Do you wish you were a woman?

Do you wish you were a woman?

Be honest.

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No, but I want a daughter. Sjsjsjs

yes but only if i am more cute than i am now which isn't that cute

A cute woman, sure.

No. I'm glad I do not have to be a whore and be hounded by men 24/7. I have a fully functioning brain and can make something of myself instead of living life on easy mode.

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Why would I want to be a weaker and dumber gender? Sure, women lead easier lives, but with that sort of logic you may as well wish to be an animal. Home cats lead very easy lives too.

Why would you lie on the internet, user? Who does that?

Not at all. I love myself and I'm a handsome motherfucker. I wouldn't change a damned thing I hope everyone reading this can find their way to feeling the same.

What am I lying about again?

No I want to be chad

yes but only so i could live out my lesbian fantasies. And, yea not female version of ugly me, i get to custom my female character

yep. much easier life and all you have to do is deal with periods and sucking a dick once in a while.

>Do you wish you were a woman?
>Be honest.
Specifically an Asian girl

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yes i really do more than anything else in the world

same; born too soon for magic technology shit to make me female with minimal effort. too lazy to become a full on tranner

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I wish I was a man. My life would be so much better.

>too lazy to become a full on tranner
well it doesnt require much effort actually, it just requires you to be lucky. taking HRT pills take less than a minute total a day.

I wish I had the ability to transform into either sex at will. Transform into a woman, take erotic pictures of myself, transform back to a man and jack off to myself.

I've seen this posted before a few times, and thinking about it yeah women have it easier, but honestly I wouldnt want to be one. Theres just something about being a man that feels more respectable and full-filling, even though in the end none of that shit really matters in the end. Almost all the women I have met in my life look like they are living on auto-pilot without thinking for themselves, and just trying to hold a conversation with them is dreadful. Whats the point of living life on easy mode if your head is void of any useful thoughts or ideas. I would rather be a miserable man than a happy woman who is about as interesting as a brick wall.

But if this is a tranny psy-op post then fuck off.

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yes because having a social life would be easier

lucky with what, user-chan, anyways im not lucky.

the thing that gives me nightmares, i want to be pic related, it would be a nightmare being hassled all day

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Sometimes I wish I was a female. I imagine my sexuality would stay the same (mostly attracted to females, some rare cases with guys). It's a shame transitioning is out of the question.

No, I wished we could control these feral beings instead off them being loose and ruining the social order.

control us how Aneoun

yes because then I'd be pretty and wouldn't want to kms

When I was younger, I did. Now, I'm in my late 20s and getting attention means nothing. Also, I'm increasingly irritated by women.

not really. i dont wanna have a bleeding vagina once a month

Sure I think some shit in life would be easier yeah but why worry about what you can't change right? Please for the love of god don't cut off your dick.


I don't want to suck dick and recieve anal for resources.

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Yes, if I were cute and healthy for the rest of my life.

You can get a nice and comfy job, you know?

>Do you wish you were a woman?
No, I just wish I was okay.

Only if it gave me a better singing voice. I cringe whenever I hear my own singing when I'm playing guitar.

No. I'm sure I've been one before and will be one again, I am perfectly content living as a man.

Yes, but only hot so i can make money off my looks.

I like walking down the street without the sort of attention women get, like a piece of fish being wheeled past some cats.

I'm happy as a man but I still have the idea that if I had been a girl I could woman better than most actual woman can. Women these days are terrible at being women.

Agreed having a daughter must be great

I wish I had the privileges that women have.

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*Search Google for image*
*Bianca Christie on Instagram*
*No porn*


I wish I was a man. Being a woman is boring and your only redeeming quality is the ability to give birth. Whereas when you are a man you are born with innate qualities that no matter how much a woman tries to imitate, she will never possess. That's why while men were building great civilisations all throughout history only thing women were doing was getting fucked and sucked.

more than anything but i wish i could just make these feelings go away instead.

it should he illegal to have tattoos that fucking gay. are all girls are stupid whores who like this shit?

I wish I was a hot woman in this age. Become an instathot, sell a premium snapchat or onlyfans, manage your money intelligently and marry a rich asshole when looks start declininjg.
I don't wish I was a frumpy woman. There's a great disparity in opportunities for hot and ugly women; the ugly ones end up in even deader end jobs than males, or if they want to make a serious career, they have to work twice as hard as any man because everyone will react thinking "stupid and useless" based on their looks only

Yes, but not a fulfilling one. Good luck being on pills and having broken dreams once you're on your 30s.

No, honestly, famalamalam.

Come on boy, life's life, you cannot become what you're not. Take a step back, and accept yourself as you are user. If you cannot do that with your current self, how will you be able to accept what you're not, ergo, a trap ?