

Post your creations robots.

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Guess I'll bump

New shit I did today:

EP I put out last week:

Working on making more cover art. Not very good at it, but its not something I need to be good at so fuck it I just draw random shit.

Good shit still.

Put out a new track a few days ago
And I've got another side project that I'll link here although I wouldn't exactly call it creative. But hey, someone might enjoy it.

I'm not a fan of hip-hop in any shape but your stuff seems to be pretty good. Certainly sounds more interesting than the hip-hop I've been exposed to so far

Thanks for bumping gys'''origmai

im not very creative, but i've been doing some "cover arts", even if it's meshing some pictures together and adding some effects.

(the pictures might not be aligned, i really suck at this, but i keep trying)

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Thanks. I seem to get that a lot around here. Its a genre that gets a lot of hate, and I'm not a fan of a lot of the mainstream stuff myself, but I find its a great extension to other music genres and can hold some of the most complex stuff. Especially when it pulls from other genres.

Looks kinda neat. How does your creative process work? Do you imagine the kind of album the cover would be used for and then go from there or how does it work?

yeah, i imagine for what type of music it'd be used and then i work out from there. sometimes I listen to a song and then I'll find some pictures or use the ones I have.

i'd use them myself, but im too lazy and unexperienced to make music. i've tried my hand with ableton, but i couldn't make proper patterns and then it all flopped.

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Try Fl Studio. It's pretty beginner friendly. It's really not all that hard to start out. What would you wanna make?

I've tried FL, didn't really like it for some reason, can't put my finger on it.

i'd like to do something like these:

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Any of you guys like djent

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I haven't really been bothered to record anything of late, I have songs it's just a tedious process. I'm just going to learn some baroque/medieval pieces til I feel like recording some more.

Anyway, here's me fucking around, please excuse my playing for my fingers are damp and soft.

I haven't done anything in a minute, and it's getting on my nerves.

Think I might shoot something quick tomorrow just so I can have something made. It seems like all my videos are basically music videos anyway so why not just do away with the pretense of a story?


Assuming you know how to play the guitar and can sing this shouldn't be all that hard to make. The drum patterns seem relatively simple to me. Though getting it all to sound right with all the effects and so on would be a challenge. Try it again user. I believe in you.

Thank you user, I'll give it a try again, hope it'll be better this time :)

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Not a metalhead but that was breddy gud. At first I thought it would be a bit of a snoozefest since it was 10 minutes long but it stayed pretty engaging throughout. You wanna keep it instrumental or do you plan on adding lyrics?

hello bots
i have a few tracks. second one is a scratch track of some midwest emo sort of thing


these are really damn good

The fretbuzz is a bit of a problem but otherwise it sure conveys the kind of medieval mood you were going for

Thanks man. I just make some stuff in my free time but never really try to promote it or anything like that

you need to promote it! MAKE MONEY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE


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thx! Thought about doing vocals, its been a while since I actually practiced any. Also need to work on my lyrical skills

I honestly feel ok just living a life of solitude. I have a nice life with a good family and a good girlfriend. I'd be ok just being happy with myself and what I've done.

Your stuff is good btw

thx mate, I've been trying to get into glitchy downtempo stuff. This hits the spot. Reminds me of Macross 82-99


>kawaii bass
>hard bass

Youtube Channel:

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I think it can definitely stand on it's own legs without lyrics, but lyrics are still nice to have if you ask me

I really wish you wouldn't keep taking your stuff away but I guess you have your reasons.

I loved that short little jazzy guitar thing you had aaaggeeess ago (over a year I think), I think it was a cover of a song from some game, you had a few other songs too that I liked

Goo Day is very funny and it's smart music.

aw thanks man that really means a lot
i think this is the one you're talking about

I haven't heard this in so long. Saved. Thank you man

Finished another track. Wasn't expecting to do more than No Thanks tonight, but ended up starting and finishing 3 different ones.


Also bumperooni. Going to bed now.

Is that Rockhampton Queensland?


Man, you are on a roll today. Haven't had that extreme drive to make music lately. When I've had enough free time and energy I recorded some more short storie. Don't know why but it's weirdly fun to voice the stories

The ear rape is a bit much if you ask me. But I suspect that was the intention. Otherwise it's pretty cool. Glitchy, kinda broken sounding electronic music is always neat

Thanks man. I think it was just the pent up energy from not being able to do any creative shit this week.

I totally get the stories man. Basically all of my creative shit starts with wanting to tell a story. Used to read books to my sister and my niece and just being able to get involved as the characters and embellish myself was always great.

>Used to read books to my sister and my niece and just being able to get involved as the characters and embellish myself was always great.
that sounds nice. love the new stuff ken~

thank you user
I like the noise as a way of venting frustration, even if that sounds a little gay to say

Nah, I totally get it. And atleast it's a healthy coping mechanism

Bump in the hope that this will pick up steam again

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bump, don't let this thread die.
very origigig

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Alright, last bump for today. Man this board has been slow as shit lately


Put up a new vid last week.

I spoke is dope lad, feels real. Really enjoying your stuff!

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Hi, pixelfag here

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Oh hey dude. Glad to see you're still making cool and weird stuff. We once talked about possibly working together on something. I'm

I'm a social retard who can't find people to jam with so I have to do all the instruments and singing myself so it ends up sounding like shit cause I can't play rhythm, lead, and bass all at the same time and my voice is bad and I'm not good at production so I have to rely on timing to fit it all together instead of it sounding more natural by jamming in a group.
Goddamn, I just want some people IRL to jam with. Then I can actually branch out a bit.

