What the fuck happened and why are people okay with this?

What the fuck happened and why are people okay with this?

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you can't forced people to get married

The world is too overpopulated. I unironically support global warming to get rid of the surplus humans.

if people could actually choose when marrying most people would marry their teenage sweetheart while being a teen themselves

but everyones like muh thats bad and muh youre still children

You can even the playing field so that women aren't given tons of money for doing fuck all.
Men gave money and protection women gave sex.
Now women give nothing and they just steal money from men.

You shouldn't have to, they should want to get married and start a family. That's the problem.

Most people are unaware its happening, to be honest.

And the people who are aware have practical no solution. All we know is that it's bad and getting worse. We can look to Japan and South Korea to see how horrible it can get. There's no reason to think we won't end up like them. Efforts to resolve it by doing things like banning porn (UK) or paying people to get married/make children (Poland) have not been terribly successful or are met with EXTREME vitriol from the masses. There's no solution.

The sad reality is that democracy is too weak of a political system to resolve the issue by direct means.

Yes, you can. That was the status quo for all of human civilization. Those who refused to marry - of both genders - were shamed and shunned in society and treated horribly, leaving them destitute for their whole lives. Women in particular were basically screwed without marriage; men could potentially get by but would still be treated as outcasts.

why would anyone want to get married?

But you are muh children

Bro it would be nice to find a good girl in high school but at that age you arent your true self yet man
Seriously have you met a fucking high schooler nowadays? They all just do fortnite dances or twerk to hip hop
The girl I dated all of high school was a manipulative bitch
It wasnt until I graduated college and worked for a few years that I matured enough to find my wife
These are just different times
When women are losing their virginity at 14 Im pretty sure you would not want to get married at that age senpai
And just a giant culture shift
There is nothing you can do about it senpai

The average teenager doesn't get to have a high school sweetheart anymore. Only 40% of the youth lose their virginities in HS.

The problem is worse than marriage and goes deeper into the social isolation dilemma we're facing. People are more and more atomized in society, especially among the middle aged and elderly. I think something like 60% of the elderly consider the TV their primary companion.

The usual suspects: feminism, sexual liberation, (((them))). Times have simply changed, and not for the better.

Women still give sex, just not to you lmao

Worldwide women are given shit just for being women
Open your eyes and realize that man
If you were getting pussy you wouldnt believe your deluded bullshit
This is how it always has been
Women getting the most valuable men , and the shitty men are left without an ancestry line

>They all just do fortnite dances or twerk to hip hop
have You met a highschooler recently?

>When women are losing their virginity at 14

This is a misconception. Women, and men, are losing their virginities later and later and that trend has continued since the Baby Boomers peaked it.

No, but you can change culture so that it's encouraged and taboo if you don't. Which is what we had for pretty much all of history until (((they))) had to ruin everything.

Overpopulation. Supply and demand.

>Women still give sex, just not to you lmao

Popular misconception. Women are having less and less sex too. It's not just men who are missing out, although it may or may not be true that sex is being increasingly concentrated in the upper echelons of men.

Actually if you look at the number of messages received on dating apps like Tinder, women have an even greater disparity between the lower and upper levels than men do. Ugly women are being as totally shafted as ugly men are. The only difference is that ugly women still get to have sex, so it's ignored by Jow Forums as an issue even though women obviously want relationships more than sex itself.

Why should I want to fix it? The world has too many people so this is a good trend in the West. We need to also unironically push global warming. That will depopulate the non Western countries by climate created disasters.

Less reasons to get married. And people marry much later than before.

Another "I am a loser incel NEET virgin so that means 80% of men are loser incel NEET virgins" whinefest thread.

People are less driven to think about the long term when they're surrounded by anxiety. Everyone's worried about the environment, or politics, or the economy, or their own personal funds, and so on and on on and on and on.

I would be happy if this meant that people are having kids less but I don't know if there's any correlation for that. Almost half of all births are unwanted so I'm not holding my breath.

Another retard

I wish I had a wife to care for.

