Why am I so autist when it comes to women?

Why am I so autist when it comes to women?
>be me
>get along with girl I like
>we just play vidya together
>we play with one of my close friends who is a guy
>my crush starts to get along with my friend
>instantly get autistic about it and mute my mic for most the time
Why the fuck am I like this?

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If you had a real relationship it'd be as doomed as that friendship.

want a real answer?

How's your relationship with your mother?

Youre probably right user but I love talking to her everyday and we are really close friends

Shitty and really bad

How is it shitty?
How long has it been this way?
Was childhood good at least?
Change in relationship at what age ?

Childhood was great. When I got to my teenage years my step dad would abuse me and she would ignore it. I also got beat my uncle and she did not care. It hurt a lot and now Im a depressed user like most the guys here. Its not so bad in recent years but those teenage years left an impact on me

Much like girls with daddy issues fucks up girls. Mommy issues fuck up guys too.

Girls become whores and Guys become what you have become.

You shut down the moment you think a girl has "betrayed" you in some manner.

You cultivated a friendship with your vidyagirl and you see her budding friendship with your bro as a threat. But because of your mommy issues rather than trying to beat him at the game. You quit. She chose him. Just like mommy choosing your step dad and uncle.

Fix your mom issues then you will be better with girls.

How? Originally a original post

bump, if you have that knowledge share.
I cant be the only one.
I dislike my mother for being the lazy entitled bitch that she is, who gave up on her children and doersn't care about responsibilities.
Want to get out of the house but have to tough it out for at least a few months

was on my way to being a psychologist before dropping out to start an unrelated business.

So you want to leave your house but can't? Is your mother apart of your household still?

And define lazy entitled bitch? She divorce your dad ?

Never had a female friendship but I know the feeling you describe
>half sperg friend and I playing Arma
>his friend girl calls him and he talks to her while I sit and listen to them over the mic
>Eventually her voice makes me lose interest in the game, alt f4 everything

This is OP and I mean how do I break this autistic wall I made for myself? I want to be able to have a healthy relationship

Like i said OP. Your mother is the key to this. As long as you answer the question of "Hows your relationship with your mother" with "Shitty" its never going to work with women.

You need some form of closure be that reconciliation or removal of her from your life.

Ok user Im going to take your advice. And you should go back into psychology. You are great at this

be me at age 10
mother left my home country took my siblings and I with her to Canadia
be too young to understand/care/do anything about it
ALL of family back in fatherland
mother run away from father with shitty reason of "he wasn't good"
father was workaholic cared for children, wanted a good future
in New Canadia mother obtained shitty jobs, became single mother of 3 in shitty basement apartment
years pass, she's still at the same low paying, shitty job, now hoarder, has not improved livelihood, I now have to take care of the house since she's getting old
been out of the house 3 times but still coming back because nature doesn't let me forget mother

I am not getting entitled from what you are saying. i can see how you might say that because she left your hard working father because he wasnt good enough for her.

If she was a lazy entitled bitch she would have stayed and bled your father dry.

But from what you are saying it seems simple. You cant leave because you see yourself as the provider of the family. Your mothers lack of capability has caused you to develop this fear of leaving her.

Are you the oldest?

Yes, I am oldest. Your deduction is well grounded.
Why I say she's lazy is because she doesn't take care of the household, does nothing in terms of growth, no ambitions, no savings, no evidence of care for anyone but herself.
Entitled is subjective, I agree, but when I bring up the topics I described above she brushes them aside and doeesn't acknowledge them or changes the subject.
I try to improve the situation but I'm torn between not caring and needing to improve the situation.
It's illogical and any retard would say: "just move out". Which is a reasonable answer but my stupid emotions/honor wont let me\
Therefore I resent her for not working on the family, herself, leaving a GOOD place financially, and not taking the responsibility for it

Fair point about the laziness.

Her brushing those topics off maybe from guilt or true narcissism. Hard to tell from our very brief exchange.

"Just move out" is what people not dealing with this situation would say. We are not robots.

Are your younger siblings in the household still?

No, 2 younger sisters left as soon as they started college.
I did too previously but like I said, I came back 2 times.
Was overseas and in other cities for work but these shitty emotions and her lack of contentiousness unfortunately make me come back

With them gone I bet that only increases your feeling of duty to provide for your mother.

This isn't as easy as the OPs situation because for you leaving your mother is obviously out of the question. If you were capable of leaving you would have.

You have my sympathies. Being a caring person can be taxing and lead to being used.

My advice is you need to truly confront your mother about her behavior and disregard for her own personal care. No letting her out of it. Reassure her you will be there for her but you need to have your own life and she needs to respect that as a mother and help you do so.

As for the hoarding thing. Thats definitely out of my league in terms of what to do. I would try to find a specialist for this.

Yea, thanks for the tips bro but its nothing I havn't heard/thought of before.
I'll just wait it out until she dies.
Try to dehumanize myself as much as possible until then