That weird generation fap between Millennials and Z

What the fuck was that? That gap from like 1996-2001? Talk about what its like to be in this weird between generation here.

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What in particular would you like to know? I was born in 1997

According to my parents, my head was born on Dec 31 1997 11:59 PM while my penis made it out on Jan 1 1998 12:00 AM. So technically I'm gen Y and Z.

Born in 2000 here. April to be specific. Brothers were both born before 1994 and they raised me up on the original pokemon games and some good ps2 classics. Kinda just wanna chat about all these nostalgic memories.

it's all because of 2007. look up what happened.

We're gen Z. Embrace it

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This is strikingly accurate.

I'll also have to mention that Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald was and still is the best generation of pokeymon.

Holy crap, Lois. That is Sans from Undertale. Peter doth hath become Sans from Undertale

So being born before 1997 makes you a boomer 2.0?

They've got a similar stubbornness so if boomer is a mindset then yeah

you idiot

zoomers are BORN after 2000

i was born in 1997 and all i do it go to work and smoke weed the rest of the time, were do i belong

No. Boomer is slang for an early Millennial that grew up in the pre 9/11 era. I say class of 2005 were the last Boomers.

I wasn't really allowed to watch much TV when I was young (plus we only had shit default Australian channels anyway) so I can't relate to much of that stuff. My earliest memory of watching TV was flood coverage on the news.
My parents refused to ever buy any sort of console or handheld (weren't poor, just didn't like that sort of thing I guess). So I basically only played Miniclip shit on the home PC (I can remember Commando and On the Run) until I was 11 when I got my first real video game which was AOE3.
Feel a bit stunted I guess because everyone else grew up on Playstation and XBox games.

You belong in Zillennials user. The hodgepodge of stoners and people that played games like club penguin and runescape in their prime

Neither 1997 or 1998 are Gen Z years. Gen Z starts in 2000. You're late Y either way.

We're actually doomers boyos, zoomers are between late childhood and late teens now, yet we're too young to be boomers

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Born 2000. It's weird because we were in the late PS2 early PS3/Xbox 360 days when we were kids and the progression from that to what we have now was fucking quick.

1998 here, this is what I recall
The PS2 being just the fucking shit. Halo was the only Xbox game I played.
VHSs and video rental being a thing. I loved my local video rental shop, it had really good candy and everything.
Those quarter toy things. Not really a gen Mil-Z thing but I liked them
I never respected presidents. When I was a kid my grocery store had this poster of George Bush in clown makeup, not that I'm from eastern Kentucky so it wasn't a blue state thing. For this I never really got the idea of giving a shit about who the president was, but that's personal
Gameboy SDs and the original DS, plus PSPs
I think I may be of the last cohort (in the first world anyway) where it was normal not to be constantly entertained. I imagine most houses have multiple computers, but I can't recall that being a thing, but rather most families I knew had one computer in the living room or kitchen. Again I'm just assuming based on my experience.
My parents worked really long hours so I had a lot of alone time and I remember watching G4 and Adult Swim as young as 6, from what I recall I can't think of many societal differences

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Honestly you can't really put hard dates and limits on generational things. My brother was born 1996 and I was born 1997, we grew up to the same stuff, we shared the same culture and atmosphere, you can't really say he's different from me. It's more like one of those color gradients where you can tell where green is and where yellow is but you can't really pinpoint an exact point where green turns into yellow, you just have yellowish-green and greenish-yellow.

86 here but my school system and local parks were underfunded when I went so i got to play on playground equipment from the 70s era throughout my childhood that's considered unsafe today or was way more creative. I went to many playgrounds and parks as a kid so most of the old 70s equipment is familiar to me. Look up things like moon house playground. That's just one of the many examples. My favorite was the metal 20 foot spiral slide people shook at the top with straight up stairs. My middle school had us use carbon copies and some of our desks looked out of the 60s.

I feel like we're in such a weird position. I can't relate to zoomers or boomers, and aside from the everyday pain of existence I can't relate to fellow doomers either.

I just wish I could have a power like adachis

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born in 1998, the only thing accurate about this is OK Computer.

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born in 1997, pls kill me

>Mfw I was born in 93 and relate to this more than other memes

Why can't I remember anything about my childhood, why is it all so blurry

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>born in 1989
>see anybody born after 1994 as children
Even if we end up in the same retirement in 2070 I'll still call anybody more than 5 years younger than me a kid.

I'm born in 86 here so I wondered something. When did mercury thermometers stop being used? My family used them in the 90s to check for fevers in the mouth and under the arm. I remember a spill of the metallic mercury on the floor when the glass broke.

I'm a 96fag and I think we had a more millennial youth but by teens the zoomoid kicks in
like, I remember rollerblading to school with my sister when our mums car brone down, really gay, but I can't imagine anyone doing that these days

this pic is better imo

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95 I wish I was 2000 though
Everyone my age hates each other and you guys all seem fun as fuck
94-96 is basically the real housewives of doomers

If you don't remember 9/11 you're a zoomer. Fucking 2001 is not "gap" it's pure Zoomer.

>Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 22 to 37 in 2018) will be considered a Millennial, and anyone born from 1997 onward will be part of a new generation.

>Most Millennials were between the ages of 5 and 20 when the 9/11 terrorist attacks shook the nation, and many were old enough to comprehend the historical significance of that moment, while most post-Millennials have little or no memory of the event.

>the late 90s were lit
Imagine a literal infant saying that, this is what you were during the late 90s and I don't care if that's the point.

Actually zoomoid kicked in when you were 10-11. That's when 7th gen hd gaming came out, iphone came out, cartoon network went to shit, soulja boy started the new era of hip hop, etc.

march of 1999

i think the weirdest part is looking back on popular media from when I was a kid, since it was pretty much background noise to me

I would say 1976 - 1980 in between xer and y.
I'm 1983 a mid gen Y and I get on with them.
Despite them all probably having kids and getting on with themselves

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2001 kids have nothing but gaps in their brains

97 here. feel too young to relate to the struggles of millenials, but far more adult than zoomers

I was born in 97 but I have trouble relating to people so it's hard to feel part of any "generation"

December 1996

Anybody else feel as though everything went to shit in 2008?

so we all agree 2000 is 100% zoomer, right?

If you don't remember 9/11 but were later old enough to remember orange man's election, you're a zoomer.

i'm not sure what to do with this information
buy a vape, i guess

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Ps2 didn't have a single memorable game. It was and still is a DVD player.

>That weird generation fap

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>tfw remember being 7 playing Pokemon Red Version on my Gameboy Color
Good times.

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ratchet and clank
jak and daxter
shadow of the colossus
god of war
need for speed
lego games

fuck off zoomer

born in 98 here.
Emerald was still the best gen 3 pokemon game. I remember seeing GT on YTV like once or twice. It was the episode where the earth got destroyed and Piccolo died along with it. I had no fucking clue what was going on as it was my first time watching anything dragonball. Soul Calibur 2 is still better than 3. I remember Totally Spies too well. I never cared for Star Wars, Spider Man or Club Penguin. The Simpsons movie was ok.
Jesus, that OP image feels kinda accurate.

>tfw grew up with no tv, no computers, no phones, and most of the time no power
did i miss out anons
and if so how bad

1996 here and I barely feel related to you 1997ers.

I respect gen 2 fags but emerald will always be peek pokemon for me.
>t. 98 fag

can confirm, born in 1997, pic pretty accurate


limewire porn
Halo 1,2,3
Lord of the rings movies
Star Wars prequels
borderline sexting with little sluts on msn
exploring sexual immorality on old /b/

Daaaamn unironically me but i was born in 95, im saving this meme

and talking about the weird generations you say we're, in my case the media in my country is like 5 years late than the US, for example as i kid i watched thundercats, silverhawks and that kind of animation on tv, but also sponge bob, all the nicktoons, and the cartoon grovies. in my life i tend to be friend with ppl older than me (when i was 16 i was hanging out with 25+ dudes from MTG) but also coexisting with ppl from my generation from the school. so yeah is kinda weird and at the same time cool, being in the middle and can relate with ppl rom both generations

Did you grow up in the Appalachian mountains? I saw families like yours on TV in the 90s. Some didn't even have running water.

Ratchet and clank is the only ps2 exclusive from there that actually stands out.

Don't get me wrong, Ps2 was my main console for many years, and it's one of my favourites since it was a big part of my childhood. There are a lot of games I remember playing on it that were never really popular but I'm pretty sure they were ps2 exclusives and they were still pretty fun. I liked the half-life port a lot as well, since that had some pretty fun multiplayer options, decay was pretty ahead of its time. I found it hilarious that you could play half life with keyboard and mouse on ps2, it completely defeated the purpose of console gaming.

I never saw the cartoons every user talks about since we never had those cable shows. I remember going to my cousin who had cable and we'd watch catdog and I thought I was missing out big time. I can't imagine being you. I'm so sorry user.

Gen Z starts in 95 so you fucked this meme up

My brother told me that rune scape is lame and said club penguin is for gay nerds so I never did really play that shit. Glad

>cs 1.6
>san andreas

fucking BASED

The snes.
How that was a good video console.

Let me explain. The generation born in late 90s experienced their childhood like the previous generation, but adulthood like the next one, creating the biggest shock while also leaving them unable to relate to either.

Great news! In other news, water is wet

>Ratchet and clank is the only ps2 exclusive from there that actually stands out.
Oh, fuck off.

I'm an 86 born. I think my teen years were more similar to Zoomers teenhood than my childhood was similar to theirs. I see my childhood as very different than those born 10 years later but see our teen years as similar.

Anyone else remember getting their homework done off Yahoo Answers? '97 here

>Ps2 didn't have a single memorable game

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80s/early 90s kids already grew out of the stuff by the time it happened, so late 90s kids were the only recent generation to experience their childhood culture die while still invested in it. Fucks you up.

I am disowned by everyone, but nice cause i experianced a lot the other missed.