Attached: thatfeel.gif (633x758, 14K)

Lack of marriage doesn't mean less children, it means worse environments for children

Well for one thing, because demography is vitally important for the health of a society. The higher the average age of your society, the less productive it is. Think about it: older people can't work so there's less capital being generated. That's part of the reason why Japan has economically stagnated in spite of being a major hub of technological innovation since, shit, the 80's. The younger your nation (until you get unbelievably low, like some African nations), the stronger it will be.

Secondly, because it's merely a symptom of larger issues in your society like social isolation. Depression is projected to be the leading cause of death by the mid-21st century. Why? We don't really know the particulars, but it's likely overlapped with the plummeting marriage rate.

Thirdly, because unmarried people are more Liberal. The act of getting married makes you more Conservative, as does having kids in a marriage. People who are unmarried will vote Liberally, hence wrongly, and worsen society.

Fourthly, because you in particular will age. When you are old, you will depend upon the next generation's wealth to retire on; that's the foundation of social security. Without marriages, child birth rates fall and your own future is jeopardy.

Fifthly, because overpopulation is not a serious issue in the West. We can grow more than enough food to sustain ourselves right now. With technological advances in things like hydroponics, GMOs, and so on, we'll be able to grow even more. Overpopulation is an issue in some 3rd world countries only. Therefore, decreasing births in the West will not actually adress overpopulation where it exists.

Sixthly, because falling marriage rates => falling birth rates leads to increased immigration rates. Governments realize that, in order to reduce their average age and continue to grow in numbers, they must take in immigrations to compensate for falling numbers.

Ever wonder why incels are even a thing now? Because of the stuff OP is talking about. Whether you like it or not, there have been vast social changes in recent years that have negatively affected everyone. Really ignorant and close minded to just dismiss it as incels whining as though everything is still fine and dandy in the world.

Hey people-who-are-upset, tackle this:

"There is no innate "broken" in the universe that humans fix."

I just want to go to work and come home to my wife and kids

It means less children and worse environments for children. Both happen.

The falling marriage rate is a serious issue and if you can't see that you're either stupid or naive.

There is though. Tackled

>Worldwide women are given shit just for being women
"Worldwide" this problem doesn't exist.
Just in the west where women got the chance to steal men's shit in exchange for nothing.

>Women getting the most valuable men , and the shitty men are left without an ancestry line
Such value.

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If you can't elaborate then you haven't actually tackled it.

I do too.
I'm tired of coming home to my empty house every day.

I don't believe that women aren't garbage, only that they're no more garbage than men are. You can hate women for sending love letters to death row inmates, but men do the same shit for women in prison. There's only less examples of the latter because women commit less crimes.

Sure, the modern woman sucks. The modern man is just as bad if not worse. Have you seen men these days? Holy shit. Look around at them.

I won't have to depend on the next generation because automation and 3D printers will do most of the work. The automated machines will be taxed and hand me universal income. As for liberalism you want everyone to breed. This will spread the liberal genes you hate.

No. It means more money per kid.

Get a pet. Preferably something that won't shit on the floor in your absence though.

Not that guy, but our society is man-made, so in saying that there isn't anything innately broken with the universe you may be right, but the age at which women get married isn't some intrinsic property of the universe. The fact that it has changed over time is proof enough of this.

Nobody has to take in immigrants even now. It's just a meme excuse businesses use to lower wages and get more money for the upper class. The government uses it as an excuse to get more power and push the one world agenda. If we needed immigrants for work why does Europe take in lots of immigrants who don't work and are on benefits? Because it's a meme excuse people make up.

If a small elite of men is disproportionately having sex with a larger group of women, then you'd expect those women to be having less sex too, because they have to wait their turn. They'd be having more regularized and thus more total sex if they were all paired with a long-term partner.

Women who witnessed their mothers doing everything and getting 0 appreciation for it while also being cheated on don't want the same thing. Also most men are porn addicts and can't quit/will never quit. I got married but we still have our problems, being raised religiously helped a lot and we have the same values.

why would a robot want to pass on their genes? what if your kid turns out to be an aspie? they will hate and resent you

I've had pets, it's just not the same.

