Explain why women can't be lonely without revealing your asshurt over them not wanting your incel ass

Explain why women can't be lonely without revealing your asshurt over them not wanting your incel ass.

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Only the truly ugly women can be lonely.
t. ugly fembot

what about us who just dont want company because we are antisocial introverts?

Because guys throw themselves at any girl above a 2/10
If you dont want company then you are not lonely.

because hordes of them men chase them 24/7

Reminder that incels and orbiters are 100% responsible for women's entitlement. THey're desperate faggots that are willing to do ANYTHING for women and then fucking wonder why women live on easy mode. They should all be killed.

Anyone can be lonely. Looks and notoriety aside, mostly everything that's "stopping" you from being happy is in your head.

>Men are more interesting than women
>If you're a woman, making a male friend is very easy, you can be an empty husk of a human being and still, it will be easy to find men willing to be your friend
>They may not be romantic partners, but they will still orbit you if you want
>Eventually you'll find a guy that you want to be romantic with
>he will be a 10/10 chad in every way and thus too good for you
>he will never consider you as more than a friend because you aren't a 10/10 stacy
>you will still feel entitled to chad
>you will get mad when your friend chad has a miss texas state pagent winner gf, because your retard brain thought you were dating him
>you will go to r9k and complain about how lonely you are and how you will never get a bf

I don't want anything to do with the female race at this point, they've all been used anyway.

Women can be lonely, but experience in a different way from your average male on r9k. Spend enough time on this board and it's almost tendy to be forever alone. Women on this board have deluded themselves into thinking they're just like the sad, lonely men on this board; all just to fit in. How pathetic is that?

because you probably open up to incels for attention but you want the attention just not them and it might make you feel bad if you're capable of emotional understanding but being you're an autist probably not

>implying women feel emotions at all

Women can be lonely the same way an obese kid can be hungry because he didn't get his 3rd BigMac of the day.

I'll bite, and also I want to make it clear that I don't hate women. I distrust jews and *some* black people, and I'm cautious around people with large noses. But women are human, and at the same time very similar yet very different from us.

Because there are so many desperate guys out there that unless you're physically deformed and completely repulsive, somebody will find you attractive. It doesn't even matter if you're fat or anorexic or if you cut yourself or are a criminal.
It might be hard to find female companions and make good friendships with females, but it is absolutely impossible to not have a few beta orbiters around if you just try a bit.

Compare that to men who, unless 9/10 or higher, have to really work towards getting a girl. We improve constantly to improve our male friendships and to improve ourselves, but there will never be a time when a woman comes up to us and tells us we're cute. I'm a solid 7/10 and I've so far in life only gotten two girls compliment me (one when I was like 12 and one when I was 17 and didn't even realize it, fellsbadman for the second one because she was a 9/10 hottie). My personal problem is finding somebody who 1) doesn't mind my autismo and 2) is intelligent enough to converse about more than makeup and shopping.
In any case though you're asking a bunch of isolated people who can't function normally in society about topics they know nothing about. Ask us about the specifications of a T-55A Soviet MBT and we'll gladly debate, or ask about our perception of Nietzsche or the Bible. But realistically most people on here have no idea about life, myself included.

>I'm a solid 7/10 and I've so far in life only gotten two girls compliment me
You aren't a solid 7 then

There's no correlation between physical attraction and level of autism.
It just so happens that my "good" look is countered by my massive amounts of being an idiot. A girl might settle for a handsome weirdo, or a 7/10 normal guy, but nobody in their right mind would take the worst two out of the four (10/10 vs 7/10 and sperg vs normalfag) aspects, combine them, and think "Yeah this is my dream guy".

>female is lonely
>male offers companionship
>female rejects male
>female laughs at male for being an incel
>male points out she is voluntarily lonely
>female gets upset

Attached: 800px-Donald_Trump_official_portrait[1]2.jpg (2640x2384, 642K)

>filename 800px-Donald_Trump_offici(...).jpg
>resolution 2640x2384
You retard upscaled a 800px photo to 2640 what the fuck.