2000, mexican in an all white town (peaceful feelsgoodman)
- not much electronics until I was like 7 and dad bought ps2. I remember playing a shrek video game and having the Kinect thing for PS2.
- Favorite game was Guitar Hero 3 and played warriors of rock years later on the Wii.
- Stepdad came in and brought Xbox 360. My first FPS was Modern Warfare 2 and thank god it was, because the color scheme of the game was amazing compared to other titles.
- Never got into super heroes or transformers or stuff like that
- Favorite tv shows were things from PBS Kids because that was the only channel that was interesting until we got
- Internet in 2010, i only play pc games now but I have an i5 intel hd 620 and play
only overwatch and minecraft a year after they both released
- After school program at 6th grade showed me poptropica and club penguin
- Used emulators to experience the epicness that I missed out on
Knew about el Jow Forums for a long time but never actually posted until last month since I have 0 people to talk to now. same for twitch

true for vidya, my family was poorfag though so we didn't upgrade to ps3 until I was 14
and by then everyone was on PC and I couldn't bother switching

well, yeah, that's when the economy crashed.

Has a lot to do which technology desu, as a 2000 kiddo I experienced the transition from 'dumb' phones to smartphones for example but it didn't really hit me as hard as someone born only a few years earlier.

I do all of these things unfortunately

>97 kid
>no memory of 9/11
>played gamecube and flash sites like newgrounds and armorgames
>had cable at the beginning but lost it after the recession and missed out on icarly and a lot of adult swim anime
>stick to nigahiga on youtube and sonic deviantart (unfortunately)
>didn't have a cell phone until I was 18 in uni

I had Pokemon emerald BTW, but I was only allowed a GameCube since I had 3 siblings and my parents didn't have to be concerned about violence, despite them introducing super smash bros melee as my first game.

I also remember playing online games on websites like Newgrounds and such, I remember one Naruto Newgrounds game where you date the other characters and I turned it off when Sakura sucked that buggy dudes dick, I was like 10 it was really gross.

I remember another one where you were and green alien slime thing and you had to rape some female cat cop in space, it was really weird.

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Also Pico Sim Date 2

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97 here. We are the zoomer kings.

Newgrounds was notorious for being strange. I discovered sex from those zone sama dbz hentai animations. I think it was the on with 18 and cell. My dick became diamonds and I thought I was gonna end up at the hospital. I did everything to try and make it go down too. Good times

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someone born in 1992 this looks like the same shit I grew up with.

>no socom

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My brother was born in 1994 and we're absolutely part of the same generation, despite people saying 1997 is the start of an new generation. I can't even relate to post-90s zoomers who have no recollection of 2002-2005 kid culture, like my 15 year old sister for example who didn't start kindergarten until fucking 2007.

Not to be "literally me" but this is literally me. Also year of the metal dragon master race.

>1994 doomer here
heres what I can piece back of my childhood/early teens. It all seems like a blur now.
>playing pokemon Red on my GBC
>trading pokemon cards and dueling friends on the porch
>waking up super ealry in the morning to watch DBZ
>playing with legos, bionicles and Dragons mega blocks
>being in class and hearing about 9/11 through the intercome. Im Canadian so we had to pretend we cared and understood what was going on.
>AOL broadband connection
>playing Warcraft III and Unreal Tournament 2004 or something in LAN in the computer lab
>discovering porn through lactating videos on dailymotion and googling boobs, striptease and vagina
>diving deeper into porn through redtube
>spending entire weekends watching Fox kids and shit

doomers and bloomers are not defined by age

hahaha oh man, these fucking msn chatroom.
>asking girls to be my girlfriends on msn
>act like nothing happened the next day IRL
>dont even talk to them before and after

I was born in 1998. Up until this last year I thought I was the last of the millennials, but apparently that has changed. That being said, I can't really relate to anything in that picture.

If you had fun doing other things I don't guess you missed out.

>There is no precise date for when Generation Z begins, but demographers and researchers typically use the mid-1990s to mid-2000s as a starting birth years. There is little consensus regarding ending birth years.

.>I was born in 1998. Up until this last year I thought I was the last of the millennials
If you graduated with late 1997 babies then yes, If you graduated with early 1999 babies then you're the first of the zoomers. People born in 1997-99 aka the late 90s are not one homogenous group despite what others may say

I feel this for the most part.

I graduated with 1999 babies because I was held back a grade.

I was born in 96' and i can really feel this for sure man

>mfw 97 from a commieblock country
basically a millennial age here

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>born in 1997
>feel like everyone born in 1998 and later is a kid

Born in 97, good thread user, brings back some feels

fucking morons

pic related

Runescape was on Miniclip and you played commando goodshit

Fuck this type of meme has really gone downhill.

They're supposed to be funny, dumbfuck. Not OMG SO TRU

As for as I am concerned, if you are too young to remember 9/11, you are Gen Z. If you remember 9/11, you're whatever the hell arbitrary distinction came before

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fucking bums

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If you don't realise that 2002-2004 were fucking exactly the same as 2001 with shitty dial up internet, nu metal and Golden Age Cartoon Network then you must be too young to remember what life was like back then.