These countries take them in out of guilt, we need their resources and kill their people so in order to feel less bad and show off how altruistic and progressive we are we take in immigrants. Muslims are du jour right now for some reason.

>why would a robot want to pass on their genes?
Because you're literally wired to want to do so. Doesn't matter if you logically conclude that it will be a bad idea, your biological inclination will override that.

>I won't have to depend on the next generation because automation and 3D printers will do most of the work.

This is as naive and stupid as people in 1960 thinking we'd have flying cars in the year 2000. Automation will not live up to what you think it will. We don't even have automated cashiers in most places yet.

>The automated machines will be taxed and hand me universal income.

If you're American, you will never see UBI - ever. We don't even have single-payer healthcare yet and it's fucking 2018 and every other 1st world country on Earth has it. If you're European, you might get to see the barebones versions of it. UBI in Europe in our lifetimes will be as bad as the single-payer healthcare that Bismarck gave Germany in the 19th century.

Plus you don't seem to understand that UBI has the exact same issue. Old people will need to be supported by younger people, whether that's by social security or UBI.

>As for liberalism you want everyone to breed. This will spread the liberal genes you hate.

Politics is probably influenced by genetics, but only a fool would think it was truly determined by it. We have had societies where people were Communist or Capitalist, fanatical religious zealots or militant Atheists, etc. Cubans who fled Castro didn't grow up to be Marxist-Leninists.

Don't worry about the genetic component so much.

No, we actually will have to take immigrates if the birth rate can't be risen. The reason why is because more people = more power for the country as a whole. More people = more taxes, soldiers, workers, etc.

And remember that demography - average age in particular - is what's crucial here. Older societies, like Japan, are totally feeble. They can barely produce enough wealth to care for their own elderly, let alone build a military and project force abroad.

It's true that one of the primary drivers is to lower the cost of labor, but that's only one of the many factors.

You're not really a robot if you get married and have a family.

cuz i have on average i have 5 more years to find gf

>but the age at which women get married isn't some intrinsic property of the universe
It is in so far as the sky being blue is a property of the universe. What isn't a intrinsic property is the age at which women /should/ get married and if people "should" engage in marriage, pair bonding to facilitate the procreation and upbringing of children, and if people "should" have children. There's nothing in the universe that needs for human beings to have women get married at a certain age or to have people get married or to have people procreate. There is no innate "broken" in the universe that any of this fixes.

No we need more tech and automation instead. Also if we block immigrants and lower the birth rate that means much higher wages. It means the average person lives much better because employers need to treat workers right to retain them.

Tech and automation will advance *eventually*, but not for the next century probably.

Driving down the cost of labor is the only reason.
There is plenty of wealth in Japan to take care of the elderly, they just choose not to spend it to do so. Their economy's growth has slowed, but that doesn't make them significantly less wealthy.
These nations who open the gates for uneducated immigrants to come in do so because the alternative, providing jobs with pay high enough for natives to raise a family with a good standard of living, is more expensive.
The people who immigrate to richer nations have a lower standard of living, and thus cost less as workers. A bonus of the situation is that they are easily marginalized and controlled, because they are poor and not natural born citizens who have the knowledge to navigate the society effectively.

>Cubans who fled Castro didn't grow up to be Marxist-Leninists.
Their fucking children did.

No one is saying they wish to fix the universe, so why you keep going on about how the universe isn't broken (and how discussion of marriageable age won't fix the universe) is completely beyond me.
As an aside, your speech strikes me as nihilistic.

Don't underestimate the speed of technology. I was a kid in the 90s and remember big phone books, driving maps from AAA, TV guide books you bought, cassettes, VCR players, payphones, 2D gaming with cartridges you blow in, and corded landlines. I've used all of these. Now all of this is obsolete. The world is moving at a very fast pace.

