If you could have one chad power what would it be, confidence, fit etc

If you could have one chad power what would it be, confidence, fit etc

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Confidence. I'm fit and too good looking to have any place on this board but autism holds me back while ugly confident chads bang all the staceys I can't even muster up the courage to talk to.

Not necessarily confidence but spuriousness. I admire people who are able to just jump into something and not worry about the consequences. I over analyze every situation and end up doing nothing.

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Chad's physical strength

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Pussy magnetism.

I just realized I'm a 26 y/o khv that has many hot girls wanting my dick but I'd rather play vidya and masturbate.

Is that a chad power?

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I'd be good looking.

I would have chad looks bc batafag.jpeg

a chad face with high cheekbones and white skin

t. chad

Pure muscle and raw strength. I got the confidence down and the self esteem all need is the look

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Id want Chads height and facial structure. Anyone can get fit and confident. Just work out and dont jack off every day.

height , that one is easy

I miss Billy

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More positive emotion. Chad is prone to excitement and enthusiasm, which drives him to go after new experiences despite the consequences.

I suddenly got Chad's charisma by becoming emotionally intense, and I constantly draw attention to myself. But the energy I give off is like that of a frightened wild animal, hair raised and teeth bared. People seem to try to fix me, even strangers and distant acquaintances, talking to me, talking about me, giving me advice. I think dominant people don't need especially strong knowledge of social skills to be popular, since they set the rules themselves - but positive emotion, and the willingness to persist that comes with it, is a must.

May he wrestle in heaven

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FUCK i'm crying now because of billy :( why did he have to go

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we all miss billy

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height, that was easy

god i wish people dident care about height so much fml

Hey I don't care about height.

Do you care about having dicks in your butt?

yea sorry i dont do butt stuff , im also straight