Found video on my gf's phone of her sucking her ex-boyfriend's dick

>found video on my gf's phone of her sucking her ex-boyfriend's dick
>instead of getting upset I just masturbated over it

Attached: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg (660x574, 29K)

Yikes. Sort yourself out bucko

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>video of your girlfriend sucking another guys dick and you jack off to it
Id say this is unsalvagable, save for the fact that you can still kill you and her and fix it all

Why does she still have the vid? Smells fishy

>Tfw she might be a feminist

If my ex gf kept a video like that i'd actually be pretty upset... and pretty sure my last one did... maybe I should message her and ask her to delete them

girls like lewd stuff to shlick to also apparently

Was the video from before you were together, user?

worst part was, his dick was like twice the size of mine, I have no self-control
she said she forgot to delete it

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>messaging your ex who is no longer your gf and asking her to delete pictures of her other ex


>his dick was like twice the size of mine
That's either very sad for you, or very impressive. How big are you?

5.5 inches, her ex was some horse dicked 10 inch turkish guy

That's ok my friend
the past is the past and let's talk about it

no, dingus. I was wondering if I should message my ex and ask her to delete the pictures she still probably has of ME/us.

Idk sounds like potential blackmail

yuck. Are you and her white?


Attached: arghhgh.jpg (1440x766, 346K)

very hot. post vid or screencaps at least

She probably just forgot to delete this one since she had just broken up with him not too long ago.
She has probably deleted many other videos in the past. Don't worry about it. I'm sure she's still yours.

Post it for us please. We need to see it to give you advice

I'm white, she is a also a Turk
it's not all it's cracked up to be, if you are below 8/10 girls just use you to fill the Chad void for awhile, pretty sure she will dump me when a better option comes along

sorry lads but I don't have it and wouldn't post it anyway because I am too soft to reveal personal details that way

>>instead of getting upset I just masturbated over it

You're evolving, if you find everything sexually arousing you become invincible