If that post is nihilistic then you're a nihilist(or existentialist) too or lying about what you've said in this post. That means that this is only a bad thing if we agree on what the good and bad things are and it means that we don't need to agree and it means that we can have vastly different definitions of what good and bad are. If you want people to agree with you on this issue then you need arguments for why your definition of good and bad is more worthwhile than theirs, rather than stopping at the disagreement then figuratively bashing someone's head in for it or going onto saying that X(procreation, society, marriage age etc.) is important and worth keeping without making good faith arguments as to why like we have ITT.

>I think something like 60% of the elderly consider the TV their primary companion.
TV and the internet was a mistake. Fucking Franklin and Tesla and all those other bitches.

>age 25
The average marriage age is 30 now. What a pitiful attempt at a misleading statistic. Even more pathetic are the incels who swallow this obvious bait whole.

The fact that you simultaneously attribute any sort of action to "fixing the universe" and that the universe need to fixing is what leads me to believe you are a nihilist.
Now, as for whether or not the rising age of marriage is a problem, it might be too early to tell, although it seems to be accompanying a decline in fertility rate, which is a worrisome trend. Even a person such as yourself, who seems to want to reason anything that goes against your pedantic ideals from first principles can see why a fertility rate below replacement can be seen as a problem.

enjoy getting invaded by people who don't give a shit about your overpopulation bullshit. they will have the numbers to invade you.

this is what women want buddy. they don't want to get married and they don't want kids. they just want to be good little worker bees that are busy busy busy with their bullshit HR job, fuck chads, and have escapades around the globe like some airhead teenager.

>>age 25
>The average marriage age is 30 now. What a pitiful attempt at a misleading statistic.
What are you even talking about?
The OP image somewhat agrees with your average age of 30 for now -- it's actually ~28.5 based on the graph.

A population that resulted from a lower-than-replacement fertility rate means there are less people who need the resources that the former/current population's replacements would provide. It /could/ hurt the last elderly people/last people in the population as they might not have the resources or care they need but, keeping in mind the fact that the low fertility rate means that far less people will have the opportunity for this to happen to them than when the fertility rate is at baseline or when it is high, what makes this worse than how things currently are?

Build a wall to keep them out and deport anyone who tries.

If the lower-than-replacement rate continues even after a generation or two dies off, then this problem of elderly (potentially) not receiving care will extend to every future generation until the replacement rate is met/exceeded.
If the problem were a simple one of resources, then this low replacement rate would self-correct as resources are freed up, and we may find some equilibrium in the population, but if the problem is cultural/behavioral in nature, then this issue will not self-correct and the population will continue to tank, and the rate of elderly people lacking proper care will increase.

Is this the BLACKED thread? Is the population forecast chart in the thread too?

Too much freedom given to women and too much globalism is the problem. Marriage is too much responsibility, too much isolation for them, and the increased long-distance connectivity coupled with diminished local connectivity means tons of Chad-exposure making women expectations become astronomical. Women want to be free to do what they want (and that means get as much attention from as many guys as they can). Non-chads get looked over and Chads look over all the thots after getting their attention/vaginas. Same old story.

>but if the problem is cultural/behavioral in nature, then this issue will not self-correct and the population will continue to tank, and the rate of elderly people lacking proper care will increase.
Wouldn't it come to a head and stop? At this point all of the elderly people who /might/ be lacking proper care would be deceased and there will be no more opportunities for that to happen, as opposed to a stable or increasing population where that can theoretically happen indefinitely in and through cycles. It would be the result of the reality of the human condition and maybe not a lack of able bodied people and/or the resources they provide but it could and likely would happen(as it does currently) and it could happen without end.

>not receiving care
It's heavily a problem of older generations who fell for the generational pyramid scheme, importing millions of unskilled foreigners to work for pennies on the dollar so that the costs of their retirement would be artificially lowered below what their own parents saw. Those generations then accelerated this process by retiring as soon as they could (in many cases), at 40 or 30 or even in their 20s, so that not only are the next generations facing increased competition from foreigners willing to work for far below the wages that generations of organized labor have fought for, but now over half of our workforce is sitting at home on Facebook sending their kids' inheritance to foreign (((charities))) because their corporate-sponsored pastor told them to, while contributing absolutely nothing to our GDP.

