Do you read often, anons? I haven't read for so long, I gotta get the habit again. What books do you recommend?

Do you read often, anons? I haven't read for so long, I gotta get the habit again. What books do you recommend?

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The New Testiment

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...and you're still a faggot.

American Psycho is 10/10

Sure, if you want to learn how to be an imoral cunt.

Seriously, Candide by Voltaire. Short, funny, and good commentary on life and the bullshit therein.

Ive just finished The Stranger by Albert Camus, it's a quick and
fairly easy read that was engaging and perfect for robots.


Candide, yeah thats a book on my list that I've heard is great. Will read.

The Stranger fucking SUCKS. It's not a good or memorable book at all, I don't get why it's so overrated and hyped so much.

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Well I enjoyed reading it, so fuck you.

Hey, if you have shit taste, that's not my fault.

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>Atlas shrugged
>The Infinite Story

>read on the shortness of life by seneca

I used to read a lot, but now I can only focus for 30 minutes or so. When I was younger I could read several books in 1 sitting.

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Musashi, Stoner, No Longer Human are all masterpieces

>What books do you recommend?
Start with the Greeks, no joke. You'll get more out of Homer than you will out of 100 other books. Also helps that the Greeks were fucking crazy.
>Seriously, Candide by Voltaire
Also good.
KJV is unironically a good read, well most of it anyways.

Last 2 books I read were Book of the New Sun and Don Quixote, and I enjoyed them both greatly.

>On the shortness of Life
Based book, friend.

>Atlas Shrugged
I'm not an objectivist, sorry.

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nice trips. and i came here to post that the greco-roman classics will never let you down, though if you have no background in the subject they can be tedious at first. the only modern writer i really like is bret easton ellis. i can't wait for his first nonfiction book next year.

Do you know why that happened? Is it because Jow Forums fucked your attention span?

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Based & Redpilled as fug
>tfw wise men of the past will always be there for me

I mostly just read poetry anthologies because I've got no attention span for novels. Halfway through the latest Norton already.

Guys I made a mistake. I'm going back to I'm sorry for being such a cocksucker

Begone, imposter!

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i don't understand but bye i guess

>muh Evola
>muh on da jooz an der lies
>muh Protocols
>muh [insert barely literate right-wing youtuber's book]
Fuck off then, nigger

Dispatches by Michael Herr. First hand account of vietnam war, no filters just as the author experienced it. He was lead consultant on Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket if that tells you anything.

I read as much as I can when I know that I'll retain it and it's interesting. Don't force yourself to start with some thiccc classic just because brainlets on /lit/ say to, read something that you can be challenged by but still enjoy. If you've been out of habit for a while and looking for some fiction to start with I'd suggest some more straightforward writers like Salinger, Vonnegut, Hemingway, or Fitzgerald. Maybe Phillip K Dick if you're into sci-fi.

He's just baiting you. I'm the actual Kierkegaard.

Sounds pretty interesting. Reminds me of a book I read by that guy named James Stockdale who was a stoic who went to the Vietnam War. He almost became Vice-president if I'm correct.

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>No Longer Human
Yeah, that's a masterpiece alright.

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I hate this pretentious piece of shit. I hate even more the fact I find this pretentious piece of shit highly relatable.
I'm the pretentious piece of shit.

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I enjoyed Atlas Shrugged even though I don't agree with the conclusions in it, it makes a few good points. Bonus points are getting to be that smug guy who read Atlas Shrugged

please come back to the server Ishmael

>Bonus points are getting to be that smug guy who read Atlas Shrugged
You mean Mark Cuban?

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Just finshed Urth of the New Sun. Started Hyperion a few days ago but havent touched it since. I know if I just sat down and read for a few hours ill get hooked and binge-read it but i havent been able to push nyself to do it yet.

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>that smug guy who read Atlas Shrugged
I read it when I was a teenager. I think a lot of people did, at least in the US.

>What books do you recommend?
Rationality: From AI to Zombies

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