Just decided to cut off my last friend

>just decided to cut off my last friend

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Why? Cause of insecurities? Suicidal plans?

>last friend just cut me off....

Aye, I did this yesterday too op.
Unfriended and blocked all those cunts. Only have relatives, family friends.
I think what hurt the most was leaving group chats and no-one asking/messaging why (had an active dnd chat), it really sunk in that no one gave a shit about me unless it was convenient for them. Plus, i never talked to them and vise-versa.
Good riddance I say.

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Wow dude, your life is so hard. You're so jaded and hopeless. A true blackpill. The point of no return.

You did this to yourself retard. You cut them off. Why are you acting like you're the victim here?

because they want attention so bad, but dont want to be upfront about it, better for everyone involved if they just ended it

It won't end. I did it 4 years ago and spent a year crying every day. I still have fits of rage thinking of how I was treated.

Whats wrong with wanting attention? Humans are naturally social creatures that desire social interaction.

As someone who has walked this path, take it from me. You will regret it. Turn back before its too late.

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nothing , but lots of people take it way to far

>my last friend cut me off

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Not op but
Humans use social interaction to find your value to them, and also to reinforce their desire of being valuable. Some of us are just low value undesirables doomed to be useless, and thus permanantly unimportant to anyone's life.
Once you accept people are lame like that though life gets a bit easier.

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this orbitally original

>You will regret it
I don't think I will though, I never talked to them and when I did it was to sort out a dnd session. I've been wanting to stop being their "friend" for a while now, had a dnd session maybe a month or so ago and made a joke about minions being my Negros. (table top game, small little black figurines, you get the idea).
They are lefties so "We don't want to be those sort of people". Fair enough, no problem, was a joke though. The thing that really pissed me off and which was the thing that sealed the deal, the person who told me off starts fucking saying nigger this nigger that.
Fucking whole table starts laughing and shit. Fuck them.

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>intp thinking his opinion matters

"friends" don't exist in nature. you are a retard if you think any relationship of that kind will work out. ever

>>just decided to cut off my last friend
I did this a few years back
It was a bad idea

Didn't cut out all my friends, but trimmed it down to 2 close ones. This was a couple years ago and it has only been a positive experience for me so far.

was in the same exact position 5 years ago
just cut it bro, interpresonal relations are like this, also keep high spirit

I think you made the right choice, user. I'd sometimes be absent from my circle of friends for days at a time, and no one would really notice, and they don't care very much (if at all) if they were to notice. It'd go something like this.

>Where were you for the past few days, user? I don't think I've seen you online.
>I've been sick.
>Oh. Ok.

I think a big part of friendship is reciprocity. You shouldn't really care about someone if they don't care about you. Back in the day, I would've made a huge fuss if someone were gone for a long time because I'd miss them and wonder what they're up to, but after realizing my "friends" wouldn't do the same, I stopped talking to them.

kys. Whether he cut them off or not, he lost either way. shit friends vs. no friends
You probably made the right decision but would've regret it whichever path you took
Cutting off hypocritical leftist dnd players makes it even better.

This is the most ideal thing to do. I think everyone needs friends, but having more than one or two is not important. Glad it turned out positively for you

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op unless you're cool like me and grew up alone, your not going to handle being alone

This guy nailed it on the head. To me, it's only worth keeping true friends around. Copied this true friend test from a wise user here: "If I was falsely accused of rape, would this friend stand by me or start to disassociate themselves from me?"

I did this with all my irl friends and I regret it. Haven't had a friend irl in years now

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You actually had friends? They all cut me off and now I'm bitter and alone. I wasn't invited to a graduation party, and it all went downhill since then. They all hang out without me, and nobody has contacted me in a long time unless I contact them. When I do it's one word replies, and bitterness.

I'm not sure if I indirectly did this to my last friend.
>Friend called me a month ago wanting to hang out
>I rejected him and told him I had a lot of homework (which I genuinely did)
I believe he took it the wrong way and thought I was ghosting him since that's way I used to cut off my other friends (and he knows this).

The solution matters even i you can't see the problem.

done this a few times over the last 5 years, tfw worse off than I was back 5 years ago.

dw user, you will find your best friend soon
just keep trying

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Go back while you still can, user. It aint worth it.

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thinking about doing the same thing op, i dont care for them anymore.

>a big part of friendship is reciprocity
yeah I was in a similar situation where I would disappear for a week or more, and when I returned only a couple people would even mention me being gone, and nobody had said anything about me while I was gone.
It's a pretty simple test to see if anybody actually gives a shit about you, because whenever someone I care about leaves a group I always try and bring it up, and I think any decent person would do that for a friend.

Call it being desperate for attention, or whatever you want, but it's made me realize that people are incredibly self-involved, and many people don't think about others in any other context than themselves.

Anyone wants to be discord friends? I will make you believe I care about you and then ghost you out of the blue.

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