Also, the "generation war" meme is a psy-op, there are just as many bluepilled shits of younger generations screaming for "open borders" because their chosen corporate spokesman told them it was rayciss to not let Juan and Tyrone not-work for wages and thus indirectly lowering their own. It's not a matter of magical years making people informed or brainwashed, but mass media telling them the same idiotic lines day after day that, if not repeated again and again in a setting they feel 'comfortable' in because it reminds them of short laughs they had as teenagers, they wouldn't buy in a heartbeat. If you introduced a foreigner who had never heard of it before to Last Week Tonight, or the Daily Show, they would surely immediately dismiss it as partisan propaganda and yet our own population accepts it because anytime they're clearly shown repeating falsehoods as facts they can hide behind "it's just le comedy xd!" before going right back to basing their entire political beliefs off of it.

Attached: absolutely autism.png (301x300, 211K)

We also have a huge problem with childless adults. Especially women, these older adults vote in policies that openly benefit foreigners at the expense of our own younger generations because their parental instincts are messed up. They have no biological offspring to feel a duty towards, or at times their offspring has disowned them so fully (there's a huge amount of social conditioning at both sides to dis-incentivize family bonds) that they feel no more duty to their own children than to the likely-rape-offspring hordes of foreign and uneducated nations who openly express physical hostility towards them.

Raising a loving family in a healthy family unit often makes a rational parent realize that their own childrens', and by extension their own nation's, well-being is more important than a violent multiple-sex-offender 20-something from a failed communist state who claims to be 12 years old on his immigration forms.

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>and there will be no more opportunities for that to happen
Unless you somehow stop the rest of the population from aging while this process is going on, people are going to continue to become elderly over time.
Unless we get some sort of emergent AI to take care of the elderly, and assuming that the fertility rate never improves, eventually depopulation will happen to such an extent that the elderly will not be cared for properly.

You're not wrong overall, but you forgot to mention the advance of modern medicine increasing the lifespan of the elderly, which makes the problem worse by extending the amount of time they require care.

It should also be noted that there doesn't need to be a completely stable equilibrium while providing care for the elderly, as the ratio of workers doesn't need to be 1:1 with the retirees, so long as the lower bound of this oscillating population doesn't drop too low.

I'm childless and don't support immigration because I don't want them taking my resources and high living standard. What's that mean?

It means that you have a penis.

>Unless you somehow stop the rest of the population from aging while this process is going on, people are going to continue to become elderly over time.
I'm talking in the context where the population has reached a point where there are no fertile humans who can or are willing to procreate and/or a point where the population is low enough for viable offspring and generations to become impossible(think the number is around 160, so only =

>eventually there will be effectively 0 elderly people, or people who could become elderly
This is only the case when literally everyone is dead.
If there are any people less than elderly, they will eventually become elderly.
>What makes this hypothetical worse than the possible trillions+ who could become elders who are not properly cared for
It would mean the extinction of the human race, so yes, I would say it's worse than some cumulative measure of human suffering.

>I would say it's worse than some cumulative measure of human suffering.
We're back to I guess, can you explain why you think people who would have died regardless of the fertility rate dying without creating new life and/or sufficiently repopulating the Earth would be worse than some cumulative measure of human suffering?

I don't know why we're back there, this problem has nothing to do with any innate properties of the universe, save for some laws of mathematics, which no one is proposing any changes for.
I guess fundamentally your nihilism causes you to not care at all if your species goes extinct, which is fine for an edgy teenager, but it makes for poor conversation when you try to talk in circles instead of simply stating your view on the matter plainly.
What innate law of the universe are you trying to fix by responding to my posts? The universe doesn't need to be fixed, man. On the off chance it did, a nihilist would surely never be willing to do it.

> instead of simply stating your view on the matter plainly.
I care about the cumulative measure of human suffering more than I care about the extinction of the species, I'm no more of a nihilist than what you seem to be(obviously not to imply you've made a claim to be a nihilist). I've mentioned the previous post because you've taken it for granted that this cumulative measure of suffering is worth not becoming extinct and taken it as an objective reality that I must accept. If that's not the case, and I, not being much of a nihilist, accept that arguments can give meaning, can ask, "why?" Why is this voluntary extinction not a price to pay to avoid the cumulative measure of suffering?