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Yeah, sounds like a bit of a mess. But your voice has some potential if you ask me

Your tracks are really good, dude and i love how you use spurdo on all your covers. Checked out the youtube channel and i'm not really into the whole ASMR thing, don't know if you were going for that, but some people would like it. Good shit, man

overdubbing would be easy if you just used a metronome instead of spastically jacking off some random rhythms. I could not relate to any of the musicians i've met IRL, so I have no desire to "jam". maybe it's because i'm a bad person but who cares.

Yeah the gondola thing was kind of a fortunate accident. I just needed some pictures and found that I had quite a few gondolas that fit the mood of my tracks. And the ASMR thing wasn't exactly intentional either. Just cranked up the gain and forgot to turn it down. Don't know if I'll stick to it or not. It's more about reading some nice stories and acting a little bit for me

this is the last musics i have done:
i wasn't going to post here but i liked a few of the things other people did. even if it is a meaningless validation circlejerk, that's fine with me.

Unfortunately, that was me using a metronome. The lead guitar felt off admittedly, but I thought the bass and rhythm were in sync.

Well, it isn't that easy to give advice. Wouldn't call the validation meaningless though. Probably encourages some people. Not really into your music by the way. The chip tune+dissonance thing doesn't really appeal to me.

im also a pixelfag :D

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Fuck, right that's gondola not spurdo my bad. And I'd say if ur not going for the ASMR thing, just turn the gain down and don't talk so close to the mic. It's a good idea, though seriously. I've actually thought about recording my own music for a while, i write pretty good lyrics, but my vocals probably suck and i'd need someone to make beats for me. Anyways, i guess that's just a distant dream for me. Really like your tracks dude keep at it

Hey lad!
Glad you are still uploading music, Shell is really ominous and weird, I like it. Good sound. Also your story readings are a good mix of comfy and spooky. Like the other user said, the ASMR vibe is there- they could make good bedtime stories for robots.
I'm still up for a collaboration of some sort if you fancy it :)


here's the end bit of something I'm working on, having a hard time pinning down the beginning portion though, and I think I might attempt vocals so there's still a lot of work to be done. mix is also way too busy/cluttered atm but that'll come once I finalize the arrangement.

my fav shit in this thread, do you do the music as well?

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Thanks lad, means a lot :) Didn't make the music myself this time, bought it off fiverr.
Very cool track btw, good energy. What are your musical influences?

either way, the track fits the video real well, I'm also a fan of the vibe in your other videos, the graphics for corrupted remind me a lot of alone in the dark for MS-DOS while the video you posted feels a lot like those minds eye VHS tapes.
are you familiar with osamu sato's game LSD dream emulator? it's one of the more common "obscure PS1 games." I think the visuals in that would be of interest to you, also flower sun and rain for the DS.

as for my influences mostly video game music I guess. masafumi takada's work at grasshopper manufacture is my biggest one though it only comes through on some of my stuff, for the thing I posted I was influenced pretty heavily by akira yamaoka's more electronic stuff, the opening for metroid prime, and meteora by linkin park. I don't care what anyone says that album still fucks.

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Thanks for the offer, but I'm afraid I'm a little busy with life right now. Maybe some other time. If you ever wanna use some of the music I already made you can do that though.
Eh, guess I'll see if I wanna keep doing it like that or not. No idea really. And you should get into making music. It's pretty fun. And starting out isn't all that hard either

Anything computery and 90s has an influence on my stuff, in fact I have a few Mind's Eye tapes on my shelf :) Similar to that is the X-Mix videos, the later tapes in the series have some really wacky animation. I've heard of LSD Dream emulator, I'd really like to make something visually similar to that. Just looking at Flower Sun and Rain now, I love the polygonal style.

Now that you mention video games, your song also reminds me of the Wipeout series. I will listen to the artists you mentioned too. Do you have a soundcloud or somewhere you share your music?

That's cool man, good to hear from you though. To use some of your music would be awesome, but I will drop you a message too just to get proper permission :)

finally decided to finish an album, i've been writing for months

these are really cute, you guys ever do any work for video games??

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I'll have to see if I can find the X-Mix stuff on YouTube, sometimes I like to leave those videos muted in the background while I work on stuff, they always have such a nice ambience to them and they're long enough to where I can turn one on and forget about it for a bit.
Good ear, I'm a huge Wipeout fan heh. Also check out the stuff Mijk van Dijk has done for games if you're into that style, he worked on Armored Core and some other stuff. His non-game music is incredible too.
Also yeah, my soundcloud is soundcloud.com/qpids_wings. I don't post as often as I should, though.

Rough demo of a song I wrote this weekend

Thanks for the recommendation, your soundcloud stuff is great btw. Heart is very chill.


Its pretty cringe I guess, but I love writing crossover fanfics. This one is supposed to the pilot for my new story

Hello user, cute wizard, I like it.
Not really. My computer broke recently and I can't really do much now
Here's something else

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Does anybody here like painting?

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Yis, and yours is beautiful user

m.soundcloud.com/lucy-evens/the-inner-light here's a song I wrote a while ago, hopefully some of you will enjoy it

Thank you. I hope hat it continues to go well.

A sketch I'm currently working on
Agreed, this is great, user

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I have never really tried digital. How easy is it?

I like this one, but I rethink that i will have to stretch it on a smaller frame. Maybe cut an inch or so off the bottom.

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Thanks m8. It's pretty easy to get into, although your first couple of drawings will look like absolute shit. Paintings even more so because you need to be somewhat familiar with the program at first.
Anyway, it will feel a little weird and unnatural at first, but you'll get over it in a few weeks with enough practice.

creatively bumping around

Posting another work for attention.

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