard. at least i can get an erection with white girls despite me not liking them much

Whats with black people between white girls and asian girls.
Arent black girls good?

You'll make it. Don't worry. The best part is that she isn't one of those fucking retards that are all "KAWAII DESU NE" that wears cat ears outside and just acts like a total fucking spazz.

Eh. Can't help what you like, friendo.

Well I like every type. But you have to take into account the personality of the people that would be browsing here. Outcasts and such might feel negatively towards people of their own group that ostracized them. I kinda separate black people and niggers in my mind but then again a sexy nigress might get a pass from me.

i know for a fact that my viet neighbor is crushing on me

too bad she is only 16..

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I don't really care what race whoever I end up dating is, or even what gender. But yeah, learning Japanese would definitely help if one specifically wanted an Asian gf. I was originally trying to learn Korean for a girl, but I ended up switching because things didn't work out too well.

Don't most LA women just want Chad?

No, not really. I see a lot of variety of mixed couples here. And latinas will date just about anyone. They are very nice.

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Stop being obsessed with asian girls you creepy fuck, they like white guys

I'll date you, fool

>Stop being obsessed with asian girls you creepy fuck, they like white guys roastie

Why dont you go make yourself useful and fuck a white dude. Just face it, we dont want y'all no more

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here's your coochie bro

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tfw loner loser black girl and ill never have a thug black bf

Thanks for the coochie, my friend. I really appreciate it.

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Are you even cute? Honestly most of these guys are desperate

>Loser black girl

>Thug bf

This is the reason average black guys are mix racing.

If thug black men dont want you you must look fucking pathetic bitch, lmao

Or you're just larping and begging for attention which is no better

>tfw socially autistic black female
>tfw started in a new job in a super sciency environment
>tfw many of the people in your place of work have Masters/PhDs in engineering, physics, etc
>tfw you've wanted this job for ages and even pissed off just about everyone in your family by turning down a job with IBM to work here instead
>tfw have so far seen one other black female besides you even though the facility has several hundreds of employees
>tfw out of the 40+ new employees in your cohort there's around 5 non-whites
>tfw going to the mandatory "diversity and inclusiveness" event during induction week was one of the most awkward experiences in your life
>tfw you feel out of place every second of every day
>tfw occasionally get people looking at you simply when you're trying to eat your lunch in peace and not disturb anyone
>tfw went to a team-building exercise for new employees and everyone was saying shit like you "why don't you just be more confident lol?" but none of them know what it feels like to look less like a STEM kid and more like the person who bullied the STEM kid
>tfw the other new employees have started forming friendship groups while you just keep to yourself and barely talk to anyone
>tfw your place of work is in the middle of nowhere and STEM dudes usually feel no attraction even to the hottest black chicks, so as a below-average black female you're unlikely to lose your KV status any time soon

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how do you even develop an asian fetish ?

>negro from europe

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Wait, black women are not common in STEM? I'm hoping to get into the STEM field one day. Reading your greentext almost feels like some kind of prediction ffs ;-;

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This is the type of white girl I want. She's perfect

why are they so hard to find

damn rip sis. tinder still exists though

I'd say do it anyway granted you one or more of these things apply to you
>you have or are able to find friends/a bf from outside work
>you have the confidence to speak out in group situations even if you're worried about people thinking you don't belong there
>you can banter about being non-stereotypical e.g. "tee hee I studied hairdressing I dunno what a for-loop is :p"
>you enjoy surprising people and surpassing their expectations
>you don't mind being lonely
My sister can do the first four so she's having no issues with her Biomed degree.

Oh yeah, and this one
>your passion for the work overrides all these problems and you feel like it's the reason you were put on the planet

I guess 3-4 of these apply to me. The others are something I'm currently working on, but it's kinda hard and inconsistent at the same time

yeah, I'd like to know too. Getting sick of white girls, fucking too easy.

I am an asian man looking for a dorky fit black weeb gf


But I, that am curtail'd of York;

Roasties out reeee. This is for men

Didnt asians hate blacks? I mean, in general. If so good luck op

They are dozens like that one in every night club, just move your ass

>Niggers pretending to be robots
Fuck off

I'm fucking pissed, my boy. Last night, I went out drinking at this Latin bar alone because I was sad. I ended up meeting this girl who looked like Kali Uchis. I had an amazing connection with her, we chilled and drunk the whole night, she taught me all these Latin dances. She gave me her number when the bar closed and my drunk ass accidentally deleted it

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Right now your best chances are prob in S.Korea right now since thier going through a whole cultural and ethnic shift and since most of thier music is now heavily influenced by hip hop and RnB and all

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And also she most likely won't be dorky you'll kinda be treated like a token white guy there , a status symbol

asian girls legit have crappy bodies . Small tits and ass. Id rather have a thicc black gf with a good face(they exist) than a 5/10 asian girl.

Black bois are fucking pussy bitch bois. Black masculinity is a meme.

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All the black bois in this thread be like

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>Black women do not like black dweebs.

Yikes brother. Ain't that the truth

there are more sissied wh*Toids though

this subreddit is 90% wh*Teys

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Difference is a i personally came in black boipussy
Google black t girls

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I've always love this Pic, but what is the origin of it. Typing in "Asian girl dressed as Po from the Telletubies" does nothing.

no theyre all fucking ugly

You have reddit. I have personal experience fucking multiple black trannies in the ass.

Most black people are ugly

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there are still more wh*toid trannies compared to black

Statistically blacks are more likely to be transexual and LGBT in general

This ruins the thread. C'mon man.

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Suace plz this ain't pol

Man if you don't your dumbass mayonnaise buzzwords out of here. This is something that comes from black people who have actually left their home and gone to japan.
It didn't come from thin air you fucking retard.

>white people enter thread
>tranny garbage and homosexuality and racebait
It's par for the course with these normalfags

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Dyel. Post body.

Why would you want a gf that's going to hate your entire race and if by some miracle she doesn't then her family will

Wait this is another cac larp thread carry on

Yup definitely cac larps

Within the Taliban Social Club my friend

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