Created an alt-chad's profile on tinder and girls are already jumping on his dick. Should I play along?

Created an alt-chad's profile on tinder and girls are already jumping on his dick. Should I play along?

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well, what does your card look like?

>being such a cuck that you create a fictional person to talk to roasties

I get better quality matches with my real account

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>I sent a picture of my boobs
Well, do share

Ungh i love that girl brittanys big nose

alt as in you're not a chad? or alt as in an alt-right chad account?

t. catfished roastie.

I wanted to go for an alternative chad type character. Bad loner type.
Idk might use this character for a novel. Good research.

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That's a cuck not chad

Like a chad that isn't a real chad. Just wanted to see how many arthoes would match with this made up profile.

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LARPing faggot there's no way that's a chad unless your area is starved for chads. in which case where do you live user?

>this qualifies as a chad

How fucking ugly are you guys. I'm being serious, this dude is like a 6 at most and looks like he's under 6ft

Explains why the matches are ugly.

>it's yet another episode of "user creates a fake tinder profile to see what happens and expects us to be entertained by it despite the fact that we've seen this thread a million times already"

this is you ghrthrthrth

Attached: you.jpg (926x926, 153K)

See orginally sdsd Ha fucking roastie trying to sell me nudes

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>jumping on his dick
Lol. No they are not you delusional cuck.

this is actually a perfect trap
>pretty-boy face
>skinny, but defined forearms, implying some definition
>good jawline
>chicks dig circular glasses
>good hair
plus there's the under implications
>somebody else took photo of him
>motorcycle seems scrapped up, repaired possibly, implying he's good with hands
>he's in a garage, implying he's steady in a job
there's a lot that actually goes behind a woman's pick on a tinder guy. you need to make it look good niggas. even a fat 3/10 could get an 8/10 if he had the right things posted.

Not really. I get better matches than this dude and I'm ugly asf.

>Ha fucking roastie trying to sell me nudes
thanks for the clarification user. for some reason i feel better knowing that alt-chad wasn't getting qts to come onto him for free. it seemed too good to be true. also isn't an alt-chad the same thing as a brad?

You message them first? How many take the initiave?

Yeah Brad but this is like a hipster version. To be fair she probably did send something to the made up number, or maybe it was a nigerian scammer.

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Yea, I message them first, I'm not retarded.

And I've only had girls message me about 3 times. Acted like an autismo each time.

the op has ten matches, he probably created it today, and you only see 3 of his matches, not a very good sample size. The photo itself is very good for the reasons pointed out. But based on attractiveness alone, if you are the guy in your pic the guy in ops pic is more attractive than you, better hygiene and hair.

>And I've only had girls message me about 3 times. Acted like an autismo each time.

What happened?

kek she's unfazed by the mom comment. whore.

He got ghosted, it's why he's spending his Saturday nights on Jow Forums with us instead of smashing pussy.

matched with this.
Good arthoe bait or not?

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this is a fascinating project if you're specifically trying to chadfish arthoes. a nice variation on the garden variety chadfish breads.

Yea you're right. And he's white too, so that obviously helps. Whites can't be robots.

I'll greentext real quick:
>1. Girl messaged me asking to take her to a concert. Chit chatted too long and she ended up ghosting me when I should've asked her out
>2. Girl hits me up thirsty as fuck. I was out of town so I asked for nudes, forgot to ask her out when I got home and she unfollowed me and unmatched after
I was gonna write more but is pretty much it. At least I have a date on Tuesday.

TL;DR: ask her out within the first 10 messages, if she says yes then get the insta then chat from there.

That's what I'm trying to do but none have really have taken the bait so far. Maybe is the Spanish name. You would think they like diversity.

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>Yea you're right
you are attractive though, good jawline for a chink

Im korean and matching with some white girls. What should i say

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She might secretly be a slut.

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If you're asking r9k on what to say you already lost

Herro prease to be ruvving u wif my smol penis

>bulldog head
She'll open her legs for anything that shows her attention

>"Did you know that Korean students outscore white students by an average of 60 points on the math portion of the SAT?

>This is almost as large as the gap between whites and Hispanics."

make a dog eating joke because that's all i know about south korea other than its high internet addiction and suicide rates

Let's see. Orginally

Who would refuse to ride in brads bike.

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>people who unironically say theyre parents of pets

risky to suggest that she would understand synecdoche

t. not "positive person"

Quite a few of them. Seem to be plebbitors too.

I was very tempted to put proud cat dad in my profile when I used Tinder.

>pic related orginally sdsd

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If ted cruz was transgender, he'd look like this.

the classic "if I pretend to have high standards, that means I'm somewhat attractive!" coper. lol.

>>motorcycle seems scrapped up, repaired possibly, implying he's good with hands
also probably implies you shouldnt ride on the back of it with him

Stfu far you are on Jow Forums we all know u are ugly

You made my night
That comment was guts

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show the one girl's tits

I get a lot of fat girls and it's really annoying.

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wow the nose of that jew

you mean if he wasn't

is that nick the smoker?
>first thing i think of when i see a guy is whether or not he'd qualify as a nice trap
christ lad take a break from this board

Thot arbit will eradicate this trash.

And op is a faggot for paying for nudes. Kill yourself faggot.