>I care about the cumulative measure of human suffering more than I care about the extinction of the species
Then shoot yourself. If you truly believe that the suffering that occurs in life makes life itself not worth living, you shouldn't have any conniptions over the matter.
But you won't.
Nihilists are cowards who try to hide from the world and their own inadequacies, and you are no exception.
You won't admit to being one, but it's plain to any observer that you are, a blatant hypocrite.

>advance of modern medicine increasing the lifespan of the elderly
Which is a huge problem of a philosophically-atheistic (no matter what their "religion" identity on Facebook is set to) population, which sees living as old as they possibly can as preferable to their descendants' best possible lives.
If the retired were content to live as retired have for millennia, with their family and as a part of a functional multi-generational family unit, this would be fine. But they're heartset on having their own McMansion and taking McVacations and telling their kids to pull themselves up by the bootstraps that they sold to La Raza to finance their latest Disney Cruise. Again, because of a selfish mindset where they've been taught by (((media))) to focus on their own happiness rather than the success of their descendants.

You're a fag, if you have no children then you're almost certainly part of the reason mass immigration is being so heavily encouraged. The entire reason mass immigration is bad is because it hurts the traditional American family; by being childless while enjoying a high living standard yourself you're also hurting the traditional American family.
is a fag, because he still doesn't understand that seeing the entire world as a means to increase your personal happiness in life is self-serving and exactly what we fight against. You can justify it all day by talking about how horrible divorce court is, or how many past partners white women have had, but at the end of the day choosing not to start a family is choosing to be a part of the end of your people and your culture. Remember, they can talk about immigrants assimilating to your culture all day, but ask yourself when was the last time you heard a first-generation immigrant say that he was NOT a member of the culture and religion he emigrated from, but rather a PROUD member of the culture and religion to which he fled?

>If you truly believe that the suffering that occurs in life makes life itself not worth living,
I implicitly claimed that the suffering that can occur in a life and in several subsequently started lives, through cycles, as a result of continued procreation makes life not worth /conceiving/. That's why it's important that there is nothing innately broken in a universe without humans, otherwise not starting a life could negatively affect things once we're all gone(which is likely happening eventually with or without the voluntary extinction I've described, see heat death theory and others). However, there is something innately broken in the opinion of human consciousness when the person suffers, when people exist suicide might not be the chosen answer of any given suffering individual because it could be that a fear of death or an afterlife overwhelms the suffering one feels, it could be that the suicide could have ramifications that a person wouldn't want(e.g. for the family or the community of the individual). With no conception, what is there to lose for that individual who isn't born?

and again. Why is the voluntary extinction worse than the cumulative measure of suffering?

Why does it matter if people get married or not

Immigration is being pushed because of guilt, big business, and politicians. It can't be to replace workers because we're underpopulated. Most immigrants in Europe get on benefits and don't work. They just use underpopulation as an excuse. They never really meant it.

But divorce court is a thing we should avoid. You think wanting a high living standard is what we fight against? No. That's why I want to keep the West. I got red pilled by reading books like IQ and the Wealth of Nations.

>Most immigrants in Europe get on benefits

B/C I'm not okay with how sexist the marriage system is.

As a man, I will lose 1/2 my shit. My wife could do fuck all and I could work for years and years and pay off a house, and if she chooses to divorce me- guess what? I lose the house, no questions asked.

95% of child-custody cases result in the mother taking custody.

I'm not wanting to willingly line up in that chart and risk losing 1/2 my shit when 75% of all marriages end in divorce. That's like saying you have a 75% chance to lose the lower half of your body just to show someone you like them.

I read about it online. They live in the ghettos and create no go zones while sponging benefits.

>get on benefits and don't work
Work is only one part of it, replacement fertility is the second part. Working doesn't matter one bit if you're having less than 2.3 (or whatever replacement fertility rate is for your cunt) children before dying.

