Would you date a girl if she only has a few months to live?

Would you date a girl if she only has a few months to live?

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I mean, I don't know how much longer I'm planning on keeping myself alive, so if she's cool I'd at least chat with her and try and give her some happy memories to go out on.

Only if I'm the reason why.

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Fuck yea.

>don't have to deal with bumping into her again after she dies
I got like 5 exes and I see them once in a while, it's so awkward.

Don't gotta pull out

Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? I would do it.

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if I can fugge her sure

>would I date a cute girl
Hard question OP I'll have to think about it

Would you have sex with her as she was dying if she wanted you to?

i see tons of these "Would you date a girl if" threads and always give a straight up yes , yet im so so so alone..... :

Does that count as necrophilia?

only if she died before you finished

You guys are sick, all she wanted is to be loved, not treated like an object

If it's really a girl, and she's really dying, then she probably just came here to laugh at a bunch of retards being retarded.

No better place for that than here.

>all she wanted is to be loved, not treated like an object
I didn't imply otherwise from my post.

> if it's really a girl
ofc it's a girl, not every female you see here is a trap

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Yes, if she wanted me.
I'd do everything I could to make the time she has left as happy as possible.
I'd make sure she knew she made me happy too.

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Well, there'd be no danger of her leaving and finding someone else, so... yeah why not? She'd be "forever yours."

Though the sadness would be hard to get beyond, let's be real.

Yes, I'd kill myself when she died, so we could be together.

Hell the fuck no. Why would you voluntarily set yourself up to be sad like that?

It'd be worth it if it made her happy for the time she had left.

If she looks like the qt in OP then sure. She'd be perfect for me and I'd tell her so.

>you see this relationship has no future which means I don't have to give it any real effort and the tragic ending gives me a go-to conversation topic there-after as well as something to be depressed about and use to gain sympathy with others

It's not for you.
> ywn go on coffee date with her

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Based, I would honestly fuck her dry every night with no problem.

>thw you will never be able to protect that smile

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pretty sure i have about that long to live as well so why not

A lifetime's worth of love concentrated into a few months.

Fuck off double nigger, who told you Jordan has cancer? Faggot

Unironically yes. I would like anyone in my life who can show me love, compassion, or intelligence (even better if it's a combination of the three).

>Unironically yes. I would like anyone in my life who can show me love, compassion, or intelligence (even better if it's a combination of the three).
Same here. I'd kill myself after she died too, so we could be together in heaven.

Yes, if she's rich and gives me everything! >:^D

speaking from what little experience i have its better to have never loved at all, the weight of all the memories and feelings is just not worth it, would rather remain blissfully ignorant

who the hell is this qt? i keep seeing her be posted here

Read the thread double nigger faggot

why can't l die instead of her?

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fuck you for wasting my time

That's like the only time I would date a girl, or if she planned to kill herself actually and not your basic publicity stunt.
Women suicide is so hot

I would. Every moment together would mean the world to me.