Reminder that women on average have 10% less brain mass than males

reminder that women on average have 10% less brain mass than males

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they should make 10% less salary on average

It's the ratio that counts retard

i thought it was surface area?

You dumb ding dong. Brain mass doesnt affect intelligence. Prehistoric cousins of homosapiens had way more brain mass but their brains were still primal. The quality and the number of the neural connections in a brain is what makes someone intelligent.

Lou is who I would be in my truest, most self-actualized form but I'm too much of a pussy

but brain mass doesn't affect intelligence you fucking nigger retard

Roasties getting toastie, it's okay to be inferior.

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>but their brains were still primal.
So were ours, then.

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u an dum idiot PO go kill self :DDDD

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And still have, on average, the same IQ.

It's funny, feminist men trying to espouse that women are the same as men, to a male standard, has made this problem of 'inferiority' even worse because women will never reach the male standard because they aren't males.

Im not a roastie sjw slut. Im saying a scientific fact. Women dont have although the same number of neural connections as men,they have less and their connections are not wired for critical thinking and logical decision making because they didnt need it in their evolutionary processes. Same goes for niggers. By the way there is no inferiority in nature. Each and every single organism, be it in the same species or not has evolved to take its place in the food chain and the bio-fight.

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Yeah it does, intelligence general increases with brain size in animals

>By the way there is no inferiority in nature
Indeed, but we're in civilisation built by men. Logically, men would handle such affairs better.

Likewise, a civilisation built by women would be better handled by women.

>hurr correlation=causation
You're a retard

>brain mass doesn't affect intelligence
explain ants

Guys, wanna hear a joke?
men and women are the same

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Do you mean the insects capable of building cities, farming, have slaves, surviving in almost all conditions, cooperate, teach and communicate?
Yeah, they're intelligent.

They're not, they're different.
But they have a similar level of intelligence.

>similar level of intelligence
not really. men are better at some things and women are better at others.

There are different kinds of intelligence. You cant rate an animal's intelligence that has nothing in common with humans with IQ. Thats plainly dumb. Ants can communicate and build extremely complex structures which makes them great architects and team workers. Their brains might be small but their neural connections are wired to do what they do best.

That doesn't imply different levels of intelligence, just different skills.
Our brains are wired differently, but one isn't more stupid than the other. We're just different.

>There are different kinds of intelligence. You cant rate an animal's intelligence that has nothing in common with humans with IQ.

I can and I will

Okay. Explain whales. Their bran cases are so huge you can easily fit my entire torso in there, they're mammals like humans, social like humans, so what gives? Why aren't they putting us in zoos?

Oh, that's right, brain case capacity is a crude correlate with intelligence but not a good predictor of it.

The answer is very simple. They dont have fingers. No fingers = no tools, no tools = no evolutionary advancement in crafting, no crafting = no ability to build structures to worship gods, no idea of the supernatural = no philosophical advancement, no philosophy = no self-awareness, no basic and exclusively human brain functions = no zoos.

and that's exactly what originally happens even with wage discrimination law
everything is going fine

You shall now be called based and bluepilled user from now on then.

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But you told me cranial capacity would predict intelligence. A whale has orders of magnitudes more neural connections than you do. So it has a superior intelligence, clearly. Maybe if you worship one it will grant you self-awareness at long last.

While we're at it, they have half the muscle mass and general strength of males.
Even the bulkiest Scizor looking female will fall to a soiboi given he had enough time to strength train.

In my gym, women always use smol barbells while the twigboys use upwards of 100 lbs per arm without real definition. Amazing tbqh

Maybe you think im some other user. I said that cranial capacity and brain mass has nothing to do with intelligence.

That's true, and mostly due to the fact that we have different hormones.
It's not something you have because of your merits, simply you have testosterone in your body which makes you develop muscles better.
Plus given that you don't have to pop kids out of your pussy you don't need to
>store fat so the kid has resources to grow
>have periods, so men have higher haemoglobin than females
Estrogen also makes bones weaker.

So yeah, that's an actual biological difference between men and women.

I must have mistaken you regarding the OP. Never mind then, excellent point about animal intelligence earlier.

lol@this level of cope

>no inferiority in nature.
>no inferiority in nature.
>no inferiority in nature.
noice b8

Having actually taken high school biology class is "cope"?

Then everything is going as planned. Good.

>Men are stronger by default than women
>"not something you have because of your merit"
>"you have testosterone in your body"
It's like saying a Ferrari isn't fast because of it's merits, it's fast because of it's pistons. That doesn't change the fact that a Ferrari is still faster than any domestic vehicle therefore better.

>better because its fast
And it burns way more fuel, its wheels need replacing extremely often and it has higher chance of an accident happening.

Still doesn't change the fact that it is objectively faster. Listen, I know it's hard to realize that men are better than you, but you'll get over it.

My brain is androgynous. Does that mean its mass is 95% of the male brain? Do male autists have the brain mass of over 100% and female BPDs and schizophreniacs under 90% of male brain?

Your overall message is still correct but Homoerectus on average had a brain 2/3rds the size of modern man

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>Women dont have although the same number of neural connections as men,they have less and their connections are not wired for critical thinking and logical decision making because they didnt need it in their evolutionary processes.
>By the way there is not inferiority in nature
Woman being the weaker and dumber sex sounds pretty inferior

a rat has the brain the size of a goddamn pea and can solve puzzles while koalas are 3x bigger and almost too stupid to move

what's your point user? are you another guy who knows next to nothing about basic biology?

>no ability to build structures to worship gods
This set of retard genes need to fucking go

I'm not questioning that men are stronger.
I'm just saying that when you make fun of women for not being strong ("women always use smol barbells while the twigboys use upwards of 100 lbs per arm without real definition") it is a little silly.
Women can't physically become as strong as man, their bodies aren't build for it.

Like men cannot grow life inside of their bodies, and most men can't lactate.