It also starts to matter a lot less if you fall for the jew meme of work before family; if your kid grows up hating his dad media will brainwash him into hating all men who look like his dad and tell him that his country needs a darker skin tone. This ties in to the many downsides of allowing state education of our children, instead of a culture of stay-at-home mothers educating kids as has been the norm for thousands of years.

The issue isn't even about jews or whatever, it's just so easy for the general population to throw away everything for Netflix and cruise vacations that they can't even comprehend why anyone would criticize spending their child's inheritance and destroying their child's employment prospects because they want to sit at a resort hotel in Mexico for five days a year while a maid cleans their house for ten bucks a day.

Attached: fff.jpg (1024x701, 195K)

>This ties in to the many downsides of allowing state education of our children, instead of a culture of stay-at-home mothers educating kids as has been the norm for thousands of years.

It's official, racists have become so stupid that they no longer remember the existence of the one-room schoolhouse or the entire profession of tutor, whether a professional one or a governess. We have a thousand year tradition of lazy moms hiring other women to educated your children. Tradwives are not magical unicorns like your dumb nazi brain likes to imagine.

We should avoid them, but not at the expensive of furthering our genes.
Remember that the unwashed hordes invading your border checkpoints don't give a hoot about divorce courts because they're not marrying your sister before they drunkenly fuck/rape her, and even if they did it wouldn't matter because their legal income is too low for child support anyway -- remember, even if they make six figures, it's almost entirely cash and thus the state sees them as poverty-level people. Many such cases - Sad!

>As a man, I will lose 1/2 my shit.
That's the first-world selfishness coming in. It's not about (((your))) shit, it's about furthering your genetic line. I know many kids whose dads were raped in divorce court, who not only grew up fine but in many such cases think their dads are awesome people.
This irrational fear of divorce to the extent of preventing marriage and children is pure selfishness, no different from spending your kid's inheritance on a cruise and importing a million Africans to do his job for pennies.

Attached: gjb.png (1028x1168, 325K)

>This irrational fear of divorce to the extent of preventing marriage and children is pure selfishness, no different from spending your kid's inheritance on a cruise and importing a million Africans to do his job for pennies.

At least the Africans are grateful. With you guys it's always one thing or another I desperately need to do to save the white race and nothing in for daddy. I won't exist for most of my hypothetical genetic line so why spend my actual life suffering so that you can feel better about the future?

Sorry, you'll have to speak a little more clearly, I can't understand your words with all that Nigerian semen filling your throat. Be a little less selfish, though, surely you don't want to drain your bull dry before he has time for your wife!

I just thought it would solve poverty if the population didn't keep growing because fewer people mean more resources. The biggest problem though is the developing world breeds too much, leading to a lower global IQ and lower levels of technology.

We can fix the schools and media from the top down. The government can pay moms 5k per kid to homeschool them. The public schools and children's classrooms can ban any political propaganda too.

>unwashed hordes

Jesus fucking christ, what do you guys think you are, Doctor Doom?

Oh man, you really put me to rights. I'm sure while you're changing dipers at 3am while your fat wife is out "with her friends" you'll be doing so much to further civilization.

You've clearly never talked to a non-college-educated foreigner. Remember, college-educated immigrants are the overwhelming minority. Though often toted out by open-borders advocates, the vast majority of immigrants (particularly in countries that accept economic refugees) can't even read and are generally fired from each successive job within six months of hire -- thus explaining why so many are unregistered contractors (who have very little reason not to merely skip town and change their name when too many people get mad at them for shoddy jobs and breaches of contract.) Many such cases!

I unironically believe in eugenics and think my genes are unfit to be passed on.

I got a friend of the family who's an illegal, knows a lot of illegals. They may not speak great English but they're perfectly articulate in Spanish, have complex opinions on films, enjoy long walks on the beach, etc. They're nice people and there's not a degree among them.

You'll do anything to avoid the basic humanity of other people, don't you? I bet you'd gladly slaughter white children if you thought it would benefit your own spawn. You're basically the human equivalent of a roach, breeding out of control in trailer parks and shitty apartment blocks. Disgusting.