Also checked and redpilled.

My boyfriend is autistic (actually diagnosed), a 4/10 most of his life and a 7/10 now, and he got girlfriends since he was 13 and gets girls to compliment him all the time. Even now he has a ton of girls complimenting him, which makes me want to kill them with fire.

>It just so happens that my "good" look is countered by my massive amounts of being an idiot
No, not really. If you are attractive, you can virtually get away with anything and still get laid.

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>My boyfr-
Go to /lgbt/ you faggot.
That's why I wrote """good""". What I'm trying to say is I don't look good enough for my looks to offset my weirdness.

You're probably a 5/10.

god stop going on about incels I'm sick of this shit

Because they get constant attention. That's the only real explanation, however it doesn't cover a subtle element of that: some girls don't want all that attention. I know a lot of girls who are rather lonely because there are only a few people they trust, and as a result spend a lot of alone time to think and study and relax. The truth is that girls simply can't feel comfortable around certain people, whether they're guys or girls, because guys can be overly flirtatious or hopeful and girls can be catty and gossip.

I'm fine with not being wanted, but that's because I'm not an incel. The thing is, my identity doesn't revolve around relationships like it does for a lot of people. I have a few friends I feel I really trust but I'm not worried if I'm unwanted, at least for right now. Just gotta work on me.

You can really tell a tryhard 17 year old wrote this.

Oh? What tipped you off, specifically?

why do both girls and guys here complain that they are lonely but only guys try to get in touch with you?

Not the guy you're replying to, but you can tell that someone in their 20s that's insecure about the fact they haven't achieved anything or matured past 17 wrote this.

Imagine being this pissed off for getting called out

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nah I'm just sick of people in their 20s feeling really proud of themselves because they grew a couple of brain cells since they turned 18

You sound underaged. Isn't too late for you to be this up, champ?

Imagine calling out
>muh samefags when you have two people disagreeing with you. That's certainly some form of insecurity.

>Get matches in Bumble
>girls says "hi"
>I write back
>one day later they erase their accounts

Not good for the ego, let me tell you.

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>Imagine calling out
>no u: the post

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But no like it's actually you though. That's what we call projection, budderino. Imagine a life lived "calling people out" on the internet who had no intention of quarreling with you. Imagine that. Or rather, I don't think you have to.

I can really tell your level of reasoning has gone out the window judging by how triggered you are... or maybe you were always this stupid. Who knows..

Farewell. I really hope you feel better about life at some point.

Until next time, space cowboy

I'm more upset that I can only date normie girls I'm not genuinely interested in and have to constantly pretend I'm something I am not. I just wish I could be with some one who truly loves and accepts me for who I enjoy being around. I want to find some one and be with some one who I feel like we're meant to be together.

It's so crushingly lonely. It's like dying of thirst and being stuck in an ocean.

>inb4 you need to let the relationship develop over time
I've put years in and while they were happy I was not and it hadn't changed. I've been around people that I thought were special and wanted to be with but obviously it didn't work out.

>inb4 my standards are too high
I could date a 8/10 stacy normie easily, in fact that's infinitely easier to date than the type of girl I'm into.


Under rated post. We need to start shitting on men who are thirsty and chase after women. If you see a guy make a move on a girl anywhere call out how his pursuits are pathetic. Make him feel terrible. Especially indians.

>I just wish I could be with some one who truly loves and accepts me for who I enjoy being around. I want to find some one and be with some one who I feel like we're meant to be together.

Man I feel you on this. I hate putting a mask on around other people all because they want me to be "normal." I've tried so hard to be the boring kind of person a lot of girls want me to be and it's painful feeling alienated from someone who is supposedly having fun with me. It's like I leave my body and watch myself sit there saying things I'd normally never say just to make conversation smooth.

The loneliness really hurts. I feel like I'll never find that girl who'll let me be me. I don't know where to look.

Lonely femcels do exist. They're just less common than malecels.

>Explain why women can't be lonely
>without revealing your asshurt
well someone can't read.